Jessica Garioch bowls 300.

Cant begin to tell you how proud i am of you and your achievements. It seriously could not have happened to a more deserving person than your beautiful self. Cant wait to see you and congratulate you in person on your fantastic acheivement.
Well done kiddo.
Dan x
thanks everyone!!!!

i am still over the moon from my efforts at mount gravatt!!

just to make my 300 sound better....
every single shot was.....POCKET!!!!!!

so happy!!

thanks again xx
Heya Jess,

What an achievement!!!, to watch you shoot that 300 and then be on the lanes beside you when you won masters was such a terrific sight.

Keep up the excellent bowling and i hope to see you again at jnr sydney cup.
wow thats a huge achievement girl im heaps happy for you

now you can keep up with ya sis !!!!
gud effort

brady pirie
Well done Jess on not losing sight of the real prize. That is such a great effort to be able to back up such a big game with a win in the final. You have a great future in this sport; we all had better keep a closer eye on you. The conditions may have been high scoring but you still have to put the ball IN THE RIGHT SPOT!!! go girl:smiley.php:
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