Thanks SOOOOOOO much to everyone! I'm still smiling!
Its such a surreal feeling but I FINALLY MADE IT!!
The ball I used was a COLUMBIA 300 ACTION and it was at Keon Park.
Hard work? Whats hard work?? What ever it is, it's obviously some good stuff.
I just want to say a huge thankyou to Mum and Dad, Jess and Shelb. All the opportunities that they helped me grasp, all the knowledge and help they passed onto me, all the encouragement and all the threats of "if you keep that attitude up you can take ur shoes off" really inspired me to keep going and ultimately guided me to where I am today.
Thanks to my coaches Wayne Parlby and Patrick Birtig. You have both helped me in so many ways that it would be boring to read if I listed them all.
I know that there are more achievements than a 300 in bowling now days and a 300 may not be as significant as it used to be but to have been working hard for almost 14 years, the sacrifices I've made for our sport, the highlights and the not so high ones, its a nice reward, a VERY nice reward indeed.
Well that, I believe, is enough from me. Thanks again to everyone for their congratualtions and encouragement, it means alot and is really appreciated.
Bring on Emerson shield (yes Nigel will be there) !!!
Luv Alicia