Invitational Singles Leaque $ 4500 Prize Money

Hey Bastie,

Maybe we should look at making up a flyer & sending around to the other centres.

Not everyone looks at Total Bowling & I'm sure that we could get the numbers if we had a flyer out to let people know about the league.

What do you think?

Hi Everybody,
Here is a updated list of bowlers for the leaque.
1 Paul Bast
2 Cheryl Bast
3 Paul Trotter
4 Jenny Buckle
5 Brett George
6 Alan Notman
7 Chris Makenzie
8 Andrew Tonkin
9 Brett Hughes
10 Tanya Steele ?
11 Lance Dyer
12 Mary & Barry Dodds
13 Anonymous by Request , E is Bowling
14 Terry Silva
15 Rachel Capp
16 Nick Hijniakoff
17 Jason Camilleri
18 Matthew Lambrick

Hi Jen not a bad idea I dont know what the other centre managers would think about pushing for leaque bowlers to bowl in another centre.
hey Bastie, you know bowlers from other centers.. maybe you should have a chat to some of them or even get a flyer out in the center..(dandenong)

just a thought.

I thought about that once I posted it that Centre Managers might not like it.

But even if we do it at Dandenong like Al has suggested, at least the people who dont read the Internet can see it down on paper.

Then people can do a word of mouth to other people & then I think we will get the numbers.

Catch ya tonight,
Hi Everybody,
Here is a updated list of bowlers for the leaque, we have only three spots left, we picked up three more bowlers down at Dandenong tonight. Possible start date could be 12 January 2005, if anybody has any other suggested dates please let us know. Also those of you bowling can you please send me a private message with a contact number so i can let you all know when we have a formation meeting. Talk soon Paul.
1 Paul Bast
2 Cheryl Bast
3 Paul Trotter
4 Jenny Buckle
5 Brett George
6 Alan Notman
7 Chris Makenzie
8 Andrew Tonkin
9 Brett Hughes
10 Tanya Steele ?
11 Lance Dyer
12 Mary & Barry Dodds
13 Anonymous by Request , E is Bowling
14 Terry Silva
15 Rachel Capp
16 Nick Hijniakoff
17 Jason Camilleri
18 Matthew Lambrick
19 Shariff Dasuki
20 Barry Cluley
21 Danny Hawkins
Hi Guys
We are back to 20 Bowlers as Crazzed had to unfortunately pull out of the leaque. I would like to thank Brett for his input and hopefully down the track might be able to bowl if the leaque continues to grow, Here is a updated list of bowlers dont forget we will start with 20 bowlers.
1 Paul Bast
2 Cheryl Bast
3 Paul Trotter
4 Jenny Buckle
5 Alan Notman
6 Chris Makenzie
7 Andrew Tonkin
8 Brett Hughes
9 Tanya Steele
10 Lance Dyer
11 Mary & Barry Dodds
12 Anonymous by Request , E is Bowling
13 Terry Silva
14 Rachel Capp
15 Nick Hijniakoff
16 Jason Camilleri
17 Matthew Lambrick
18 Shariff Dasuki
19 Barry Cluley
20 Danny Hawkins
i would like to take part but my average wouldn't be good enough, Sounds like you need to be a really good bowler to join this singles league hey?

Well if any one know if there is a singles league either keon Park, Northcote, box hill somewhere i can easily get to please let me know i may be interested then.

Hi Guys back up to 21 Bowlers here is a updated list.

1 Paul Bast
2 Cheryl Bast
3 Paul Trotter
4 Jenny Buckle
5 Alan Notman
6 Chris Makenzie
7 Andrew Tonkin
8 Brett Hughes
9 Tanya Steele
10 Lance Dyer
11 Mary & Barry Dodds
12 Anonymous by Request , E is Bowling
13 Terry Silva
14 Rachel Capp
15 Nick Hijniakoff
16 Jason Camilleri
17 Matthew Lambrick
18 Shariff Dasuki
19 Barry Cluley
20 Danny Hawkins
21 Leo Torres

Catcha Bastie
Hi Guys ,
We are up to 22 bowlers, at this stage our formation meeting will be on 12th January 2005 at 7.00 pm and we will commence bowling on the 19th January 2005. Dont forget to write down anything you want to bring up at the meeting Grant Eadie and myself will have the basis of the leaque organised and it will be up to you who are bowling to finalise the way we go with subs, post & prebowls etc. Also if you haven't given me a contact number please do so through my private mail on Total Bowling, I will endeavour to contact each of you before the meeting. Here is a updated list of the Bowlers.

1 Paul Bast
2 Cheryl Bast
3 Paul Trotter
4 Jenny Buckle
5 Alan Notman
6 Chris Makenzie
7 Andrew Tonkin
8 Brett Hughes
9 Tanya Steele
10 Lance Dyer
11 Mary & Barry Dodds
12 Anonymous by Request , E is Bowling
13 Terry Silva
14 Rachel Capp
15 Nick Hijniakoff
16 Jason Camilleri
17 Matthew Lambrick
18 Shariff Dasuki
19 Barry Cluley
20 Danny Hawkins
21 Leo Torres
22 Narelle Baker

Catcha Paul Bast
:lol: :lol: Hi guys we need one more bowler for a full line up so if you know of anybody who wants to bowl you know where to catch me. Here is a updated list of bowlers. :lol: :lol:

1 Paul Bast
2 Cheryl Bast
3 Paul Trotter
4 Jenny Buckle
5 Alan Notman
6 Chris Makenzie
7 Andrew Tonkin
8 Brett Hughes
9 Tanya Steele
10 Lance Dyer
11 Mary & Barry Dodds
12 Anonymous by Request , E is Bowling
13 Terry Silva
14 Rachel Capp
15 Nick Hijniakoff
16 Jason Camilleri
17 Matthew Lambrick
18 Shariff Dasuki
19 Barry Cluley
20 Danny Hawkins
21 Leo Torres
22 Narelle Baker
23 John Francis

If anybody can help me out i need some contact numbers can you send them to my private mail on Totalbowling, please dont post them on this forum. Thanks

Brett Hughes
Tanya Steele
Lance Dyer
Rachel Capp
Matthew Lambrick
Leo Torres

Catcha Paul Bast
hello everyone look forward to bowling with you, all though i have already bowled with most of you :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: should be a good league
Hey Guys good news the league is now full, with a waiting list started. here is the updated bowler list:
1 Paul Bast
2 Cheryl Bast
3 Paul Trotter
4 Jenny Buckle
5 Alan Notman
6 Chris Makenzie
7 Andrew Tonkin
8 Brett Hughes
9 Tanya Steele
10 Lance Dyer
11 Mary & Barry Dodds
12 Anonymous by Request , E is Bowling
13 Terry Silva
14 Rachel Capp
15 Nick Hijniakoff
16 Jason Camilleri
17 Matthew Lambrick
18 Shariff Dasuki
19 Barry Cluley
20 Danny Hawkins
21 Leo Torres
22 Narelle Baker
23 John Francis
24 Michael Pace

Sharif Ali
Claire Doran?

I would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and Happy new year see you on the 12th of Jan..Thanks for your support in getting the league up and running.
Hey there Bastie,
fantastic to see the league is now full
looks like a fair field of quality bowlers
and it should be alot of fun but I was just
a little curious as to who this
anonymous Mr E is..... can you now reveal
the mystery man to us or do we have to wait..... :?: :?:

Dont make me wait coz I hate surprises [-X

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
:x-mas: :x-mas: :x-mas: :x-mas:
Hi Guys

Latest update Chris Mckenzie has pulled out, he is moving interstate in March. Shariff Ali will move into his spot this leaves us with one Reserve, hopfully nobody else pulls out.

Merry Christmas :x-mas: From Paul & Cheryl.
Hi Everybody

Can anybody help me out, I need to contact Leo Torres and Brett Hughes regarding the formation meeting on the 12th Jan 2005. These are the only two Bowlers I haven't spoken to so if you know them or there numbers can you let me know via private message on Total Bowling your help would be appreciated.

Regards Paul Bast. I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi Everybody,

Just a reminder to everybody who is bowling in the Invitational Singles that the formation meeting is on tomorrow wednesday 12th January at Dandenong Bowl 7.00 pm. We are still looking for two more bowlers as we had a couple of bowlers pull out but we will definatley be starting next week with 22 bowlers on the 19th. Hope to see you all there tomorrow.

See ya Bastie
Hi Everybody,

Just a reminder to everybody who is bowling in the Invitational Singles that the formation meeting is on tomorrow wednesday 12th January at Dandenong Bowl 7.00 pm. We are still looking for two more bowlers as we had a couple of bowlers pull out but we will definatley be starting next week with 22 bowlers on the 19th. Hope to see you all there tomorrow.

See ya Bastie
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