Invitational Singles Leaque $ 4500 Prize Money

I dont mind if Mary & Barry bowl as a team as it is hcp based there should be no problems. Besides the more the merrier :D

January start is good for me too. gives me a chance to get my knee going again.
i am with alan and what we says it is all hc and it will be a good time bowling in it i can wait to bowl in it and bowl agains everyone
Providing there is allowance for prebowls as occassionally I have to work on Wednesday evenings (maybe 4 times in the 24 week period) then you can count me in.

Let me know when the formation meeting date is decided. I too do not see a problem with someone waxing with another bowler each week. Handicaps the same for everyone now isn't it. Besides I don't think many of us will have any after the league gets into the swing of things. Should be good fun.
What brett is saying... and i 100% agree for once, is that the leagues at forest hill have no big name bowlers. i mean come on the highest 3 averages in that centre are castle, brett and myself. That has got to say something about the quality of bowlers.... lol.

Forest Hill has some good blokes that bowl, but not good bowlers that are blokes??? or something like that. hehehehe.

BTW who are you?
tonx.... you may find yourself quite mistake about those high averages bowlers at forest hill...

granted there arn't many..... but don't put yourself on such a high pedestal.... [/quote]
pebble, no pedistal here, just stating that there aren't many 200 average bowlers at forest hill compared to for example dandenong. I am not saying i am good at all... If you read the post I am actually saying that it is sad that i am a higher average bowler at that centre. Learn to read the posts before you try to judge me. thankyou
Hi Everybody,
Here is a updated list of bowlers for the leaque.
1 Paul Bast
2 Cheryl Bast
3 Paul Trotter
4 Jenny Buckle
5 Brett George
6 Alan Notman
7 Chris Makenzie
8 Andrew Tonkin
9 Brett Hughes
10 Tanya Steele ?
11 Lance Dyer
12 Mary & Barry Dodds
13 Anonymous by Request , E is Bowling
14 Terry Silva
15 Rachel Capp
16 Nick Hijniakoff

Thanks for all the responses and the intrest to bowl , with only 8 spots left it wont take long to fill. I have been thinking about some Points structures etc . First of all it is a handicap leaque in which we will be able to bowl post & pre Bowls, there has been some enquires about formats etc my opinion is that if you have a Post or Pre bowl you must play that person to make up the match unlike in a phantom leaque where you can bowl and the other person bowls at a different time. Also we might want to look at limiting the amount of Post & Pre bowls to be decided by you guys that are bowling, if you reach the limit then use a sub + or - 5 pins of your average.This is a head to head leaque and a suggested Points are as follows 2 per game, 1 if you bowl over your ave and 3 for the overall win, total points available 15 dont forget its only a suggestion. And if we have a tie for first on points at the end of the season revert to highest pinfall including handicap. Hope this clears up any confusion on the format of the leaque. Keep talking to friends to fill the leaque Catch ya Paul Bast.
Thats a big call Tonx, i don't know what you and Brett are ave cos i don't know what league you are in but i know my ave is higher than castles and i can think of at leaset 4 other 200+ ave in the centre at the moment. If Brett and Yourself want to go bowl at dandy good luck to you. But don't start baging a centre and it's bowlers without knowing what people are ave in the centre first. Also Forest Hill has only been open 4 years certanly not long enough to develop or attract a higher ave base. If your concerned about the lack of high ave bowlers then why not help build a stronger high ave base rather than dribble alot of crap about a centre and leave.
You are so right.... Oh i am so sorry i have upset you.. i deeply apologise...

i shouldn't bag a centre where i can average over 200 in :p :p :p :p
Dear Jedi_Bowler

get off this forum if you have nothing to say about this actual post. Thokash did not bag Forest Hill in his post all he did was compare the two leagues based on the calibre of bowlers in each. Besides what exactly was the point of your first post can no other centre run a singles league just because Forest Hill for you plenty of centres fact years ago Dandenong actually ran a huge singles league so sorry Forest Hill didn't come up with the idea can we please stick to the subject if you have a question about the league or you wish to join then please do so, if not post somewhere else and have the balls to put your name to the post if you wish to criticise people.
Thanks Cheryl Bast
Your Right Coconut, Im sorry i shouldn't be posting this in this forum, and i will stop. :?
But the conversation between tonx and myself doesn't concern you.

Discussions in a public forum concern everyone watching. Don't ask me why its just fact - (Everyone wants to know whats going on I suppose)

if its no one elses concern their is a private messaging service available in Total Bowling and therefore provides you with the a service that what you say is no one elses concern.

Afterall why say something if you don't want everyone to see or hear it?
hey there hawka, the 15 point system sounds fine to me.

with the sub bowlers will they be floaters or will each team have subs on their own list? with the 5 pins +/- will that be from current ave at the time the sub bowls or from your entering ave? I guess from my point of view its going to be hard to get a sub considering i live so far away and they would have to be within 5 pins of my ave. this raises another question lets say i cant get there one night and dont have a sub can my blind win points?
A suggestion may be to have the roving subs as it looks as though this league is going to be popular. For most guys in this league it looks as though the majority are scratch bowlers' that might not even have handicap anyways. Is there any reason why a 200 average bowler can't be subbing with a 210 or a 190 average roving substitute? I mean the handicapping system as well as the point system is quite fair from all bowlers point of views.

Andrew Tonkin

PS. jedi, learn some respect! do not post remarks like that. Cheryl IS COOL!!! The reason bowling numbers are declining are because of people like you. pm me if you want to have a go please.
Hi guys I have just finished reading your posts and i can see where you are coming from Brett maybe hold onto those idea's then when we have our formation meeting we can come up with a solution that will suit all of us. Dont forget I'm only throwing idea's around ultimatley it all of you guys & girls who put the rules in place. See Ya Bastie
Hey Bastie,

Got another bowler for you. My younger brother would like to bowl.
His name is Jason Camilleri. Could you please add him to the list.

Jenny Buckle
Hi Everybody,
Here is a updated list of bowlers for the leaque.
1 Paul Bast
2 Cheryl Bast
3 Paul Trotter
4 Jenny Buckle
5 Brett George
6 Alan Notman
7 Chris Makenzie
8 Andrew Tonkin
9 Brett Hughes
10 Tanya Steele ?
11 Lance Dyer
12 Mary & Barry Dodds
13 Anonymous by Request , E is Bowling
14 Terry Silva
15 Rachel Capp
16 Nick Hijniakoff
17 Jason Camilleri
Hi Brett

I'd like to think we can get the 24 but i would have to talk to Grant if we dont get the numbers, we have 17 at this stage so i would think at least 20 as a minimum and then we would have to look at the prize fund structure and that would be up to the bowlers in the leaque.

Catch Ya Paul.
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