Invitational Singles Leaque $ 4500 Prize Money


AMF Dandenong Bowl are looking for 24 bowlers to start a new Singles Leaque. Proposed prize money is 1st $1000.00 2nd $750.00 3rd $500.00 and remainder of prize money to be distributed throughout the remaining placings. Format is based on 24 bowlers $25.00 per week 4 game series 24 week season and Handicap 80 % of 210, Maximum H/cap of 45. To be bowled on Wednesday Nights at 6.30 pm if you are interested you can post your name here on Total bowling or ring Dandenong Bowl 9794 8133. Also not finalised yet but there is a proposal that the first 24 names to register go into a draw for $100.00 off the price of a ball of your choice. If more than 24 bowlers register and it is a even amount the leaque will be extended.

Have you got an idea on the proposed start date for this league?
A possiblilty that both Tanya & myself may be interested, if subs are allowed.
i would be interested in the dates aswell. Although i might have to do a test drive to see if i can make it from work in time. Also once there is some names on the list can you post the line up.
i am interested but would be better if it started at 7.00pm. is there any reason why it can't?
Hey Guys

I just spoke to Grant and 7.00pm start is fine. Bastie will reply to all your other questions but most of it depends on how soon we get the numbers and
what the bowlers decide as far as subs etc.. go

see you soon Cheryl
Hi Guys

Further to the last post we only have 12 lanes at this stage so the league will have to be limited to the first 24 bowlers to put their names down. Start time will definitely be changed to 7.00pm to accomodate people coming from work. Also if the members are in agreeance subs will be allowed but averages must be within 5 pins +/- .
Here is a list of bowlers who have already shown an interest;
Paul Bast
Cheryl Bast
Paul Trotter
Jenny Buckle
Alan Notman
Tanya Steele?
Lance Dyer?
Brett George

If all those bowlers can confirm via another post and anyone else whose interested please post also. Start date will be as soon as we have 24 bowlers.

Regards Paul Bast.
ok with a 7pm start put me down as a yes.
i may not be back bowling till mid december though as i had an operation on my knee. you have 8 people listed already so if numbers keep filling this fast will it start before xmas?
Hey Bastie,

Count me in, should be a great competition.
Would post or pre bowls be allowed? Just that I will be away from the 17th of Jan to the 28th of Jan. Not sure when you plan to start thats all.

i am very interested so put me down, just need details as to when the first constitutional meeting will be.

Andrew Tonkin
Hey there Bastie,

Baz and I would be a definite yes if we can bowl as one team Barry and I both bowl in two other leagues and I work one wednesday every fortnight but I would dearly love to be a part of this league, any suggestions?

The difference is Forest Hill's league sucks :p

I can't pass up a league with the names of the guys listed above, so I am definately interested. We looking at around 20-25 for the league?

Cheers guys,
Brett Hughes

Count me in.

Tanya, is still a maybe, just a problem with work timetables. She also works late as part of her roster.

If more info can come to hand, about subs, or multiple members in a team (as per Mary's post). Something like the bolwers world set up with 2 bowlers forming the 1 team. If you need more info ask Trotts as he knows all about the method in that league.


Hi guys spoke with Grant Edie manager of Dandenong tonight , The $100 off a new ball draw is going ahead. Just to answer a few questions yes we will have post & pre bowls and to Brett Hughes it's $25.00 to bowl each week four game series With a 7.00 pm start. At this stage we will be looking to start in January 2005, also I'll throw this question to the bowlers who have put there hand up to bowl. Mary & Barry would like to bowl if you read there post above they can only alternate each week becouse Mary works every second week if you guys okay it they would have there own ave and h/cap of course your feed back would be appreciated. Below is a updated list of bowlers. Thanks Lance i will put you in .
1 Paul Bast
2 Cheryl Bast
3 Paul Trotter
4 Jenny Buckle
5 Brett George
6 Alan Notman
7 Chris Makenzie
8 Andrew Tonkin
9 Brett Hughes
10 Tanya Steele ?
11 Lance Dyer
12 Mary & Barry Dodds
13 Anonymous by request, E is bowling .
14 Terry Silva
morning all, it won't bother me at all.. it's a handicap league and we are all there to have fun and enjoy eachothers company.. i say there's no problem with mary and barry bowling together. look forward to the league getting up and running..
Brett thats a great attitude for someone to have about a centre considering your bowling Jr.Shield for Forest Hill.

Please go to Dandy our centre does not need bowlers like you!
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