Can I just clarify something?
Old 10 team Country Cup, 18 games, 3 days, was it 4 & 3 for Sat/Sun then 4 for Monday?
It is definitely interesting reading all these posts and ideas.
I think a few committe members (as in local associations) need to get pro-active and talk to their bowlers, your members who you represent.
Maybe the VCTBA could call each local association to have a brainstorm session with interested CCup players, past, present and - why not - future.Then each association secretary could pen the groups main two or three ideas (if there are that many) and submit them to a committee in charge of CCup reform.
On a small aside, I am reading the main problem with CCup is the length of time the lanes are operating and the subsequent times people have to play.
So, I am just throwing a short list out there, feel free people to work on this list.
Things about CCup that need to improve:
1. The format is too long unless the host centre is capable of playing both male and female side by side.
2. Not all centres are capable of laying patterns that would hold up longer than the current lineage situation (and to be honest, it is some people's opinion that not all are now - don't shoot me, just saying it out loud).
3. Not my words, but I have heard someone say there are too many teams. Anyone agree with this?
What I am getting at here is we need to actually identify the faults we CAN fix, there needs to be a consensus on the priority of what is wrong. As many have said, you'll never please the masses, just do the best you can.
So, in my opinion, if a list is made of what NEEDS to be fixed, then it can be dealt with logically and with relevance. If everyone has their own agendas and versions of what is wrong, this is going to be a verrrry long thread that will die a natural death because there is no possible solution to please everybody.
On a positive - things that are good about CCup and can't be lost:
1. The friendship and comaraderie that is gained means everyone has to really be in the one centre - no divisions. One great thing about the tournament is it is literally the only time bowlers from Sunraysia and Warrnambool will see the guys from Morwell and Sale. This should not be lost.
2. It is a prestigious event to win because you have taken on all comers from the available Country Centres. You havent just won your division, you won it all!
3. Its tough, its a team endurance event, and its freakin great to be involved in.
As a really unpopular idea, could the ladies and mens event be held in different centres each year. Atleast then time would be reduced. The obvious negatives here are increased cost in travel for some families where husband, wife and even children bowl as well as it reduces the social interaction in the whole event. I'm not a fan of this idea but it is an idea.
It would certainly be an interesting time at the men's division, more free time, wives bowling in another centre! OMG, the carnage.
People, I am for the positives, please do not read this as a bashing exercise, as Craig has sort of said, be positive and you will get everyone's support.
Country Cup, encourage participation, promote sportsmanship, promote Vic Country bowlers and bowling and provide a great social and competitive experience.
Enough from me.
