I would have to agree with Jayde on that subject. I know I am not bowling a major or anything, but you do occasionally have to pick and choose what you want to bowl and attend to and sometimes tournaments do clash and unfortunately our roll offs clash with the Brunswick Cup.
I am sure the Committee has a reason for why they have chosen these dates and maybe we will be told in due course, but until such time as they do we just have to wear the decision handed down.
Yes Sean the tournament isn't until like July next year but for us to get our butts into gear and organise fundraising and stuff we need to start now. The tournament gets more expensive every year and it becomes harder every year to fund for us to go away and represent the Gold Coast.
Maybe it is time for a shake up in the Committee and you have my support if you do go ahead and decide to go onto the Committee and good luck to you. But remember it is a big job to run the GC Association and i would consider your decision to run for a position seriously.
It will be a shame if we lose bowlers to Brisbane because of this, but entirely this is the decision of the bowlers. I do believe the Committee will learn from this mistake next year and i urge most of you considering to bowl elsewhere to reconsider.
All i know is that i will be one of the bowlers attending the roll off on Dec 8th trying to obtain a position to roll for the coast and retain our title in June next year.
Oh and one last thing, if I have offended anyone here it was definately not my intention to do so. i am merely voicing my opinion.