Gold Coast Roll-offs Assoc. Chall.

Can I just ask on what grounds to why they wouldnt change the date?

And yes you are correct George, they do punish us because we try and support the sport, they have never had a roll off on any tournament before but looks like they are starting now, cause on the 12th of January there is something on as well.
I am not aware of the grounds of why the date could not be changed. I was told just straight out the dates would not be changed and thats all i was told.

The tournament that i know of on the 12th January is the youth state team tournament in Sydney.

It would be interesting to know why the dates could not be changed. All i ask is that if the dates are going to be changed at all that the give the bowlers plenty of notice.
Well well well. Looks like the price increase for the roll offs this year is going to back fire. It would have been a great start to the fund raising, but now it looks as though there won't be a roll off at all. From what I can gather from most of the people that usually roll off for the team, they won't be this year so it looks as though the Gold Coast this year might be lucky to even fill the team. I know I am thinking of giving it a miss now that the comittee has made their choice.
Sean like yourself, I wanted a change of date. I was out voted and I accept that.
However it is worth pointing out that there are equally strong views among certain roll-off contenders, that the date should not be changed.
Personally I don't believe that the Gold Coast will have any problems filling both teams, although I would be really sorry to lose any of our bowlers to Brisbane.
Still that would provide Brisbane with its best chance of taking home any of the silverware.
Sean I hope you will re-consider, you will probably come up against many other committees in the future. Some will listen, some wont, but if you think you can make a rep team (whether it be Local, State or National) please don't let stubborn committees or emotional decisions cloud your thinking.
George could you clarify part of your post

It's good to see so many Queensland bowlers supporting National events, it's a shame they usually get punished for it some how.

Thanks, Andrew S.
Thanks Andrew for your attempt to get the dates changed anyway. Its a shame the Committee(or a certain part of it) can't work in with the bowlers concerned. Maybe the Committee is due for a change in my eyes. When is the next meeting and election? And do bowlers get a vote?
Yeah I agree with you sean maybe it is time for a committee change, we know when the tournaments are on so if we planned anything we wouldnt let it clash, and then turn around and say oh well you cant bowl both sorry.
Maybe it is time to put our hands up to get on the committee, and I speak for Sean and myself, to join the Gold Coast committee. We had a huge turn around in the committee in Victoria when craig came in, got the old ones out and the committee was so much better off, maybe it is time for the Gold Coast too either change the committee or listern to the bowlers views, instead of going off there own views all the time when they dont even bowl in these events.
The next meeting of the Gold Coast Area is the AGM which is scheduled for 7.00pm on Tuesday December 3rd at Legends. (Although I am on the committee for the Assoc. Chall. I am not a member of the Gold Coast so I don't get a vote at this meeting.)
I have however recd. an invitation to attend the meeting and I have indicated to Bill that I will be there.
Nomination forms are out - I have a copy - and should be in all 3 centres soon. (Legends Nerang & Tweed).
Hey there everyone...
I am curious as to the big problem with this roll off... I have chosen to not bowl because i have chosen to go to Melbourne Cup next year instead of bowling Association Challenge and as it turns out ill be away for both roll offs which means that i should have the right to complain but i am not. You have to choose the places you want to go to and if people really wanted to bowl Brunswick Cup then they would and its not like either competition is going anywhere they will both be on the next year and the year afte that. I am quite sure that there is a reason for putting the roll offs on this date and if they loose bowlers from it then they will learn next year but the fact is deal with it and pick the places you want to go. It has happened before and will happen again and if a roll off causes this much hassle well the is bowling it really worth it. I am sure alot of people disagree but then again it simply logical to accpet what has happened and deal with it.
Also i would like to know where the free entries to Brunswick Cup that people have got because i would have liked to the opportunity to bowl or one also. Thanks again.
Jayde.....sure you have a point but think about it.......Assoc. Challenge is in the middle of next year. The roll offs take up only 2 days of bowling. Why hold it when a major is on? Go figure! Also I think some people don't have free entry they were just lucky enough to get sponsorship.
It always clashes with the Melbourne Cup which has been on the same weekend for longer than I've been alive. It comes down to choices, personally I bowl for money and national rankings (god knows why sometimes) so I elect to travel to Melbourne or Las Vegas. Others however are happy to bowl in their relevant teams and have an enjoyable weekend of drinking and bowling (in that order).

I don't think the teams are a reflection of the best bowlers in their respective areas, they are a representation of the bowlers who don't have anything else on, have some time on their hands, like bowling in a teams enviroment and don't mind a drink or five. Each to their own.

Have a good roll off and may the best bowlers who show up make the team.
I would have to agree with Jayde on that subject. I know I am not bowling a major or anything, but you do occasionally have to pick and choose what you want to bowl and attend to and sometimes tournaments do clash and unfortunately our roll offs clash with the Brunswick Cup.

I am sure the Committee has a reason for why they have chosen these dates and maybe we will be told in due course, but until such time as they do we just have to wear the decision handed down.

Yes Sean the tournament isn't until like July next year but for us to get our butts into gear and organise fundraising and stuff we need to start now. The tournament gets more expensive every year and it becomes harder every year to fund for us to go away and represent the Gold Coast.

Maybe it is time for a shake up in the Committee and you have my support if you do go ahead and decide to go onto the Committee and good luck to you. But remember it is a big job to run the GC Association and i would consider your decision to run for a position seriously.

It will be a shame if we lose bowlers to Brisbane because of this, but entirely this is the decision of the bowlers. I do believe the Committee will learn from this mistake next year and i urge most of you considering to bowl elsewhere to reconsider.

All i know is that i will be one of the bowlers attending the roll off on Dec 8th trying to obtain a position to roll for the coast and retain our title in June next year.

Oh and one last thing, if I have offended anyone here it was definately not my intention to do so. i am merely voicing my opinion. :D
Well apparently there was only ONE person who wanted the dates changed. That's why the committee voted against changing them. Oh well.....have fun!
Well I know this may have been inevitable but I have just realised that the second weekend of the roll offs now clash with The Toowoomba Open.......geez does it get any better?
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