Food at the nationals

I suppose us slim people will have a problem Chin Chin........

Will remind me of Qld....remember robby, all the players equipment in the players area.....we didn't have much room did we..

Looks like I'll have to slim down a bit more...........

Plus what I going to do with my "balls"


tony, yes there is maccas very close nearby, 2 min walk in fact... ;) and kfc up a bit further, as is pizza haven.

thank god we can bring in sandwiches and stuff for seniors, de veer and rachuig.. i think there woulda been hell if that wasnt allowed.

cheers brett for the info :)
Teams and bowlers competing in either the Seniors Challenge, Walter De Veer
or Walter Rachuig Tournaments, will (as they have done in prior
years) be allowed to consume their own sandwiches, drinks and lollies
within the centre during the teams challenge events.

Well said and thanks for the post to let us know what is or isn't allowed.

Thanks for the clarification, it seems fair - going to be fun sending the manager out to the cars when I want a drink or something. They're going to get fit!! Would also like to know what sort of space the players area will be
lyn, i am down there on the weekend, i am getting pics for pam and will email her them when i get back next week.. :) cheers
Problem is one AMF rule enforces the rules on all the AMF centres across Australia. The good local ones let you bring in what you want, and eat what you want, so I prefer the local ones better myself.
Teams and bowlers competing in either the Seniors Challenge, Walter De Veer
or Walter Rachuig Tournaments, will (as they have done in prior
years) be allowed to consume their own sandwiches, drinks and lollies
within the centre during the teams challenge events. Obviously AMF would like to encourage teams to purchase food and drinks from
the cafe during their stay. Should any team like to purchase or pre-order
platters of sandwiches, Hot food or any other Healthy alternative, they can
call Tanya at the centre on 03 62729810. Tanya is happy to tailor platters and other food packages to meet any team’s dietary requirements.
AMF looks forward to hosting this year’s event and working with the ATBSO and
the TBA to make the 2006 Championships one of the most successful events
to date.
Lloyd Klaman
Regional Manager
AMF Southern Region
I think this is great news for bowling in general and for all those people with dietary requirements. AMF should be congratulated for clearing this up and for supporting their bowlers. Thanks Lloyd Klaman and TBA.
They are running a business and in return we should support them in anyway we can. Let Common Sense prevail and let's hope no one faints on the lanes ;)
Alex :D
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