Food at the nationals

Rayzer said:
What is a national tournament without grandstands?! Can you imagine the Grand Slams in tennis without seats, people just standing on courtside?
What a joke....
Maybe we could all purchase those little gas-hooter things and all stand around each pair of lanes and honk our hooters everytime someone gets a strike, just like having cars around the boundary fence at country football honking the car-horn everytime someone kicks a goal.

*Strike* - Beep-meep-eep-meep-eep-beep-eep-eep-meep-meep-beep :lol:
droo, is it possible for management at moonah to approach scaffolding companies to possibly donate or assist in funding for grandstands if this is correct? it would be extremely sad for spectators to not have the chance to view seniors, de veer and rachuig from a packed stand.

cheers see ya on the weekend :)
androooo said:
Apparently the granstands have been sorted.
Food has not........ lol

With the food side of things, Most and i say Most of the Teams from the Past Two Nationals have had Sandwich Platters made for them on different days. Or made there own sandwiches and brought them into the bowl and yes they were AMF centers…

Why don’t they charge each team member say $10.00 a head each or the 3 days of competition to make a mixed sandwich platters..

Just using Rachuig as an example:

10 states with about 14 players per state = 140 participants=$1400.00 + approx 12 Managers and coaches that to me = a hell of alot of money approx 1500.00 for bread and fillings.... Sounds like a great way to make money for AMF over the 3 days of competition and fixes most of the problems that i see…
To not offer something like this to the states looks like a great way for AMF cafeteria to loose alot of money because of boycotts... Any special foods required by diabetics or allergic to certain food products surely must be aloud to enter any venue if they cannot supply the necessary requirements.

This rule of no outside food has been the talk of the Nationals for a lot of years… I mean even Illawarra Strikezone had the rule in place last year but they even let it lapse for the Nationals

Just a suggestion…
Its one thing bringing in a rule but quite another thing to police it.
Maybe we'll see a whole new range of penalties introduced to the rule book.
Perhaps a 3 game suspension for importing a sandwich?
I pose the question, if someone brought food in and was bowling in a team would management interupt the game and ask the person or food to be removed whilst bowling and interupt the team, Could you imagine them going upto say somebody like Paul Trotter during Rachuig and asking him to remove his food and drink in the middle of a game. This must be some sort of joke.
I have a simple solution, just dont go. Look at what I would save, Team fees $650 Transport $400 All Events $100 Opening Squad $50 Food for a week $150, Hey this is realy adding up to some savings. I've got a lot of savings here so I guess I won't be there to worry about the AMF food issue now.
So who realy looses Over a stupid Issue like not letting teams bring food in!!!!
See you all at Altona next year.:confused:
How about you have to bowl with your other hand for every imported drink, or backwards if you use their loos, or with your feet if you don't buy the balls from them.

How about a minimum purchase of TBA memorabilia. For every $100 you spend, you are allowed to bowl one game.

This is completely ridiculous. I wonder if Tiger Woods has to buy the bananas he eats from the local pro shop? No other sport in the world would force the competitors at the national championships to buy food and drinks from the centre. It doesn't happen at the Olympics, so why here?

What would happen if someone ate or drank AMF prepared product and then failed a drug test? Could they claim the food was the cause of the problem.

Please TBA let some common sense rule, please please please please please please please please please.....
desmondo said:
What would happen if someone ate or drank AMF prepared product and then failed a drug test?

Ah, and here you have hit upon their darkest plan. The AMF will be putting a recognisable chemical substance in the food sold at the cafeteria and then testing ALL competitors to see if they have that substance in their bloodstream.

Those who do not test positive to AMF Food Additives will be disqualified and sent home in DISGRACE!

Watch this space for the TBA ratified press release detailing this new policy ...
I graze on carrots, celery, cheese, dips, dry biscuits etc while bowling rather than eating one heavy meal. There is nothing like that on the menu provided. The token chicken caesar salad is far too hard to eat while bowling and would be unsafe to nibble on all day - chicken left out of refrigeration for even a relatively short time iis potentially dangerous. Will they be liable for any illnesses caused by eating such food or collapses caused by having to go all day without food because of the enforced "no own food" policy. So much for good health !!!! No catering for diabetics or those allergic to certain foods ie gluten or those who are on special diets by necessity or choice.

I agree with the previous post of not being allowed to bring in commercially prepared foods but surely banning the foods, nibbles and drinks prepared by bowlers themselves is going too far.

May have to work out some way of smuggling my foods in :confused:
Dunno about you guys, but i'm in aggreeance with the Grump :p


I definately won't be eating any Tasmanian food :D
I know what you mean. There's more junk food anywhere, than something healthy. The main problem is someone could have some symptoms, that they could only eat some type of bread or only certain foods etc, that AMF Cafe's can't provide. If a case like this does arise, then does that person have to go hungry the whole day?

At Village, we get so many people bringing pizzas in from the Pizza Hut next door and we don't get all s**ty about it. Alot of them ask us if it's alright to bring them in and we don't have any worries with it. The way I see it, they might be bringing in a pizza to eat, but they are bowling on your lanes and having a good time. So you still get your money from their bowling and for them to be able to bring in food that they want and bowl on your lanes, chances are they'll come bowling again in your centre.

You tell them no food aloud, eat that pizza outside or buy stuff only from our cafe, you won't see those bowlers bowling at your centre again. I just don't see why AMF centres would focus so much on the money. I don't like their prices either. I'd just prefer to go into a supermarket, whip something together and bring it to bowling. Everyone's always just going for the $ signs these days.
Lots of good comments here, thanks.......but............
still waiting on AMF Moonah to enlighten me on what goes.......



P.S. Please tell you have Mcdonald's down there. Hate to think I will have to for go all my training food............Elite athlete.
To all bowlers attending the 2006 ATBSO and TBA Championships.

AMF has a national policy of "no introduced food or drink can be brought
into any centre". Whilst the email circulated to State Associations is
accurate, the email does not fully outline what will and won’t be allowed in
the centre during the Nationals.

As such the following statement reflects what will be enforced during the
ATBSO and TBA Championships.

The "No Outside Food" rule is one that exists in not only AMF centres, but
the majority of Bowling centres across Australia.

Whilst this rule is enforced at all AMF centres, AMF fully understands the
nature of the ATBSO and TBA Nationals and other associated Teams events.

As such, AMF, as they have done in the past, will only be enforcing this
rule in respect to the introduction of other Commercial foods into the

Teams and bowlers competing in either the Seniors Challenge, Walter De Veer
or Walter Rachuig Tournaments, will (as they have done in prior
years) be allowed to consume their own sandwiches, drinks and lollies
within the centre during the teams challenge events. However, due to the
size of the centre and limited space, we will be enforcing the following

Tables in the centre during these events can only be used by patrons
consuming food purchased from the cafe. No outside food can be eaten at these tables during the events. Any patron using a table to consume food not purchased at the cafe will be asked to vacate the table.

No eskies or any other food containers can be stored within the centre
during these events. There is very limited room for competitors
within the centre and as such we ask that all of these items be stored in
the bowlers vehicles. Competitors can then return to their
vehicle during the day to retrieve their food and can than consume it within the

Again, no other Commercial Food (McDonalds, Subway, KFC, Pizza etc) will be
allowed in the centre at any time. Patrons found within the centre with
food falling into this category will be asked to leave the centre until they
have finished their meal.

Obviously AMF would like to encourage teams to purchase food and drinks from
the cafe during their stay. Should any team like to purchase or pre-order
platters of sandwiches, Hot food or any other Healthy alternative, they can
call Tanya at the centre on 03 62729810. Tanya is happy to tailor platters and other food packages to meet any team’s dietary requirements.

AMF looks forward to hosting this year’s event and working with the ATBSO and
the TBA to make the 2006 Championships one of the most successful events
to date.

Lloyd Klaman
Regional Manager
AMF Southern Region
I dont want to appear picky but the profile of your user name does not say Lloyd Klaman.
Maybe a little clarification please?
Andrew S. said:
I dont want to appear picky but the profile of your user name does not say Lloyd Klaman.
Maybe a little clarification please?


Brett is the National Super Six tournament director...I am guessing that he enquired on behalf of the bowlers of Australia after reading this post... Then he was emailed a response and posted on behalf of Lloyd Klaman...

Just my guess...
Thanks for that Brett.
I think what you have stipulated is good, and has answered my question.
I also think it is fair.



Bert said:
To all bowlers attending the 2006 ATBSO and TBA Championships.
There is very limited room for competitors
within the centre .

Just curious - just how much room will there be for 10 teams of 7 and their associated bowling groupies?????
Bert said:
No eskies or any other food containers can be stored within the centre
during these events. There is very limited room for competitors within the centre and as such we ask that all of these items be stored in the bowlers vehicles. Competitors can then return to their vehicle during the day to retrieve their food and can than consume it within the centre.

How unusal, packed in like sardines again. Not enough room to swing a dead cat. Once again the bowlers & spectators are the ones to suffer.

With so little room available for competitors, who knows, players sitting on the bench will probably be asked to wait outside until they are required to replace a bowler in the team. (gives them plenty of time to raid the eskies on the bus i suppose).
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