Everbody happy!! with the nationals


Elite Athlete
Out of pure curiosity did everyone come back happy from there national events, whether it be seniors, rachuig, deveer.
What about the coaches and managers thoughts.
I can only speak for my contribution towards seniors, which I enjoyed 100%.
Conditions were tough for everybody by the looks?

I will admit too that the AMF food at tassie was I thought very good and wasn't too over priced.!!
And what about the end of tournament dinner. I know for seniors it was fantastic food. How can you beat that. Well done tassie..

What about tournament preparations. The Rachuig teams had plenty ? Yes/No.
Did it help, or are we still in that "LONG TERM MODE". (as he bites his tongue)

Feed back please.........!


I found everything down there pretty good. No complaints here! And you are right about the end of tournament dinner Tony, the food was fantastic and the music was great.

Chris G.
Agree conditions were tough even for WDV but I think they should be for Nats. WDV Tassie committee deserve huge congratulations for their efforts. Meet and Greet on Saturday night was great, gifts to all bowlers at start of Tournament was unexpected but well received, presentation dinner excellent.

The commeraderie and friendly rivalry at the WDV tournament was as usual full on, plenty of noise but highly competitive.

Cafe at Moonah I agree was excellent but the ball paddock too small but this was the only problem I experienced at the bowl (besides my actual bowling).
Even the Pro Shop was open when we were bowling!! This unfortunately has not always been the case over the last few years.

Overall a much more pleasant experience at the tournament than what I was expecting.
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