Embarrasing bowling Moments



hey ppl,just wanted to know some embarrasing stuff thats happened to different ppl when bowlin

Catch yas later
I;d say going ass over head in a Tournament. and it always happens to me
Well just ask anyone, I have many embarrassing moments when I'm bowling.
One of the most embarrassing happened In November at the SA Under 25's Youth Challenge. I was going up to get my medal for third In singles (I think) and as I went to get on the podium thing, my foot caught the top of It and I kinda tripped up the step. I laughed at myself along with the WHOLE bowling centre and no doubt about It my face went beetroot red!!

Well that's enough from me!!

Toodles, Lauren
miss mooney,

that is a very funny story.....bet u felt pretty embarrased!!!!!

Ps i will win the next bet we have miss mooney!
Well, I have a few embarrassing moments which involve bowling. The first one being when I was 10 at the Townsville Bowling Centre for the Junior Nationals and President Shield in 1992. Anyway, being my first year and all, I was pretty hyped up about the whole thing and so when I was about to bowl doubles with my friend Tanya Henry, I forgot to change my shoes and so you can guess what happened next! I went ass up and there were heaps of people watching as well! I laugh about it now because everyone has their own embarrassing moments. The next one wasn't as bad but equally embarrassing because it was in shield 1998 in Gold Coast. Those who were there know what I mean because they saw it! Anyway, I was getting up to bowl and the next thing I know is that some Victorian guy comes riding over to my lane and bumped into me before I even released the ball off my hand. Once again, I was on my hands and knees and totally embarrassed about the whole ordeal because there were plenty of onlookers during the 3 days of shield. Anyway, they are my two most embarrassing moments.

Well....My best (or worst) effort wasn't actually bowling, but working during a tourny.

A pin got kicked out of the pit, and I went to fetch it and slide it back in to the machine, as I'm sure everyone has seen...Well I got the pin, walked up slide the pin into the pit, stood up, turned around and fell down the chute for the ball return!!!! Don't know what happened, but the section of capping just gave way, and here I am, knee deep, standing on the underlane track!

That sure did get a few laughs, especailly when they saw the nice big bruise on the back of my leg, where a ball hit me in the process of being returned!!!
The most embarrising thing that has ever happend to me was last season, when I just missed the pocket for about the 3 time, I turnesd arround kicked the foul light, my heal on my shoe came off and it landed at the arrows on the next lane.........nothin majour but it was embarrising at the time.
Hey danni

That was a good one!!

I'll mention one of my many... Southern Cross Cup or something at Hornsby 99(?) Lane 2 I stood in some juice and was trying to bowl really fast, fell flat on my face, Oil all the way up my front!!

Was later that day introduced to a man by Matt Branson with: "This is Jessika, the best stunt woman in the business" ...
As everyone who knows me knows, I'm a walking embarrassment

Some of my DOH's over the years include:
1987: Bowling on Lane 24 at Moonah with an 8lb Houseball shooting at a 7-10 split I had the ball hang-up on my thumb and smash into the ceiling before hitting the edge of the gutter and bouncing into, then rolling down the mechanics walkway into the door - BANG...hehe
1989: Having a practice game one night before league and left the 4-6-7-10 and was having one of those games so I absolutely belted this 14lb ball at the 6-10 zone only to watch in horror as 40-feet down the lane -down came the sweep bar pressed by a social bowler on the next lane -BANG, CRASH, SNAP.
Well that completely busted the sweep bar to the point that, that whole pair was inoperable for that night and much of the next day....oops
1991: Missing a 5-pin to lose a game in league and throwing my puffer-ball at the house-ball counter and missing the house-balls and hitting a coffee cup on top sending it flying through the air and smashing into an old guy called Athol up the back - knackering him in the process....hehehe
1992: My very first day of Shield Roll-Offs at the Burnie Bowl (My first trip to Burnie)
Was bowling on the end lane (14 I think) and was shooting a 3-6-10 spare.
I sent it a little wide and stepped across thinking this could be a little bit doubtful and, wooooo over he goes....I didn't realise that there was a 2-foot drop immediately next the approach - after doing the cartwheel and everyone pissing themselves, I had to laugh.

1992: Punching a tele-score almost out of the ground after missing 4 consecutive 5-pins in a tournament - the crowd all did the ERE ERE ERE WHERE'S THE RED CARD

1995: Throwing my ball down the corridor at Burnie and forgetting that it goes down an incline - I chased after it in horror as I realised that the front door was wide opened and a vehicle was in its path BANG - fair into the grill...whoops...time to make a hasty retreat back to Hobart.

And they're just the one's I care to mention

I'll just mention one for good ol' Nat Jenner... Shield Training Camp about 1997 at Ballina.
Gets up for his shot, does his approach but forgets to let go of the ball and it goes up, around, and smacks him fair in the back of the head!!

The whole bowling alley went silent except for his girlfriend... who was pissing herself with laughter

Good one Jenner
well the most emarrisin i have ever done was when i was bowlin on lanes 11/12 at moonah.
i bowled the ball and sliped over the foul line, my foot came out from under me and as i tryed to stay on my feet i started to fall backwards towords the players area. i stubbled back to the ball return fell over it and hit the bowler on the other lane makin him drop his ball onto his foot.....with the whole bowl full of socail bowlers jaughin at ya its kinda emmbarising....lol
Funny story from me:

I was known as being a bit animated when I was younger, and one of the local guys jokingly told me to try riding my shot in practise on the third step.

Being the idiot I am, I decided to give it a go, and of course, ive fallen over even before the ball leaves my hand. Had such a sore butt from it, i chucked a 450 cause I was limping to the lane :^)
Hey Guys,
Well I thought as I have so many I might aswell put another one of my many embarrassing moments on here!!

Well it was one Thursday night while I was bowling in the Adult/Junior league with my brother's fiance at my home centre. I was wearing my jeans with the zips up the side and while I was bowling it got a wee bit cold...yep you guessed it...one of the zips on the sides of my jeans had split!!
But they did it not once but TWICE cos stupid me wore them again the next week and they did the same thing!! hahahaha

It was really embarrassing at the time but looking back at it now it's really funny!!

Well again that's all from me,

P.S. Master Belmonte I think you are mistaken...I WILL win the next bet we have!!
Hi guys..
This story probably isn't very funni but it was pretty embaressing...
I can't remember where it was...but anyway. For those who havn't seen me bowl before, my right leg goes right across and nearly fouls on the lane to my left... and when i bowled once, i just stood there after i bowled the ball, and some girl bowled on the left lane next to me while i was still standing there, and i'm sure you can guess what happened after that!! It scared the **** outa me and we both fell flat on our arses!! My bum was pretty sore for a while after that...
Well there's my embaressing story... Seeyas
Hayli ~xxx~
hey hey hey miss Mooney

that was a very funny story u told...i would of been sooo embarrassed...i just thank God it wasnt me haha

ps- Miss mooney.... please dont force me to play nasty, cause i will if i have to!

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