Country Cup 2006

In response to some of Craig's comments - it pains me to do this - but i actually have to agree with one of them. I don't think we will ever see a better effort than Jason Way. All 20 games on top (no marshmallows up there!) he won 17 of them, averaged an amazing 234 (in 5 man teams over 3 long days!) and lifted the trophy at the finish. With leadership like that, how could his team mates not be inspired. (Don't understimate the value of the return of the angry little man - he won 13/20 down the bottom).

It will certainly make it an interesting Emerson zone final if Warrnambool fields a full strength team - imagine - Warrnambool, Werribee, Melton, Geelong, Ballarat (if they field full strength) and Colac - only 3 can go through.

It is also good to see that you enjoyed watching the women's competition so much Craig - you have not exactly been an advocate of womens bowling in the past :rolleyes: Maybe you are mellowing as you get a bit older :p
I must say thanks to Woza and the Latrobe team for pelting Craig with marshmellows as they drove past in their bus, I think they hit me more than anybody else standing there!!
Gatsby said:
In answer to your all stars query -
3rd - 217.88
4th - 217.83
5th - 217.56
6th - 217.50 Carmers (roughly equates to 1 pin difference over 20 games)
7th - 216.74 Merv
8th - 216.72 Paul Kerr
9th - 215.44 Tim Thompson
10th- 213.80 Ray Martin

That is an awesome effort from all of those guys!! And very enjoyable to watch!! (Which was all I did all weekend!!!) In all seriousness those top ten guys, what a fantastic effort!! Should have been top ten all stars!!
Purple_Tweety said:
I must say thanks to Woza and the Latrobe team for pelting Craig with marshmellows as they drove past in their bus, I think they hit me more than anybody else standing there!!

Easy Targets ;)
Going to make for an interesting Emmerson now that the bench mark has been set:D
Very well done to the Warrnambool Men and Women on taking out the Combined. Great team effort.
Congrats to the Warrnambool Men and the Latrobe Ladies for winning their divisions. Well done to those that made All Stars and also to those that just missed out. (you all know who you are).
To Bendigo Bowl, well done on a very well run Tournament all though I think you should have planned to have the weather to be a little cooler. Sale take note, next year we want the weather to be fine and sunny with temps between 25 and 30 degrees. (if the weather is to be warmer than 30 degrees then make sure all motels have pools with water in them).
To my Ballarat Team mates, thanks for making the weekend an enjoyable experience. We may not have been the most competitive outfit but we made a few people earn their points and we had a few laughs. (OJs look-away strike shot just a delight to watch)
Finally, to all that competed at the CC, thanks for spirit and good will of the competition. It was good to see all the familar faces and the new ones as well. See you all at Sale 2007.

Woza said:
Easy Targets ;)

Speaking of easy targets!! You had one of them yourself!! Just be careful when you bend over at the esky next time, don't leave your butt hanging out like that. It's such an open invitation! lol :D

A huge thanks to you for all your help! I know some of our shots scared you, but it put a smile on our face to turn around and see the look of horror on yours!! It was a great effort to be there supporting the women and men for all three days. I'm sure whoever you were buying your cans of Red Bull off will need to top up their supplies!!

OTB Distribution would like to congratulate Jason Way and Nat Shelley on taking home their respective high averages from Country Cup 2006 at Bendigo.

To commit to the future and reward the efforts of the high average for Country Cup, I hereby commit to donating a high performance ball from our stock to the men's and women's high averages for the Country Cup weekend for the next five years (should the Vic Country Association accept the offer that is - can anyone tell me who to direct the offer to?).

I was lucky enough to see some of the bowling on the weekend and the high scoring was a great spectacle with close matches and great team series on display, 1200 to Shepparton men was sensational.

Serious congrats to Warrnambool men and Latrobe Valley women. It was great to see some big guns from Warrnambool back in action where they belong.

Congratulations also Alicia Garioch (OTB Staff member) on making All Stars and to the Garioch family with Lisa and Rob making All Stars as well, great family effort. Well done to all All Stars members.

The idea behind the donation of equipment is to a) reward the high average bowler in what is a gruelling weekend, and b) create a little bit more interest in who can top the all stars listing in undoubtedly the Premier teams event for Country bowlers in Australia.

Jason and Nat are the inaugural winners - now who can knock them off?

Yours in Bowling
David McEwan
On The Ball Distribution
Just had an idea put to me bout where the donated prizes should go - so I put it to the bowlers for feedback.

If a prize of a high performance ball is donated, 1 to men's division and 1 to women's division, should the high average or most points won decide the winner - in the event of a tie for high points won, a high ave countback would be used to decide winner.

The idea behind high point score wins - the idea of Country Cup is to win points!

Thoughts or suggestions please.
Well here we go:
What a weekend, so many highlights and bugger all low points.:D
Firstly, congratulations to Greg, Simon and their staff, also the GTBA on a very well run event.
Well done Warrnambool men, a mighty effort. Well done to the Morwell women as well.
Also to the Warrnambool women for helping the blokes get over the line with the overall.
Big congratulations to Jason Way, what a machine, awesome effort mate. Just lucky you bowl better than you fish;) , and what have you done with my hood ornament?
Griffo was down on his quota of hand slaps but I think Timmy made up for them with some timely rides and knee slides.
Well done to all that made the allstar teams. Thanks also to OTB for their new ball donation for the high average bowlers.
Woza, lucky you didn’t bring the “XXXTREME” with you, but then again if you did maybe Motta could have used it. Thanks for the card game Jason. Now remember next year don’t go out late with the team you play first up the next day and practice sparing those darn 8 pins.
Chucky, it was good to be able to glance over every now and then to check out the expression on your face and wonder what kind of spray the boy’s were gunna cop later. How dare you tell Farky to ignore me, didn’t work HA.:p :p
Farky, talk to the hand. Just joking mate, great effort on all your work pre Country Cup work and thanks for the lone of the esky. And no pulled muscles for Pat.
Now, thanks to my team for a mighty effort, a 211 team ave, WOW, stiff on some games, lucky on others, but a great weekend of bowling and team unity. Nice work also to our ladies team, backing up their 2nd last year with a close 3rd this year. Bad luck Ray on that bloody 10 pin, next time mate. And a special mention for Jessica who was a last minute inclusion in the team, winning 7 out of 10 games and averaging 172, well done Luvvy.
Lastly, thank you to ALL that bowled, the supporters, coaches and managers for making this the best tournament on the calendar each year.
agreed, the points winner should recieve recognition, i think there is way too much emphasis on all stars.
maybe point winning percentage, with the same game rule qualification as all stars. (now if that isn't incentive for kevvy, jason and rob to hang around in the middle of the order what is) :p
i see the need for all stars, but it tends to over shadow the more important things in some peoples minds.
I think we have had this argument before. To me everyone in the top 15 or so were stars. Any time that you bowl 150 over the card for a teams tournament you have done well.

For the record
Highest points ratio

Jason Way 17/20 (85.0%) -- no surprises there!
Dayne Webber 12.5/15 (83.3%)
Eddie Way 12/15 (80%)
David Carmichael 14/18 (77.8%)
Chris Hamilton 12/16 (75.0%)
Luke Kairn 14/19 (73.7%)

I wonder who actually took points from Jason -- I know Merv took one -- who got the other two?
And before the ladies kick up a fuss (and because i know Craig will be very interested in ladies results)

Ladies ratio

Lisa Garioch 18/20 (90.0%)
Natalie Shelley 17.5/20 (87.5%)
Courtney Murdoch 17.5/20 (87.5%)
Katie Arnold 15/18 (83.3%)
Denece Jones 13/17 (76.5%)
Alicia Mason 12/16 (75.0%)
Alicia Garioch 14/19 (73.7%)
Wendy Thompson 13/18 (72.2%)
Jessica Garioch 7/10 (70.0%)
Carmers said:
One more thing? How many people saw how cruddy Miss Courtney's socks were come monday evening? They were almost black as she refused to wear socks with thongs again with a fear of ending back on here. Well, you are still back on here Miss C. Sorry. Had to mention it.

Lol. Court, I saw them and you're lucky I didn't have my camera on your feet!! I told you toe socks will go with thongs!! You just can't wear stockings as well! lol

I hope they came clean in the wash? They were very dirty!! lol
Congrats to Latrobe Women and Warrnambool Men on winning respective divisions and the Warrnambool Team on taking out the overall. well done to jason way on a very nice ave for 3 days hard work and to all the that team i hope to see all you guys next year if i make the bendigo team in sale.
chris mackenzie :D
Now that I have actually had a decent nights sleep - nothing like your own bed
Big Congrats to our girls and to Skatie for making the allstars - They maybe able to bowl but they have no idea on how to celebrate;) Good thing that we were there to help them in that department.
Thanks for the first game Rob - that was my highlight of the weekend as it only went downhill from there.
To the Warrnambool guys super 'TEAM' effort although it does make it easy when you have the bowling machine up front leading the way. Also congrats to the Warrnambool team as a whole for taking out one of the tightest overalls in CCup History.
To the Bendigo Bowl and Staff super effort for all 3 days of the competition
To Gary - that was good timing on the call - Was that the secret plan that you had for us Seriously though when it does happen all the best wishes from me and the guys at Latrobe
To me good old mates at Shepp - What were you guys thinking of on Sunday night - Surley Geoff "Our energiser bunny" Harding at lead should have rang alarm bells for you guys. Remember a few years ago there was a team not to far from Morwell that had quite a catchy tune "Here we go OLE OLE OLE" Well we didnt sing that catchy little tune but we might as well have as we certaintly caught you guys napping big time and before you have even realised what had happened there it was 6-1 scoreline. Not only did it cost you some valuable ground against Warrnambool it cost you guys an overall trophy.
To Craig - we so had you set up for the marshmallow invasion and even when you gave me the free shot I still had to throw heaps of the bastards to hit you You were so popular that tickets for the event sold out in record time.
Looking forward to Emerson already
And finally to the bunny - Didnt want to bowl against us :confused:
You might be young and quick but you'd better keep looking over that shoulder of yours cause this sly old fox will hunt you down ;)
You had better hope that I get you before Wazza does cause that wouldnt be a pretty sight.
Speaking of that did that manager of yours get home in one piece or did you have to sew his head back on
All in all though after two years of everyone bowling together getting used to those 1:30am finishes was hard but this was definetly one of the best CCups that I have been to. Great to catch up with everyone have a laugh, show some heart, do a spot of bowling and looking forward to CCup 2007 already.
Hey Rob might need a WOZA spare Ball for CCup at Sale - I was thinking of a clear shell with a heart centre and the serial number clearly visible at 62 feet;)
Hey All

How right you are Woza there's nothing like your own bed and how much better the brain works after some sleep,take note MOTTA :p ,winning at cards is good bowling well is great......
Congrats to the Warrnambool Men, Jason Way whom it was a delight to watch and bowl against Timmy T the master of the Knee Slide I actuallty thought a little Squirrel had slid across in front of me what a hair cut,and to Griffo its great to see the Angry One back although dont tell anyone but I did see him crack a half smile,to the rest of the team well done an extreme effort and you kept us out by half a point

Geez there were some highlights for the weekend the best was Game 3's lesson we got from Craig you were right this was when it would happen,ye haaaaa what a match...........a 1200 ,I'm sure the great one has revenge in the planning roll on Emmerson,Carmers you did well on the Drink Bitch Suit it was spot on and paige did well we always had water when the hand went up

Sunraysia what a second match we had I have never seen 14 And I mean 14 Blokes give so much for their respective teams thankfully the points fell our way on this one,Deano what have you gotta do buddy what was that average against you 230-240 including the now imfamous motta century and a bit,more sleep jase more sleep,Rob I have noticed your having problems with your balls they seem to constantly walk and disappear,I really think you should get rid of the Gargoyle it just wanders to much:D

Geelong you just needed ya Mr D's,Warren(wazza) scary prick you are but you have a lovely missus you look after her otherwise you'll answer to me and hammer if we can catch,I find that pic you did'nt want me to put up it looks straight out of the soprano's and note I did'nt post it,Matty MAke sure you tell him,Dave I was dissapointed not one Frog Splash maybe it was lack of Mr D's although your boys did a couple of beauty's on Wazza but he wont admit it......Speaking of that a special mention to Amanda De LAnge who's hip and shoulder run thru of Wazza was perfect contrary to what he says amanda you won that round

Latrobe Admirably led by Woza always Tough always fun to play you guys I seriously think though you are undermining your Human Energiser Bunny Geoff,The One must be worrying about his posistion on the team with that man in the background and he'll be more worried when that next little Woz comes a long whats the due date mate ??

And to our boys thankyou for your efforts it took balls to come out on Monday and have red hot go after Sunday Nights Moral Breaker A big Thankyou To the best bench person in Country Cup,always there always smiling and ready to help not once did you complain you know who you are it was noticed by all and I congratulate and thank you for your efforts and to our coach Wayne Palby ,I did actually learn something over the weekend scary thought that although your snoring is a definate draw back the walls contract with each breath Keeeery's pillow over the face was in the words of Matercard Priceless and it worked,and m8 stay off that Kentucky The moring chorus was scary it went for ages and changed tune as you walked

And LAst But not least A BIg Thanks to Craig without his input I would'nt have challenged myself to the lead Posistion a enjoyable but tough experience and BTW I still have 3 bags have Marshmellows here if ya interested

Cant Wait for CCup 2007 at sale "Go The Plastic" :p :p

I'II post up a few pics at a later stage
Cheerz All
2nd Place Shepparton team,Drink Bitch Paige "The Clown",Aliesha and Tori


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Assassin_300 said:
The One must be worrying about his posistion on the team with that man in the background and he'll be more worried when that next little Woz comes a long whats the due date mate ??

22nd June - Abit no make that alot more organised than that Bary Glack;)
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