this could be the country cups of all country cups, 8 teams could possibly finish up the top, who will they be??? well i have attempted to in some way work out, how things could pan out, but as we know, this is "COUNTRY CUP" and anything could and probably will happen!!!
Well can these boys go the "grand slam" and win the double??? Has "team kevin" and all his little puppets got what it takes to win the slam from the odds on position. We know that on a tough track, they are useless, but bendigo track seems more condusive to higher scoring, which has to give them the favourite claims. There is some questions that shepp need to answer before i am fully convinced.
Q1. Will kevvy ever remove himself from number 2, where he constantly hides from the action, then spends all year bragging about how well he performed under no pressure. Or do you employ werribee's tactics and go chase him with a high calibur bowler, then find out kevvy isn't as dominant as he lets his team believe he is.
Q2. Will shepparton be able to perform with the in your face hatred style, after nearly choking from an unlosable position at emmerson, will other teams adopt this policy? i know warrnambool, sunraysia, geelong, latrobe and bendigo will, but more importantly will shepp be able to react to it better than they did in that last game at emmerson.
Q3. Will the "thompson twins........... ohhhhh ohhh hold me now....... " be able get back on that horse after a mentally crushing performance at wodonga, or will they opt for the more comfortable horse to ride, that being the pine pony???
Q4. Will the kids who have talent, "the bunny" and "the BBQ", show their true potential, or will they self destruct as has been known to happen in the past, when the heat is turned up a little high??? I have seen a weber explode, and i hate to see a bunny fried when it happens!
Q5. Where was your coach this weekend??? HAHAHA
is this a sign, that he knows where there might be a winner????
9 years on, can the exact team that won in 1997, pull off the miracle in 2006??? My answer is "yes", these guys know how to win, and knowing how to win is more valuable than wanting to win if handled correctly. Could this be the last hoorah for the boys??? will thommo, poyser, billing and whitham call it a day, after the big event, or is their still fight in the lion? Is it time to hand over the reins to the younger folk of black, hay and bagg, are these guys required in the future to move up to superstar status? and fill their roles with manninveld, grapentin and billing jr??? well lets stay focussed on this year and say, these guys are gonna go quite well.
The time has come !!!! its time for the boys to step up, grow up and show to the town, they can be leaders of a team and not spokesmen for themselves, its easy enough to get up and say, yeah its his fault, and start pointing the finger, but at the end of the day, its been everyones fault, and you all have to face the blame, put it behind you and work together for what you really want to achieve. Your gonna come close to winning, how close will depend on how early you start pointing the finger at your own in blame for why you aren't succeeding, the early this happens, the more you will lose by.
Well with 80% of the managers looking to block the players area rule, to stop anymore than the 5 competitiors in the players area, i have to ask, how much will this effect the manipulators of every rule we play under??? What tactics will they use to counteract their main weapon??? How will woza, millsy, stanton and harding go knowing their ball is going to slide for 60 feet, just like it did last year?? will webby have to resort to the "in your face gesturing of the dreaded cobra??? Will "the bozz" have to stand over everyone and hurls abuse as though he is the "ROCK" or will "mr 300 15 years ago, who cares now" have to reignite some class and pull off something inspirational. these boys are around it every year, this year will be no different, a podium is there, if they want it!
gonna go close, but need to stand up, country cup evolves a 22 game commitment by 7 players, theres no time for slacking off, every ball must be bowled with the highest of intensity and care, 3 young guys are just waiting to unleash their talent on the competition, or are they???. Andrew, Luke and Jamie this is the adults now, this is your chance to step up and mix it, Are you ready for the challenge??? Will pat and dave have the stamina to go the distance??? these questions are yet to be answered, but i can report this, if they bowl to their full ability, and play it in the head of the coach, this could be the year, they year to erase all the bad habits of the past, action has been taken, with every action comes a result, will it be a positive one for these boys, well it is all in their hands.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. ok a change of tact here, you guys are fabulous, you are that good i am surprised they even let you in the competition. if people like me were only good enough to be needed in this team, i would be honored, in all seriosness i must be nuts to have you in at 7's knowing that you know you already have it in the bag. I know i will be queuing up for an autograph with the thousands when you hit bendigo, and we will all be in awe when we get the chance to play you, i even believe that our guys might even drop to our knees when we play you's and chant "we're not worthy, we're not worthy"
Their back, maybe not as strong, but just as fiercesome. Will Shane "I'm gonna make you cry" Griffiths and jason "the silent assassin" Way, be able to show enough leadership to get these guys up onto the podium??? My answer is yes, i think these guys are that close to it, they can smell it, where might they fail, well they are 1 player short of being a really good thing. Unlike the last few years, i don't think anyone can afford to have a nap against these guys and get away with it this year
gees so far down the list and i have finally hit double figured odds, i must be getting nicer as i get older!!! anyhow back to the team, tens are more than fair odds for these guys, the thought of the "greatest man to play the game" still keep me thinking along the lines of these guys always have a chance, will the boys be able to exercise as much poise, grace as the great one and be able to have the pins in a spin with such ease, well i am starting to steer off liking them, they'll be honest, they'll be quiet, becareful not to fall asleep during they quietness, cause they will tip toe all over you and walk away with the points
yeah i know, it didn't take long to get to the triple figured odds, but hey, how could i not resist!!! the donga's, they bust their balls, but at the end of the day, they lack strike power, spare power and well any form of power needed to influence this strengthening competition.
SALE 500/1
good luck guys, your gonna need it, have a good weekend, and learn as much as you possibly can, your strength is your unity, you guys have stuck together thru thick and thin, and you must channel this strength to get the best out of yourselves over the 3 days in march
last year 3/1 and failed miserably, this year 1000/1, this is the wrath you wear when i give you merit and fail miserably.
BYE 2500000/1
absolutely no chance seeing as though the VCTBA has eliminated any opponent from being able to play them
good luck to everyone involved, may success role your way, may you make new friends, enjoy your chosen sport, find respect in your opponents, play it hard but most importantly, play it fair
this could be the country cups of all country cups, 8 teams could possibly finish up the top, who will they be??? well i have attempted to in some way work out, how things could pan out, but as we know, this is "COUNTRY CUP" and anything could and probably will happen!!!
Well can these boys go the "grand slam" and win the double??? Has "team kevin" and all his little puppets got what it takes to win the slam from the odds on position. We know that on a tough track, they are useless, but bendigo track seems more condusive to higher scoring, which has to give them the favourite claims. There is some questions that shepp need to answer before i am fully convinced.
Q1. Will kevvy ever remove himself from number 2, where he constantly hides from the action, then spends all year bragging about how well he performed under no pressure. Or do you employ werribee's tactics and go chase him with a high calibur bowler, then find out kevvy isn't as dominant as he lets his team believe he is.
Q2. Will shepparton be able to perform with the in your face hatred style, after nearly choking from an unlosable position at emmerson, will other teams adopt this policy? i know warrnambool, sunraysia, geelong, latrobe and bendigo will, but more importantly will shepp be able to react to it better than they did in that last game at emmerson.
Q3. Will the "thompson twins........... ohhhhh ohhh hold me now....... " be able get back on that horse after a mentally crushing performance at wodonga, or will they opt for the more comfortable horse to ride, that being the pine pony???
Q4. Will the kids who have talent, "the bunny" and "the BBQ", show their true potential, or will they self destruct as has been known to happen in the past, when the heat is turned up a little high??? I have seen a weber explode, and i hate to see a bunny fried when it happens!
Q5. Where was your coach this weekend??? HAHAHA
9 years on, can the exact team that won in 1997, pull off the miracle in 2006??? My answer is "yes", these guys know how to win, and knowing how to win is more valuable than wanting to win if handled correctly. Could this be the last hoorah for the boys??? will thommo, poyser, billing and whitham call it a day, after the big event, or is their still fight in the lion? Is it time to hand over the reins to the younger folk of black, hay and bagg, are these guys required in the future to move up to superstar status? and fill their roles with manninveld, grapentin and billing jr??? well lets stay focussed on this year and say, these guys are gonna go quite well.
The time has come !!!! its time for the boys to step up, grow up and show to the town, they can be leaders of a team and not spokesmen for themselves, its easy enough to get up and say, yeah its his fault, and start pointing the finger, but at the end of the day, its been everyones fault, and you all have to face the blame, put it behind you and work together for what you really want to achieve. Your gonna come close to winning, how close will depend on how early you start pointing the finger at your own in blame for why you aren't succeeding, the early this happens, the more you will lose by.
Well with 80% of the managers looking to block the players area rule, to stop anymore than the 5 competitiors in the players area, i have to ask, how much will this effect the manipulators of every rule we play under??? What tactics will they use to counteract their main weapon??? How will woza, millsy, stanton and harding go knowing their ball is going to slide for 60 feet, just like it did last year?? will webby have to resort to the "in your face gesturing of the dreaded cobra??? Will "the bozz" have to stand over everyone and hurls abuse as though he is the "ROCK" or will "mr 300 15 years ago, who cares now" have to reignite some class and pull off something inspirational. these boys are around it every year, this year will be no different, a podium is there, if they want it!
gonna go close, but need to stand up, country cup evolves a 22 game commitment by 7 players, theres no time for slacking off, every ball must be bowled with the highest of intensity and care, 3 young guys are just waiting to unleash their talent on the competition, or are they???. Andrew, Luke and Jamie this is the adults now, this is your chance to step up and mix it, Are you ready for the challenge??? Will pat and dave have the stamina to go the distance??? these questions are yet to be answered, but i can report this, if they bowl to their full ability, and play it in the head of the coach, this could be the year, they year to erase all the bad habits of the past, action has been taken, with every action comes a result, will it be a positive one for these boys, well it is all in their hands.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. ok a change of tact here, you guys are fabulous, you are that good i am surprised they even let you in the competition. if people like me were only good enough to be needed in this team, i would be honored, in all seriosness i must be nuts to have you in at 7's knowing that you know you already have it in the bag. I know i will be queuing up for an autograph with the thousands when you hit bendigo, and we will all be in awe when we get the chance to play you, i even believe that our guys might even drop to our knees when we play you's and chant "we're not worthy, we're not worthy"
Their back, maybe not as strong, but just as fiercesome. Will Shane "I'm gonna make you cry" Griffiths and jason "the silent assassin" Way, be able to show enough leadership to get these guys up onto the podium??? My answer is yes, i think these guys are that close to it, they can smell it, where might they fail, well they are 1 player short of being a really good thing. Unlike the last few years, i don't think anyone can afford to have a nap against these guys and get away with it this year
gees so far down the list and i have finally hit double figured odds, i must be getting nicer as i get older!!! anyhow back to the team, tens are more than fair odds for these guys, the thought of the "greatest man to play the game" still keep me thinking along the lines of these guys always have a chance, will the boys be able to exercise as much poise, grace as the great one and be able to have the pins in a spin with such ease, well i am starting to steer off liking them, they'll be honest, they'll be quiet, becareful not to fall asleep during they quietness, cause they will tip toe all over you and walk away with the points
yeah i know, it didn't take long to get to the triple figured odds, but hey, how could i not resist!!! the donga's, they bust their balls, but at the end of the day, they lack strike power, spare power and well any form of power needed to influence this strengthening competition.
SALE 500/1
good luck guys, your gonna need it, have a good weekend, and learn as much as you possibly can, your strength is your unity, you guys have stuck together thru thick and thin, and you must channel this strength to get the best out of yourselves over the 3 days in march
last year 3/1 and failed miserably, this year 1000/1, this is the wrath you wear when i give you merit and fail miserably.
BYE 2500000/1
absolutely no chance seeing as though the VCTBA has eliminated any opponent from being able to play them
good luck to everyone involved, may success role your way, may you make new friends, enjoy your chosen sport, find respect in your opponents, play it hard but most importantly, play it fair