

Jason >=)
This has got to be the second biggest time waster on the internet (other than the facebook/myspace phenomenon)

It is like a random website thingy, but the best thing is you can select sub-categories. Like, i want to random search sites on photography.

be warned .... it can waste a lot of time

EBAY is my downfall. Its a shocker!!! I log on and 2/3 hours latter I've blown the budget and my mail box is full (postie starts giving me funny looks!! wish they wouldn't wrap them in brown paper HA! HA! and I am sure he knows I am single:new_shocked:) I dont think I will have a look on this site I waste to much time on this damn thing already. Enjoy this site though. Keep up the good work TOTALBOWLING and thanks to all the SPONSORS also.
:beerchug: Julie
yes ebay is both a time and money waster.... and since i was a youngin', i was told that time is money ... wasting both time & money is doubly expensive ....

i think that came out right :tongue4:
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