
and it's people like you, Chook who are willing to sit here and ***** about it rather than do something about it. I know simo personally, as I'm sure you do and he has his own tournament, can that be said about you? Thought not.
Are you just looking for trouble on here? Because you've found it.

You have now been banned,
A) couldn't supply your name in your profile
B) making threats
C) for creating another fake user name.

Thanks for your short vist to the site.
simmo.. perhaps you could pass your message on to all your fans... Not just the under age ones

No, i dont have my own tournament but neither do you as far as i am aware, its not caled the Graham Simpson tournamnet or the (insert your own name here, because you couldnt put it on any of your posts) is it? or perhaps i've never bowled in that one??.. If your talking about Salisbury singles i hardly call it a tournament... Would that be the one that got cancelled and then changed to $100 entry fee with only about 20 bowlers??? Successful.. i think not.... (dont forget about my freedom of speech policy)

As far as me not donig something about the 'bowling situation' i try to help out with tournaments... in fact assisted with junior state champs.. out of my own time... didnt know anyone bowling... wasnt supporting anyone.. but was still there.... I may not bowl in many tournaments, but i help with them and if you dont have admin staff then a tournament wont be successful.

And i look forward to the trouble CyaideSun brings...

like strop said, settle down.

I can understand if you are both defending yourselves, but i see this going no where so why keep going on about it.

I wouldnt be bagging the Salisbury Singles Classic either, that tournament has some good grounds to build on and with a bit of advertising around Australia we (Belinda and myself) are looking to get some interstate bowlers come down next year.

I think that if the both of you want to continue to argue, it should be done off-line. Some of the comments are getting pretty nasty and personal, and there is no need for that here.


I have to agree with you it is going no where.. but its a little hard to take it off-line if someone making 'threats' against you doesnt put a name to their post!!

As far as Salisbury goes. i didn't bag it i just said it was unsuccessful.. which is the harsh reality and if anyone thought it was a success then they are kiding themselves... Sorry Matty but i dont see intersate bowlers entering a South Australian Torunament for $100 to win a possible $500?? Once again a harsh reality to those really involved in the sport but that's the truth.

I accept anyone's critisim because i think its a joke.. i have read many posts over the last 2 years all coming to the same conclusion.. No-one wants to bowl in tournaments in South Australia.. Northern Open came and went.. Bob Elliott had only 9 teams in it this year, having over double that in previous years... Salisbury not so successful neither was playford.. women's Adelaide, less then 20 leaving Barrosa Cup, which was somewhat successful (not saying others don't, but chin and stoppel had to work the butts off) and SA Cup which has a national reputation, but hey best of luck to ya!!

And the point of this thread in the first place was that Simo is bored with bowling in South Australia... take a look up.. how many tournaments can you name?? Me? 5, 6 including women's adelaide!! Maybe you should consider bowling in one of these simo, perhaps bowling in SA wouldnt be so boring for you....

Glad you posted again Danielle, because I was about to comment on your comment about Salisbury not being a tournament.

I don't think numbers are just down here in SA but you will find the decline over the past decade or so around Australia in most tournaments.

Even I wish I had the answer to how to get people to bowl but I don't think the negativity (reality) even I say is detracting bowlers to bowl.
It's simply the numbers have dropped off considerably , plus costs of bowling.

While this sport series will be good, i still feel it wont increase numbers, but at least it will give those that want conditions like that the chance to bowl on.



(P.S. I can still even today wonder why on ditches some people still struggle.) :)

Belinda and I have spoken, and with sponsorship available and a big push from myself on the australian scene, we will be aiming to get interstate bowlers down.

I have spoken to several well known players around Aus, and all have said that rankings arent really a big deal, rather if the prize fund is there. If we can secure sponsorship, i think we could get a good tournament together.

Quote Chook: "so leaving Barrosa Cup, which was somewhat successful (not saying others don't, but chin and stoppel had to work the butts off)"

If this is what it takes, then i am prepared to get the Salisbury Classic off the ground and make it work.


I never intended on offending anyone with my salisbury comment, but i appreciate your honesty.

Matt, i see what your trying to do.. but doesnt the problem lie here in SA, there is no point in getting interstate bowlers to bowl in your tournaments if you have no local support?? I think (correct me if im wrong) there were less then 20 bowlers in salisbury singles this year.. are you planning on getting 20 interstae bowlers just to make a decent field size?? And i do not mean to offend anyone but i simply dont see (no matter how hard you try) you getting interstate bowlers to a tournamnet that has no credibility. Streaty worked his absolute butt off at Playford with a MAJOR sponsor, yet numbers were still down.

If a tournamnet such as Barrosa, where it has national credibiltiy and a few interstate bowlers, cant fill two sqauds, call it negative or call it what ever you want.. it think you have no chance of getting salisbury off the ground.

And i think you will stuggle even more due to the tournament director (graham) arguing with people on this forum about the lane condition... thats not very professional... yes fair enough he is entitled to his point of view, but he pretty much attacked jarrod for his comments and graham was speaking from a 'work' perspective. My evidence - he kept on saying come down to the bowl and discuss it with him there etc..

I am not saying this to be a bit*h, i am simply pointing out that there are many things that aren't helping your situation.

I for one will never bowl in it as i dont like salisbury but that is my opinion, i dont like the lanes but apparently your not allowed to talk about them these days... But i do genuinely wish you the best of luck!!

think and feel what you may. your comments will not stop me trying. they make me sick but i will not stop trying.

I am done on this thread.

As quoted by Elliott
Matt, i see what your trying to do.. but doesnt the problem lie here in SA, there is no point in getting interstate bowlers to bowl in your tournaments if you have no local support?? I think (correct me if im wrong) there were less then 20 bowlers in salisbury singles this year.. are you planning on getting 20 interstae bowlers just to make a decent field size?? And i do not mean to offend anyone but i simply dont see (no matter how hard you try) you getting interstate bowlers to a tournamnet that has no credibility.

When Rod baylis was running the S.A. Cup and I was T.D. the highest amout of players we had was 186 bowlers, can I point out that out of that we only had approx, 60 local bowlers bowled. And it was the case many a year of course when numbers were around. If Matt or whoever has a tournament that is filled mainly by interstate then so be it, the more the merrier. I know it's a shame we cant get the numbers locally but hey thats life. We don't mind taking there money (entry).


thanks for the info stoppel and i'm very impressed you spelt Elliott with two T's!!

Matt, i didnt mean to make you feel sick.. but because i did, perhaps i can offer you a bucket.. all jokes aside i do wish you well! I was merely pointing out obvious issues you may face.. but apparently reality is not welcome in the bowling scence as it only appears to be negative... Criticism is all apart of life, some handle it better then others.. i guess the only thing to do now is to prove me wrong!!!

you make some very vallid points danielle

i do bowl all local tourni well i miss 2 this year due to illness .

if only every one new how hard i work to keep salisbury singles going.

and again i would like to thank tony and chinner for promoting it at barrossa this year but i think the date was just very bad timming this year there was just so much on at the time it was held

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