SA Junior Youth Circuit 2004



The SAJYC is back for another year but with a few changes. This year there is two doubles events and a step ladder final in one of our events. This year there is 10 events including 1 incentive event, the U23's. The overall winners in the youth and junior divisions will be decided by the best 42 games. The AGM will be held before the first event at Salisbury Bowl on the 29th of February. The calendar for this year is as follows:

29th Feb - Salisbury Bowland - AGM beforehand
21st March - Ingle Farm Bowland - Invitational Doubles
18th April - Noarlunga
30th May - Cross Road - Stepladder Final
27th June - Elizabeth
14th&15th August - U23's - best 6 games from qualifying
19th September - Norwood - Invitational Doubles
10th October - Barossa Bowl
7th November - Woodville Bowl
5th December - Village

We hope to see all the bowlers that come out last year except those of you that are too old and we hope to see some new bowlers. Entry Fee will be $45 and a $15 membership fee shall apply at the start of the year.

SAJYC Committee
Check-in for Salisbury will be at 9:30am, but the AGM will start at 9am and bowling to comence after, hopefully the AGM will not take too long. See everybody out there.

Dion Alexander for the SAJYC Committee
Just a thought instead of or as well as , did you ever think that maybe you can do a point system similar to ex ATBA where pherhaps each tounament you are awarded say 100 points for 1st ,90 for 2nd , 85 for 3rd , 80 for 4th then 79- 5th, 78- 6th, 77- 7th
etc each tornament thru out the year which at the end of the year your may want to run a champion of champions for the top 20 (or so) points getter, plus a consolation for the rest.
Since some bowlers can't make all tournaments, to be fair perhaps
bowlers can drop there worst single point's tournament or even two.
Also bowlers with the most points can be awarded as B.O.Y. (Bowlers of the Year) Trophy or prize.
Only a few thoughts.......

i totally agree with you tony....the thought brushed my mind a couple times and im glad you brought it up....

so SAJYC what do you think??

matt kanafa
Just an update to let you all know that the circuit has been accredited this year by TBA and Entry Forms will be sent out to all the members who registered last year, pending eligibility. Entry Forms for those who are interested and were not members last year will find entry forms in their centres this coming week.

Thanks Tony for your suggestion. We had looked at different ranking points systems for this year but were unable to come up with one that would be fair as we do have a varying number of bowlers turn up each round. This system may solve the problem though and the committee will look into it for next year. The 'masters' was also discussed and will be reviewed this year. Thanks for your suggestions, if anyone has any other suggestions feel free to post them on here or contact Lyn Alexander on 0413134494 or email

Thanks and cya all at Salisbury

Dion Alexander for the SAJYC Committee
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