best shield team


New Member
Hey just curious on what everyone thinks on when there best president shield team was sent to nationals
what year who was in the team,
maybe even put together an all star team

I would say that SQ's best shield team was in 2004... consisting of

Rowan Humble
Matt Simpson
Simon Strasburg
Derek Adams
Phillip Fagg
Ben Taylor
Christian Kereszteny

Bianca Flanagan
Hayli Mazzoni
Amanda Frost
Yvette Lawton
Cassandra Fagg
Hayley Donnelly
Kirsten McKell
bitchy lil brunette said:
I would say that SQ's best shield team was in 2004... consisting of
Rowan Humble
Matt Simpson
Simon Strasburg
Derek Adams
Phillip Fagg
Ben Taylor
Christian Kereszteny
Bianca Flanagan
Hayli Mazzoni
Amanda Frost
Yvette Lawton
Cassandra Fagg
Hayley Donnelly
Kirsten McKell

brave call. when you have people like brando and matt middlemiss that used to bowl shield

i think this years sq boys team was better
Deadman Inc said:
brave call. when you have people like brando and matt middlemiss that used to bowl shield
i think this years sq boys team was better

add mick little to that list to....

there has been squillions of champions bowl shield...
yer when we look at old teams when belmo and jarrod and the rest of the central boys were there, and also sq had some big names in there teams
Heres some old ones i remember

Central NSW 1990
Had names like
and Gardiner

My Favourite was
SQ side who won in Townsville in 1992
Well, for those who were there, it was a great sight to see this team at full strength come out with the goods on the last day to take the Boys title, and also the Overall for Central NSW - The best Shield Team i have ever seen, and dont think i will see any better, would have to be the Boys Team for Central NSW in 2000 -
Michael Frazi
Jarrod Lean
Evan Brasting
Chris Warner
Jason Belmonte
Also assisted by Matt Harrison and Brendan Gregory.
(I cant remember if Matt Harrison or Evan Brasting bowled in the main line-up)
This team, being led by Michael Frazi on Day Three, after recovering from finger problems and having to sit out all of Day Two, was AWESOME!!!! With the likes of Lean and Belmonte also in the line up and the talented Chris Warner, there was almost no faults in this team.....
As i said, this was the BEST Shield Team that i have SEEN and i really dont think i will ever see better!!!
i would have to rate the first back to back team from sa 98 99 i think (dont qutoe on that one lol) big names in them ones too
Evan Brasting was in the Central 2000 team. That was a very strong year from most of the zones.
its easy to say that this year or last years teams were the best, but look at it this way, imagine bowling shield with the BEST names in bowling today.. as in belmo, jez, brando, nable, bradley, wilton, rutten (walsh), sheehan, blachut, halprin the list goes on.... not a bad bunch of people i can tell ya..
i know the young'ins from today, wouldnt know many of these names, but i got to bowl shield with most of em, and lemme tell you, it was awesome!
so its easy to say that just because the juniors/youth of today think that last years state teams were the best, chances are they arent really THE BEST.
if only there was a way to determine the cream of the crop for like an all star of shield teams.. something like highest 5 averages over the last 20 years of shield or something? dunno, worth thinking about...
there certainly is some great talent coming thru the junior ranks these days all around the country, hopefully with the right looking after some of them will turn out into our next cara honeychurch's, jason belmontes, ashley rileys...
this is just my opinion, and having bowled my last shield in 1996 you can say i am old, but have also seen a couple shields since then.
anyway guys, thats my 2c worth..
Hey Martina,

There is one name you forgot to mention and that's Jess Jakeway! 11 years of shield and more games than you can imagine. She doesn't bowl anymore which is a bit of a shame but as a junior, she was pretty much unstoppable. I had the pleasure of bowling with her in 92, 93, and 95.

I am sure there is a lot of other names out there from past shield teams, but that was one name that I thought that definitely needed a mention.

Take care

i would have to agree wid chip that central team was unbelievable.

i was watching and one off the games every one who was bowling bagged out to the 7frame it was awesome to watch....that year was brilliant
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