From all of us in illawarra tenpin : go team.
Ryan : go kiddo. Not bad for only 1 year into tenpin. Gather all the experience you can from your team mates and all the other bowlers in the shield competition.
Scott: knew they would pick up NSW and Aust open champion eventually. last year best year

Scotty knows how to .... bowl.
Rowan: Captain :- expected with your maturity. What more can I say. Good luck in your last year at Nationals, this is your 7th I believe since you picked up a ball.
Wade and Brennan : Seen you both bowl many times. Also remember you in open doubles last year at StrikeZone. Welcome to the team. You bring a lot of experience to the team.
Ashleigh Bowen : A good choice to balance out the southern influence.

Go northern.
Have also seen you bowl at StrikeZone.
Shane Hadlum : Dont know you yet, but have seen good scores from 2007 shield at Boronia. Welcome to the team.
Best of luck and high scoring. Catch you at Mt Gravatt.