OK, lets do some simple maths.
10 teams as - Mikel - listed earlier.
1.ACT & Southern NSW
2.Central NSW
3.Northern NSW
4.Northern Territory
5.North Queensland
6.South Queensland
7.South Australia
10.Western Australia
'Western Warriors' makes 11, hmmm. Ok so either a team sits out a round... every round, or we have a pacer team, or perhaps even a 12th team. 12 teams means 22 games (play each team twice and you don't play yourself... 12x2=24-2=22). Now to have equal amount of games each day you either have to have 11 days of 2 games, or 2 days of 11 games... Neither is practical. Also, Illawarra StrikeZone, the centre holding the 2004 Junior Nationals and 'Western Warriors' inaugural year in Shield has a boot scooting 24 lanes. Thats just enough, it'll be chocka blocka! GREAT!! Pity about the guys who want some practice lanes while they aren't bowling in the team. This would also mean that every centre to hold Nationals from now on will need about 28 lanes to enable people to still practise, unless the cafe is laying a condition out in carpark, and since I work in X-Zones cafe/Resturant, I can confidently say... no oiling the carpark.
I've met ADD in person, he is a nice guy, and i'm sure this is a little bit of confusion. If its true then my god we will be all rather embarrassed. But Oragne isn't a big enough centre to produce 7 boys and girls that are competitive at National level. Sure some argue that neither is Ta.... I might just stop there. (JOKES PLEASE!!!!) I also believe that Orange is covered by the Central area.
Can't wait til Monday when the teams are announced.
Later Da Cowman!