ok, here is a tough one. may take time...
Whilst digging in a 4,500-year-old burial mound at Xiaguan in Yunnan province in central China, a parchment was found sealed inside a clay vessel for its owner to take with him on his journey to his ancestors. The parchment talks of a traveller, getting lost on a mountain, and whilst seeking safety sees two old men sitting by a fire next to the entrance of a cave. As he approached, he overheard the last part of their conversation, and he later recorded it thus.
Mr Riddle puzzle me in and puzzle me out.
Riddle me dark from the cave to shout.
The question is easy the answer is not.
It lives in the future that has yet to arrive.
I would if I could I could not and died.
Had I have lived I would have not lied.
Mr Puzzle riddle me left riddle me right.
Puzzle me bright from the fire to light.
The answer is easy the question is not.
It lies in the past that time has forgot.
Do I just jest or do I jest not.
I know the truth do I or do I not.
What was the question and answer?