6 game SCRATCH Shootout @ Chadstone - MARCH 8th



Here is another quick, grab for cash tournament from AMF Chadstone.

6 games with the top 4 going thru to the finals, as well as $50 for high game during qualifying.

MAX 24 bowlers, so get your entry in quick, with a deposit to secure your spot.

For further information, please call us on (03) 9568 7921, or email us at amf_chadstone@amfbowling.com.au

We look forward to hearing from you.
Less than a week to go, held on Monday evening with a start time of 6:15pm, so most people should be back from their long weekend trips, and early enough for it to not be a late night.

Call us on 9568 7921,
or email us

The more entries the merrier.
Mr AMF Chadstone, Just wondering what the lanes are going to be like on the night. A bit of Backend wouldn't go astray :evil:

Who Uses a Whip, Yep !!!
RE: Conditions

Lately the conditions at Chadstone have been pretty fair and reasonable for scoring. You simply need to concentrate and ensure you get through the ball.

If you are willing to do the work then you will be rewarded. Be lazy and you will suffer the consequences.

If you expect the lane, or ball to do your work for you then I think you should rethink your status as a competitive bowler, don't you! Isn't it your job to overcome any problems you may find with the lanes.

It's time to be Hammer-ed!
Mr. Jockey,

I do expect the ball to do the work for me, Balls have been designed with weight blocks and reactive covers. Why ! So it can grip the lane and turn when it's finished its skid. I guess thats why we have our ball drilled finger tip and don't bowl straight at the pins. If the lanes are too oily or greasy then the ball's impact on the pins is reduced.
Pretty much the same conditions as the Boronia Classic i think!!
How did we all go there Jockey ??? Mabee it's you who should rethink their status as a competitive bowler !!!, but lets not argue.
Mabee you should come down to Mentone and see the difference. Anyway lets chat Tuesday.
use that whip i would be of the opinion that jockey can class himself as a competitive bowler considering he bowled rachuig last year maybe you should come down as see if you are good enough yourself and see if you can make rachuig.sounds like you need more hand on the ball if you need backend to get the ball to hook.i will give you a tip the ball will actually carry better with oil on the lane as balls are designed for oil not dry backends(why dont you learn what you are talking about before you attack one of this states actual competitive bowlers?)i would think you have a :oops: 220 average at mentone thats what anyone decent should have down there considering you could close your eyes and hit the pocket with how open the shot is down there i remember averaging 230 with my spare ball during a rachuig trial there it is one of the easiest centres i have seen.
Hey Chucker,
Sorry if i offended you, wasn't my intention.
But Jockey is a Hack and he knows it, He gets told to his face every week and can and does defend himself.
So thanks for your lovely input and keep up that great bowling.
Ah Hackster!

I remember you saying you do not post onto this forum!

See what you get for not staying true to your word!

By the way I doubt Mac was offended I think he was quite amused actually.

Maybe you should try out for Rachuig this year to prove a point.

Besides it will allow us hacks to show you how it's really done now, won't it!

Bring it on! See you Monday!

It's time to be Hammer-ed!
As one who learned to bowl on wooden lanes with non reactive balls, I have always preferred to be challenged when I bowl.

I remember Mac's scoring at Mentone. Looked like he could have closed his eyes and still scored well.

The reactive balls/synthetic lanes don't make you have to try to bowl. I base this on the fact that I have maintained a high average while bowling one league a week for the last five odd years. I only last year started bowling a handful of tournaments again and still do not put in any genuine practice time on the lanes.

When I was bowling well in the MTBOV in the early nineties you had to be bowling much more than one league a week to maintain a high average and be competitive in tournaments.

This was due to wooden lanes and urethane balls. There was a lot of effort put in by all bowlers back then to do well in an event.

I'm not saying that bowlers these days do not put in any effort. I am saying that there is a lot less effort needed these days to be competitive. You don't have to have a solid game as in the late eighties and early nineties to do well in a tournament.

Also as Mac stated those of us who know we can bowl tend to avoid ditched up conditions as it doesn't do anything to really enhance our game. All it does is maintain our confidence levels.

I's time to be Hammer-ed!
Ah Jockey,
No i havent posted before but if i had known it was going to be so much fun i would have ages ago.
So when are you going to change your name to "HACK JOCKEY" I'm still waiting
Don't think i'll be trying out this year ! I have a life !!
I've seen you bowl at Chaddy and if thats the competition i'm gonna get i might just bring my blindfold to make it a little more interesting :lol:
So since Mentone is so easy where should i go for some quality hard practice. Since i'm a hack myself, i guess i need all the help i can get. :twisted:
Catch ya Monday.
Chucker, Let's talk about easy lanes!

Mooroolbark mean anything to you!!


Don't start on Mentone before you look in your own yard
jockey you talk about the past alot, you seem to have done alot of bowling so here is a question:

Did Fred use a columbia300BC Granet to win the Bedrock open?
chucker said:
i remember averaging 230 with my spare ball during a rachuig trial there it is one of the easiest centres i have seen.

Yes you bastard, I couldnt catch you with my damn reactive that year.

And I believe you used it at Werribee as well, but thats because they had about 15 foot of oil that year (before they got the kegel).
evil jockey i dont actually bowl league at mooroolbark i bowl at dandy so looking at my own yard i would say that it is a lot tougher than close your eyes mentone.you are right i have seen how easy mooroolbark is the singles league on monday night averages 214 for 18 people not bad.still too many centres around victoria are going for ditched lanes to make people think they are good so when these people hit the tba lane policy they get a very rude supprise they have to aim at targets instead of an area.
Hey there Milkman,
What are you sucking up for. The way youv'e been bowling lately you couldn't catch anyone riding a rocket.
As for those lanes at Mooroolbark, the pocket is so big down there you can hit the 6 pin and get strikes. Talk about easy :eek:nfire:
Me, suck up? I think you got the wrong milkman.

As for bowling bad, no need to remind me, I'm working on it. Seems like I need a little coaching, who wishes to volunteer?
Well i dont know who you are 'Evil Jockey/Use That Whip' and thats fine if you want to hide behind your alias. For all i know you can hold your own on the lanes but I must say though you seem to be targeting people that have proven themselves as competition players. So just out of curiousity how about telling us alittle about yourself... ie. what tournys have you won, what years did you represent the state, oh yes and when did you represent Australia? Now if the past isnt something you like to talk about then how about the future, when are we going to see you on the lanes?
Seems there is no exclusivity on monikers these days. Sorry "Whip" don't think I will be changing it to "Hack Jockey". But I see there is an "Evil Jockey" out there.

Good to see interest in bowling is still alive and well!

See you at Chadstone "Whip" or should I say "Whippet" think there is still some room for improvement there.

It's time to be Hammer-ed! Monday!
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