I'm still standin'
Attention all Bowlers:
Pending release of the nomination forms, which are awaiting TBA accreditation, the following is a short release advising the date and location of the 2010 Roll offs. Hopefully this will assist bowlers in some forward planning, and take advantage of some inexpensive air fares that are about at the moment.
Queensland Bowlers are advised that in 2010, ONE Roll Off will be held to select the State Teams to compete in the Walter Rachuig, National Seniors Challenge, and National Restricted Challenge at the 2010 Australian National Championships at Rooty Hill NSW in October 2010.
In fairness to all competitors across the State, the roll off will be held in an area as central as possible to ALL Queensland Bowlers, and as such, it will be at the Mackay Leisure Centre, 95 Broadsound Rd Mackay.
All bowlers will complete an 18 game roll off over the weekend of 20th and 21st February 2010 – 12 games on Saturday, and 6 on Sunday, with the lane pattern changing every 6 games. The Lane patterns will be decided upon by the State Coaching Director, Gail Torrens, in consultation with the Technicians at Mackay Leisure Centre.
At the conclusion of Sundays’ play, ALL teams will be announced, and team members will be required to participate in a briefing before they leave for their respective journeys home.
Check in will CLOSE at 8.15am on Saturday 2oth February, and bowling will commence at 8.30am. It is estimated that Sunday’s play will commence at 9am however this time will be confirmed at the end of the First days play.
Nomination forms will be released in the immediate near future, in the mean time, please direct any enquiries as follows:
Rachuig - Morty Douglass
Seniors & Restricted - Broni Morgan
thanks, and Happy New Year to you all!!
Pending release of the nomination forms, which are awaiting TBA accreditation, the following is a short release advising the date and location of the 2010 Roll offs. Hopefully this will assist bowlers in some forward planning, and take advantage of some inexpensive air fares that are about at the moment.
Queensland Bowlers are advised that in 2010, ONE Roll Off will be held to select the State Teams to compete in the Walter Rachuig, National Seniors Challenge, and National Restricted Challenge at the 2010 Australian National Championships at Rooty Hill NSW in October 2010.
In fairness to all competitors across the State, the roll off will be held in an area as central as possible to ALL Queensland Bowlers, and as such, it will be at the Mackay Leisure Centre, 95 Broadsound Rd Mackay.
All bowlers will complete an 18 game roll off over the weekend of 20th and 21st February 2010 – 12 games on Saturday, and 6 on Sunday, with the lane pattern changing every 6 games. The Lane patterns will be decided upon by the State Coaching Director, Gail Torrens, in consultation with the Technicians at Mackay Leisure Centre.
At the conclusion of Sundays’ play, ALL teams will be announced, and team members will be required to participate in a briefing before they leave for their respective journeys home.
Check in will CLOSE at 8.15am on Saturday 2oth February, and bowling will commence at 8.30am. It is estimated that Sunday’s play will commence at 9am however this time will be confirmed at the end of the First days play.
Nomination forms will be released in the immediate near future, in the mean time, please direct any enquiries as follows:
Rachuig - Morty Douglass
Seniors & Restricted - Broni Morgan
thanks, and Happy New Year to you all!!