1. Paul Robinson
2. Josh Colbert
3. Tyson Hinton
4. Russell Hinton
5. Mac Stewart
6. Gavin Cox
7. Vi Huynh
8. Andrew Thorpe
9. Ralph Harford
10. Amanda De Lange
11. Barry Wicks
12. Damien Robinson
13. Gordon Robinson
14. David Carmichael
15. Scott Mooney
16. Darren Bianchi
17. Chris Castle
18. Tony Aarons
19. Michael Wilson
20. Lee Phillips
21. Steve Carmen
22. Joseph Moraiti
23. Steve Toth
24. Jane Finch
25. Allan Bamford
26. Sam Termine
27. Gary Black
28. Marc Aarons
29. Brett Smith
30. Chris Price
31. Matt Ambroziak
32. Tony Pappin
33. Vanessa Pappin
34. Shay Heenan
35. Trent Brooks
36. Paul Trotter
37. Nick Willamson
38. Ryan Burton
39. Richard Tran
40. Jayden Kalman
41. Jacqui Boxshall
42. Jason Newman
43. Damien Lowry
44. Ivan Aranda
45. Ben Turner
46. Dwayne Vivian
47. Martin Muxworthy
48. Josh Eldridge
49. Russell Stokely
50. Brian Elrick
51. Adam Brooks
52. Chris Rosetta
53. Mick Carlsson
At this stage, due to the great support of all the above bowlers, we have expanded to take 60 entries.
Bowlers will bowl 5 per pair.
An updated prize payout will be announced shortly.
Look forward to seeing you all there on the day!