2002 Super 8 series ???


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
It's been talked about a fair bit and I'm sure within the next few months things will be confirmed. I heard that they are considering going to a Super 8 series. I'm all for it but here are a few of my suggestions that I think would make a better tour.

# Allowing bowlers to drop their lowest finish or even their lowest 2 finishes

# Not making events double points

# Make the entries $400 across the board with $5000 guaranteed for 1st with $1000 for 16th

# Having TV finals for all tournaments, doing it the cheap way instead of asking a TV station to fork out a huge expense (there is a way, I"ll mention it later).

Just a few suggestions to throw around. There is a bowlers meeting on Friday night at 8pm at Bankstown to discuss such matters, hope to see everyone there.

If you care about the future of tournament bowling in Australia, be at Bankstown Bowl, Sydney this Friday at 8:00 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, ">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by George:
It's been talked about a fair bit and I'm sure within the next few months things will be confirmed. I heard that they are considering going to a Super 8 series. I'm all for it but here are a few of my suggestions that I think would make a better tour.

# Allowing bowlers to drop their lowest finish or even their lowest 2 finishes
( I'd rather see the points earned on a per tournament basis with a cashing percentage factored in. )

# Not making events double points
( I agree! )

# Make the entries $400 across the board with $5000 guaranteed for 1st with $1000 for 16th
( That's a bit stiff for an entry fee. It can be done other ways )

# Having TV finals for all tournaments, doing it the cheap way instead of asking a TV station to fork out a huge expense (there is a way, I"ll mention it later).
( Good thinking George. After all, that's what public access TV is for..or don't we have that in Australia?

Just a few suggestions to throw around. There is a bowlers meeting on Friday night at 8pm at Bankstown to discuss such matters, hope to see everyone there.
( You couldn't keep me away..see everyone Friday! )


I would love to make it to the meeting Friday night but I have to bowl league, so here is a suggestion to put forward if anyone feels it has relevance or value.

First of all $400 per event is a bit steep for some people. A lot of people already are worried about the entry fee. But there is a way to increase the purse without raising the entry fee. What you need is more entries.

Now I can hear you saying how do we do that?

Well you have to add value. You need to attract new bowlers and get bowlers who bowl in one or two events to compete in more. What if AMF offered discount practice games (dependent on lane availability) if you played in 1 event, and games at a cheaper rate if you played in 2, and so on. How about games for $2.00 if you compete in all events, or maybe even a number free then pay. It does not matter about the numbers but they need to be seen to add value. This is the only way we can all benefit.

Another thing is the TV coverage, either we have it or we don't, AMF need to be decided about there plans. "OIL" well I agree with Frawls post, we all have to bowl on it. The Kegel is great, I bowl on the condition nearly every day, but I am not going to pull out because a tournament is not using the same machine. All that is needed is a fair condition, that is consistent through all squads.

Well George I hope this gives you something to talk about, and as you can see it is not that hard to add value. Hopefully someone will think of another value add to entice new bowlers.

I fully agree with you George! I'm assuming the double points is in place to entice more entrants to less popular tournaments, I'm not sure. I also think there should be an some lane condition standards introduced as well, as I'm sure a lot of bowlers aren't interested in paying out a lot of money to bowl on "an unplayable condition".

Could somebody please put this idea forward as I am unable to make it to Bankstown for the meeting/tournament due to University commitments.

will it be bowled on a "sport" condition???

also, i said earlier, 8 is too much, 6 will work good, if its one tournament every 2 months.

entry fee don't bother me, but i can see its disadvantages.

i believe, we should get the circuit working properley, before we worry about t.v

maybe there should be an instaters subsidy, as the guys have to fork out the extra to compete, air fares, accomodation etc

will they have the pattern right by then???

these are my main concerns!!!
Hi All

My Suggestion is to keep the entry fee at what it is, but spread the tournies out. This year AMF had 4 out of 6 six events in the first 5 months now that is a really steep for people trying to mix it with the guns.


Hi All,
The bowlers meeting at Bankstown on the friday night. I will be there and will attend the meeting.
It should be very interesting on what is going to be discussed. Something has to be done to get our sport to where it should be.

Bowlers dropping the lowest finish or 2 finishes would have to be discussed. I agree with Wayne about maybe having a cash percentage factored into it.

I agree with not having double points in the tournaments.

The suggestion made by Craig, by having the super 6 events and having them 2 months apart was a great idea.

I agree with George and Australian Tenpin Bowling has to be promoted and promoted properly. BIG CASH - $5,000 1st, to 16th being $1000. Along with every event being televised. Lanes have to be dressed as a sports condition.

Everything has to be professionally organised. WHO CAN DO IT?
AMF Suggesting of a SUPER 8 circuit in 2002.

My possible calendar for the Super 8 in 2002 would be this.

January (4th weekend) - STH AUSTRALIA CUP
February (4th weekend) - KOOLFOAM QLD CUP
April (easter weekend) - AUSTRALIAN OPEN
July (1st weekend) - CANBERRA OPEN
August (1st weekend) - NSW OPEN
September 2nd weekend) - WESTERN AUSTRALIAN OPEN
November (2nd weekend) - VICTORIAN OPEN
November (3rd weekend) - STH PACIFIC CLASSIC

In my opinion that would be a fair SUPER 8 calendar if the idea of the 8 tournament circuit went ahead. You cannot spread out 8 major events within 12 months and make sure that most states hold an event. The event will not fill.

Having the tournament double being the Victorian Open and SPC to finish of the year. Now if the SPC moved from state to state each year then you would hold that state's event the weekend before SPC. The example is how they had it a couple of years ago at bankstown with SPC following NSW Open.

Another suggestion would be to have a SUPER 8 event on an October weekend in conjunction with the Nationals. The state that hold the nationals will have that event in October.
Example would be The Nationals in Qld and you have the Koolfoam in October and not February.

As stated in the posts before. If the 8 event circuit went ahead, the prize fund would have to increase largely. There will be alot of travelling and the money has to be worth the expense of making the trip.

A cheaper tournament game price would help the prize fund!

That is my thoughts on a SUPER 8 calendar and how it could be structured.


hi guys , super 6 or 8 i don't really care if it is 6 or 8 events but there are a couple of things i think amf should look at.

1- using the kegel oiling machine for all events and using a different SPORT CONDITION for all events .
2- entry fees not sure on this one but if they increase the entry fee lets look at increasing the payouts down the bottom and leave the top places alone this will encourage the guys to keep coming back, lets face it the guys in the top 10 places are going to bowl the next event any way .it is the guys who are just cutting or just missing but still get a little back who we need to go to the next event so the numbers will stay up.

anyway just a couple of ideas to think about good luck to all going to the nsw open.
Keep the replies coming, I"ll make an effort to print them out and bring them to the meeting on Friday night. Even if you have something small to contribute please post it, we want to know.

One small thing I forgot to mention was the points system. I think if we want to make this into a prestige tour we have to do things professionally, this means eliminating the ratings and keeping stats like they do in the states to find the Bowler of the Year award.

These stats include:

* Earnings
* Points
* Averages
* Titles
* 300 games

I would also like to see Pro-ams run on the Friday night. They serve 2 purposes

a) Promote Australia's elite whilst lifting the profile of bowling through out the centres.

b) Raise money which goes towards prizefunds and other incentives for bowlers.

As for the current series, we are getting International recognition! I spoke to several bowlers from the US and Europe who know of the Super 6 in Australia and who were able to quote results. We now have the opportunity to make it bigger and better next year. Hope to see people at the meeting on Friday night, if you can't make it, post a reply and I'll bring it to the meeting for you.

Belmo, man you are on the right track, it's the formats that directly relate to how is going to play, how is going to watch and how much money is going to the prizefunds.

Guys and girls wake up, every game you bowl needs to be paid for, you play 15 games of matchplay at $4.40 per game and your racking
up dollars, 16 games qualifying, top 45 play 6 games....etc I hope you get the point.

If I could go to this meeting I would vote to drop this riduculous semi final where 45 people have to get up at the crack of dawn, hey it's also a social game and a chance to catch up with friends and checkout the city you are in, fat chance of that going on with an 8.15am check in.

I beleive the finals should be say top 24 to 32 depending on entries and then 12 games total pinfall at a reasonable 10.30am start for both finalist and spectators, then a top 3 stepladder about 2.30pm.

Based on a 30 person final playing 12 games would:
a) put $800 more into the prizefund.
b) have 30 people feel that they made the real cut.
c) stop many of us having to see the physio during the next week because we hurled a ball down the lane for 21 games.
d) stop the condition breaking down to fast
e) bring back some older bowlers how have left tournament playing because it had to many games.
f) only use 16 lanes of the centre, leaving the others (after a buffer pair) for open play giving the centre a chance to still get income, especially if it is raining.

Say it was the top 26 based on qualifying, then on the Saturday night straight after the last squad, there would be the despardo squad which you would pay say $20 for 1 game with the top 4 games going into the final.
I can tell you its great to bowl in, fun to watch and high pressure. get 20 people to have a go and that's $300 more dollars into the prizefund.

I have said it before and will say it again, the answers to our questions have been answered by tounament promoters in the US and Europe, all we have to do is evolve....or face the consequences.

true that....we need to evolve in the game.....AUS has so many up coming talents we have must give them and the rest of te other top bowlers a taste of what the world is doing at the moment!
i recently came back from an FIQ trip and boy did we get a shock.......masters is played in 2 days.....8 games a day and everything is quick and short....like power burts if u will....a race to win.......i think 12 ga,mes total pin fall is a good idea!.....u get a consistant bowler yet the consist high scoring bowler to win!

when we told the oter countries we bowl 21 in one day they laughed...........generally bowlers start to get injured by te 16 game and its hard to hold on to a lead or catch one if u have bowled too many games in one day!
One oter reason why people are saying the lanes are ****........there is n oil in the world that can last for 20 odd games in one day with out be dressed again!.....so its not the condtion or the centre or anything i think its the formatt!

jason belmonte
I reckon we should get bonus pins for artistic rides.

How about the best looking outfit on the day?

Longest toss down the lane?

Most unusually shapped bowling ball?

Most intoxicated bowler before bowling

Im just trying to lighten the conversation :^)

But i do agree. I hate making the first cut of a tournament, then miss out after that. I almost fall asleep watching 16 games of bowling while you see the same left handers striking continuously all day (*hint hint*).

I just think we need more animation from the bowlers. I can tell you now, if I ever make a tv final (highly unlikely), I'll be making it well worth watching :^) Might even do a strip dance after I win or something hehe
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, ">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by milkman:
I can tell you now, if I ever make a tv final (highly unlikely), I'll be making it well worth watching :^) Might even do a strip dance after I win or something hehe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey Milkman .. I think we want people to watch not turn it off at the site of your ugly mug doing a friggin jig in the raw on national TV.
i think it is good to see everyone getting in here and throwing up ideas bowling in australia is getting better as we can tell from the super six this year. it has been a sucess and now george is right we have to build on this and make it bigger and better.
As belmo said we just got back from fiq and we have to follow the way things are down overseas. The format has to change to make it more exciting to watch and also as frawls said to increase the prize fund.
With the condition everyone bowls on the same one so if ya ask me it doesnt really matter but we should be putting down similar conditons to overseas if u want to get in line with the rest of the world and improve Australia's chance of doing well when they travel overseas.
It is all looking up for bowling in Aus so lets make it awesome and get overseas bowlers coming to our tournie's and get them talking about bowling in Australia.
what about a 4 player matchplay (top 24 or 36 cut), on a pair of lanes, with 1st getting 30 bonus pins, 2nd getting 20 and 3rd getting 10 with 4th getting none. haven't done the figures, just a ball park suggestion

if qualifying is 16 games, have a dash for cash on the last 4 games, where the top 3 scores for that squad, gets bonus money.

same with the step ladder, i like the pba's top 8 setup

one thing i used to like about the melbourne cup was, halfway through matchplay, they used to stop for lunch, then before the start of recommencement, they used to announce each bowler to a packed house.

pro ams are always a good thing

what are they doing about the conditions they think they are getting right, NOT!!!!!

for a start they can set there flow rates on the first 2 passes to 100%, instead of 25%, the terminology of the unit rule is thickness of oil at a prescribed length, not that you have to oil a prescribed length, there is a set distance of i think 24 feet, scary hey,but what i am meaning is that setting the outside tanks to 10 feet at 100% is better for your shape, than 30 feet at 25%, which has been the major cause of all reverse blocking problems, if the buff area at a certain distance has the prescribed units, it doesn't matter how far prior the machine has stopped oiling.

throwing it back the the floor
i have been tinkering with christians calendar and have found out that i hate the 8 tournaments more than ever

here is the calendar, and you'll see how cramped it is, when you have to take into account, FIQ, local/area championships and state grand prix circuits

January (4th weekend) - STH AUSTRALIA CUP

February (3rd weekend) - KOOLFOAM QLD CUP

March (2nd weekend) - NSW OPEN

April (2nd weekend) - AUSTRALIAN OPEN

May (1st, 2nd, 3rd weekend) RACHUIG TRIALS ***ALL STATES*** non super 8

June (1st weekend) PERTH CUP non super 8

June (2nd weekend) MELBOURNE CUP non super 8

July (2nd weekend) - CANBERRA OPEN

August (1st, 2nd & 3rd weekend) STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS non super 8

September (1st weekend) - WESTERN AUSTRALIAN OPEN

October (1st, 2nd & 3rd weekend) NATIONALS non super 8

November (2nd weekend) - STH PACIFIC CLASSIC

December (2nd weekend) - HOBART CUP

6 would be more workable, and not neccesarily working around public holidays

2 day format is good and workable still
i have been tinkering with christians calendar and have found out that i hate the 8 tournaments more than ever

here is the calendar, and you'll see how cramped it is, when you have to take into account, FIQ, local/area championships and state grand prix circuits

January (4th weekend) - STH AUSTRALIA CUP
February (3rd weekend) - KOOLFOAM QLD CUP
March (2nd weekend) - NSW OPEN
April (2nd weekend) - AUSTRALIAN OPEN
May (1st, 2nd, 3rd weekend) RACHUIG TRIALS ***ALL STATES***
June (1st weekend) PERTH CUP
June (2nd weekend) MELBOURNE CUP
July (2nd weekend) - CANBERRA OPEN
August (1st, 2nd & 3rd weekend) STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS
September (1st weekend) - WESTERN AUSTRALIAN OPEN
October (1st, 2nd & 3rd weekend) NATIONALS
November (2nd weekend) - STH PACIFIC CLASSIC
December (2nd weekend) - HOBART CUP

6 would be more workable, and not neccesarily working around public holidays

2 day format is good and workable still
Firstly may I say I agree with Frawls that reducing the games is the answer to some of our problems and even though I enjoy bowling games I see the benefit of reducing them. I also feel that if games are to be reduced we need to relook at the oil pattern to account for it. Not everyone plays well on a fresh condition so maybe we need a carrydown section or something to even all bowlers up.

As for formats one I'd like to see is a lowest dropped off so if you start with say 32, the lowest two games keep dropping off until your down to the final 4 or 8 or whatever and then 1 at a time goes until a winner. I appreciate it has some consequences ie. hit a real ugly pair and no guarantee of how many games on Sunday but rather than the crowd getting interested in the last 4 games of matchplay and knowing they can come in with an hour to run and still see all the bowlers, with this if they turn up with an hour to play they're man or woman might be out and gone. The prizefund wouldn't be too hard to establish either the 2 that go get the same or the higher game loser moves to the higher spot cheque. I havent done the sums but I'm sure this would reduce game fees as well. What do we all think?
perc talbot masters (ATBA) used to do that, start with 32 after qualifying, and drop 4 every 4 i think it was.

i liked that format
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