You wanted it and after hours of typing and bullshitting here it is!
Booty Call Belmo presents
presented in DOLBY surround sound also avalible in wide screen
Seems just like yesterday when i walked into a bowl wearing the mighty Blue (Central) shirt and walking away with all the trophies and medals our team won at the MOST MAGIC day of every Jnrs early career...... PRESIDENT SHIELD and MASTERS!
Before reading the post any further please note.
No actually bets to be placed...only Friendly bets allowed.
All Remarks posted are there purly for fun.
Anything really funny in this is all trademark proof
And monkeys can drive cars!
Hang on....3.....2....1............
INTRODUCING the teams in the guys division!
Does experiance count? Well if it does this team has a shit load of it. Everyplayer in the team has played at least 1 Pressie sheild.
With captain and local hero Chris "the Slats" Slattery and his right hand man DA COW MAN leading the team into the firey pit od the SHEILD hand in hand, this team has leaders like nother team.
Expect these boys to play lead and anker...cause thats where i would play them.
ps- cheers for ur help slats...your the man!
My team, my successors!
Check this out for a team......DEFENDING masters champion Matty Sing "a tune" and upcoming talant Matt "M and M" Mc Crae years of experiance at the Jnr and youth level. Both with solids styles and encourgaing personalities....these 2 will need to lift and help the rest of the team over the line.
Then again having a coached name DR ED KEE..possibly the best coach in AUST history these guys might even be able to close theirs eyes and win if they listen to their coach...he is that good!
One man to look out for..............LUKE ROW (your boat) LAND
Saw this guy bowl in newcastle....looked great. Very solid at the line almost everyshot and hand enough hand on the ball to mix the pins around. Not only does it have skill he has Heart...seen this start a couple of games off with the first 5 open and still come up with a 190 game which is hard to do on a ditch let alione a drying AMF house shot!
Not to be out done is leading average bowler to make the team Brian (legs weak) ARMSTRONG (sad i know i know) hahaha
This guy looks to be able to hold his own...but will teh 2 have the legs to uphold a strong feild???? time will tell!
In the words of my good mate SLATS......"a team any further left
of us would be MADAGASCAR" brought a tear of laughter in my eye!
Has to be the most Heart strong team out there....they travel year after to year and something tells me this year they wont leave without a BIG FIGHT....and if any of the bowlers in the team are as strong as the MAIN MAN from over that way Mike Muir (a good friend of mine) this team will either beat u by 10 or lose by 5
Names to watch for..... Adrain Altieri and David Wilcox finishing 1st and 2nd in the rolloffs!
Heres your anker, your lead and your middle man in a already strong team.
Paul Gifford
Mike Col-Rix
Brad Tanner
These boys can play.....i know from first hand. With a few more years of practice and experiance under the belts the boys are better players than ever.
trade marks for the SA team.........FACAIL PEIRCINGS, TATOOS and tounge rings not to mention anywhere else periced....its the trend over there so lets just hope they clean the pericings everywhere regualry...and i do mean everywhere....that means u COL-RIX u kept telling me it was loose change in your jeans but i think it was a lil something else clicking down their
Like Andrew "JOEY" Johns is the only play maker in teh NEWCASLTE KNIGHTS Mickey Zentveild is the Joey Johns for VIC....and i hate to say it but like newcaslte should joey play awful the team gets smahshed............same will occur with the JNR VIC team
all im going to say is......BOYS pray mickey Is on F***ing fire!
With the Adult nationals been held up there this year i can tell you now interest in the game has incresed 10 times.
More practice sessions than anyone else...... paid for expences to PYSHIO and CARIO.... team bonding sessions out on the beach....players like Walters and Jones will need to be relaxed should this team come out on top.
PS- all said just then....i have nothing to back that it could be a lie.....maybe
hypertheitcally if the nationals were held at Nerang QLD..... SOUTH Q would win with only using one guy playing for them......Derek Adams. I think he has shot 7x 300's in 6 months and countless other high games!
But the question on everyones lips........CAN HE BOWL OUTSIDE OF NERANG???? lets hope so...cause i think the team will need him to bowl about 6x300's to have a chance to walk away with the CUP!
Not even sure if they are playing....your guess is as good as mine
Again i have no infomation about this team!
With 3 game elimination its always so hard to pick who will win....anyone on any given set can throw 700 at you or 400....luck really does come into it.
I remember when i won the MASTERS i lost my 2nd match by 15 or so only shooting 530 and then others on my way to final only winning by 5 with a set of 720......luck helps in this format.
but here is my "late night" TOP 10
OVERDUE for a win...has the just needs to throw taht slow roll perfect everyshot!
Defending champ.....only 1 person had gone back to back...DAVE BROOKER...although i could of had a crack but was unable to compete in my 2nd NATIOANLS
Worth watching.....has a great shot and been of the left traffic wont be light and the oil might hold up for him!
3. Cage-
Saw him bowl 2 weekends ago...great lefty...again help with been on the left....condtion will hold and with his revs should be a place getter!
4. Adams-
AKA Mr.300...saw his number plates on his car...they read SHOOTER haha this guy by the sounds is a great player...he is great over 1 game and we hope he can hit it for 3 games a set! If he does....u will all be playing for 2nd!
5. Zentveild-
Will be a AUST YOUTH TEAM member in the near future.
Only down side to his game is....not enough boards on a lane after the 2 round.
All ready standing on the gutter and throwing acroos a KABAILLION baords and back...lanes and his shot may be his worst enemy!
6. Cowland-
Sure of a top 10 basically he owns almost every Storm ball kown to man to combat any condition they lay. Just hope the petrol tank will still have some in it after Pressie sheild!
7. Mc Crae-
May not quite have the concentraion to get himt o the top...but expect big games in the fiorst 3 rounds....comes out quick but may not have the legs to keep running to the finish line!
8. Gifford-
Has a great the ball a whack (must practice whacking at home he is that good at doing it to a ball) but has he learnt to control the revs?? im sure he says he has but the scores will tell us!
9. Adrain Alteri-
Has all of WA behind him...... and he will not give up.... watch him come home after been down in the first or 2nd game....this guy is TOUGH!
10. Col-rix
i just feel sory for this guy....peni pericings and what not....i hope he make sthe top 10 just so the pain goes away for a lil bit!
Thats the guys all wrapped the girls...should be fun!!!!!!!!
Young potential....With Sam Fisher leading the way and Jess Mc Ginty guiding the team...should be exciting to see how the team goe...possible top 4...
Christine "sunshine on a rainy" Day and Loz Rochester are the top guns in the team....usually competeing against eachother....they will have to work together and put some big scores on the board to carry the team.
My bet for a podem finish1
A couple of hopefuls....Kristy lee dragger "in the heart" and Chelsea Scott these girls have been around a for a while and are always posting goiod results...but if they wanta win...good results just wont cut it!
They have the same heart as the boys but do they have the skill to match.
Sylvia Wilson smashed the boys in the rolloff averaging a handy 204 on a tough pattern...but help for her team is alil adrift with the next girl averaging 30 pins lower in the 170's
If she can bowl half as good as her brotehr could Miss Mooney will be throwing numbers left right and centre and could almost pull the team over the line single handedly....and even if she cant she has Kerry Ann Klop and Zoe Mattason to lend a hand in the battle for the title!
Ive seen this girl improve 10 fold!!!!!!!! Her name Carly Allen. But has she improved enough to hold a team together and keep them all motivated for the win???
The Cara Honeychurch look a like competetion winner Allen has help behind her in Miss tracey Madden.....once a scools rep, she has the chance now to show that skill that got her in to the team and help miss Allen.
Needham, Mc Kell, Starkey, Balderson, Dunn, Bandler and Cocks holding up the rear are shaping up to look like a Heart strong team...all good friends so team encouragement will be on a high!
Is only 1 Flanagan strong enough??? South Queensland girls have been almost as dominant in the game as Serina Williams is in Tennis.
Almost the perfect team for years....and im sure Baiance wont let a great HISTORY in the team fall away this year...she is the number one gun and she will be firing bullets to the pocket!
Same as the boys team
Without the likes of Sara Hyland team will struggle with leadership....Miss emma Tubb if still playing will have to rise to the occasion should she bring Tassie with a win
3 Games elimination will be a test for the girls....with a physical start at pressie sheild the girls will have to refule quick and hopefully have enough in teh tank to last the long day!
But like in everythign someone will always win and here are BCB's
Late night top 10
1. Flanagan
With wanting to be the best Flanagan out there in bowling she will give it her all to win....and with her heart muscle i have no doubts she can do it!
2. Day
Christine has a great shot...its hard and strong and will only leave about 3 five pins a agme unlike the average 6 for eachother girl out there
Should be up top somewhere!
Smooth sexy and enjoyably to watch (and thats just her bowling
) top 3 is a chance but will have to dig down when need be
4. Fisher
Looks great at the line, age is on her side and if she doesnt win this year she will the next!
She is a Cara Look a she is looking much better in the swing and Sid Allen (no relation) has done wonders
6. Rochester
Strong and powerful......will carry more times than anyother.....will she spare?? That will determine a win or not!
7. klop
Kerry is versitile...can score on arange of shots...but will need to give 110% to take the title
8. Mc Ginty
To claim bragging rights for the next year miss Mc Ginty will have to talk to dad and get some worth while pointers in winning the title....again time will help her improve and she will have a btter chance next year!
9. Dagger
She will get u when u least expect her a come back from this lil girl.... she can kill u even with a frame to go if she a chance
10. Wilson
The WA born and breed girl has to tough road ahead but she doesnt mind a challange and i know for a fact she will die trying to win!
Thats all the teams i know of and all the masters write ups..... Hope u enjoyed the post as much i did typing it!
Ill be in Las Vegas while you guys are bowling in the NATS so be sure to kepp totalbowling updated and ill be sure to look on and cheers NSW CENTRAL home..... and in the words of Jarrod lean
"we bowl cauase its fun"
so have fun guys and remember its only a game...........HAHAHAHAHA
bullshit u play to win...and win by any means u can...uif u have to break an arm or 2 so be me it worth the jail sentace is worth the CUP at the end of it all
Booty Call Belmo
Booty Call Belmo presents
presented in DOLBY surround sound also avalible in wide screen
Seems just like yesterday when i walked into a bowl wearing the mighty Blue (Central) shirt and walking away with all the trophies and medals our team won at the MOST MAGIC day of every Jnrs early career...... PRESIDENT SHIELD and MASTERS!
Before reading the post any further please note.
No actually bets to be placed...only Friendly bets allowed.
All Remarks posted are there purly for fun.
Anything really funny in this is all trademark proof
And monkeys can drive cars!
Hang on....3.....2....1............
INTRODUCING the teams in the guys division!
Does experiance count? Well if it does this team has a shit load of it. Everyplayer in the team has played at least 1 Pressie sheild.
With captain and local hero Chris "the Slats" Slattery and his right hand man DA COW MAN leading the team into the firey pit od the SHEILD hand in hand, this team has leaders like nother team.
Expect these boys to play lead and anker...cause thats where i would play them.
ps- cheers for ur help slats...your the man!
My team, my successors!
Check this out for a team......DEFENDING masters champion Matty Sing "a tune" and upcoming talant Matt "M and M" Mc Crae years of experiance at the Jnr and youth level. Both with solids styles and encourgaing personalities....these 2 will need to lift and help the rest of the team over the line.
Then again having a coached name DR ED KEE..possibly the best coach in AUST history these guys might even be able to close theirs eyes and win if they listen to their coach...he is that good!
One man to look out for..............LUKE ROW (your boat) LAND
Saw this guy bowl in newcastle....looked great. Very solid at the line almost everyshot and hand enough hand on the ball to mix the pins around. Not only does it have skill he has Heart...seen this start a couple of games off with the first 5 open and still come up with a 190 game which is hard to do on a ditch let alione a drying AMF house shot!
Not to be out done is leading average bowler to make the team Brian (legs weak) ARMSTRONG (sad i know i know) hahaha
This guy looks to be able to hold his own...but will teh 2 have the legs to uphold a strong feild???? time will tell!
In the words of my good mate SLATS......"a team any further left
of us would be MADAGASCAR" brought a tear of laughter in my eye!
Has to be the most Heart strong team out there....they travel year after to year and something tells me this year they wont leave without a BIG FIGHT....and if any of the bowlers in the team are as strong as the MAIN MAN from over that way Mike Muir (a good friend of mine) this team will either beat u by 10 or lose by 5
Names to watch for..... Adrain Altieri and David Wilcox finishing 1st and 2nd in the rolloffs!
Heres your anker, your lead and your middle man in a already strong team.
Paul Gifford
Mike Col-Rix
Brad Tanner
These boys can play.....i know from first hand. With a few more years of practice and experiance under the belts the boys are better players than ever.
trade marks for the SA team.........FACAIL PEIRCINGS, TATOOS and tounge rings not to mention anywhere else periced....its the trend over there so lets just hope they clean the pericings everywhere regualry...and i do mean everywhere....that means u COL-RIX u kept telling me it was loose change in your jeans but i think it was a lil something else clicking down their
Like Andrew "JOEY" Johns is the only play maker in teh NEWCASLTE KNIGHTS Mickey Zentveild is the Joey Johns for VIC....and i hate to say it but like newcaslte should joey play awful the team gets smahshed............same will occur with the JNR VIC team
all im going to say is......BOYS pray mickey Is on F***ing fire!
With the Adult nationals been held up there this year i can tell you now interest in the game has incresed 10 times.
More practice sessions than anyone else...... paid for expences to PYSHIO and CARIO.... team bonding sessions out on the beach....players like Walters and Jones will need to be relaxed should this team come out on top.
PS- all said just then....i have nothing to back that it could be a lie.....maybe
hypertheitcally if the nationals were held at Nerang QLD..... SOUTH Q would win with only using one guy playing for them......Derek Adams. I think he has shot 7x 300's in 6 months and countless other high games!
But the question on everyones lips........CAN HE BOWL OUTSIDE OF NERANG???? lets hope so...cause i think the team will need him to bowl about 6x300's to have a chance to walk away with the CUP!
Not even sure if they are playing....your guess is as good as mine
Again i have no infomation about this team!
With 3 game elimination its always so hard to pick who will win....anyone on any given set can throw 700 at you or 400....luck really does come into it.
I remember when i won the MASTERS i lost my 2nd match by 15 or so only shooting 530 and then others on my way to final only winning by 5 with a set of 720......luck helps in this format.
but here is my "late night" TOP 10
OVERDUE for a win...has the just needs to throw taht slow roll perfect everyshot!
Defending champ.....only 1 person had gone back to back...DAVE BROOKER...although i could of had a crack but was unable to compete in my 2nd NATIOANLS
Worth watching.....has a great shot and been of the left traffic wont be light and the oil might hold up for him!
3. Cage-
Saw him bowl 2 weekends ago...great lefty...again help with been on the left....condtion will hold and with his revs should be a place getter!
4. Adams-
AKA Mr.300...saw his number plates on his car...they read SHOOTER haha this guy by the sounds is a great player...he is great over 1 game and we hope he can hit it for 3 games a set! If he does....u will all be playing for 2nd!
5. Zentveild-
Will be a AUST YOUTH TEAM member in the near future.
Only down side to his game is....not enough boards on a lane after the 2 round.
All ready standing on the gutter and throwing acroos a KABAILLION baords and back...lanes and his shot may be his worst enemy!
6. Cowland-
Sure of a top 10 basically he owns almost every Storm ball kown to man to combat any condition they lay. Just hope the petrol tank will still have some in it after Pressie sheild!
7. Mc Crae-
May not quite have the concentraion to get himt o the top...but expect big games in the fiorst 3 rounds....comes out quick but may not have the legs to keep running to the finish line!
8. Gifford-
Has a great the ball a whack (must practice whacking at home he is that good at doing it to a ball) but has he learnt to control the revs?? im sure he says he has but the scores will tell us!
9. Adrain Alteri-
Has all of WA behind him...... and he will not give up.... watch him come home after been down in the first or 2nd game....this guy is TOUGH!
10. Col-rix
i just feel sory for this guy....peni pericings and what not....i hope he make sthe top 10 just so the pain goes away for a lil bit!
Thats the guys all wrapped the girls...should be fun!!!!!!!!
Young potential....With Sam Fisher leading the way and Jess Mc Ginty guiding the team...should be exciting to see how the team goe...possible top 4...
Christine "sunshine on a rainy" Day and Loz Rochester are the top guns in the team....usually competeing against eachother....they will have to work together and put some big scores on the board to carry the team.
My bet for a podem finish1
A couple of hopefuls....Kristy lee dragger "in the heart" and Chelsea Scott these girls have been around a for a while and are always posting goiod results...but if they wanta win...good results just wont cut it!
They have the same heart as the boys but do they have the skill to match.
Sylvia Wilson smashed the boys in the rolloff averaging a handy 204 on a tough pattern...but help for her team is alil adrift with the next girl averaging 30 pins lower in the 170's
If she can bowl half as good as her brotehr could Miss Mooney will be throwing numbers left right and centre and could almost pull the team over the line single handedly....and even if she cant she has Kerry Ann Klop and Zoe Mattason to lend a hand in the battle for the title!
Ive seen this girl improve 10 fold!!!!!!!! Her name Carly Allen. But has she improved enough to hold a team together and keep them all motivated for the win???
The Cara Honeychurch look a like competetion winner Allen has help behind her in Miss tracey Madden.....once a scools rep, she has the chance now to show that skill that got her in to the team and help miss Allen.
Needham, Mc Kell, Starkey, Balderson, Dunn, Bandler and Cocks holding up the rear are shaping up to look like a Heart strong team...all good friends so team encouragement will be on a high!
Is only 1 Flanagan strong enough??? South Queensland girls have been almost as dominant in the game as Serina Williams is in Tennis.
Almost the perfect team for years....and im sure Baiance wont let a great HISTORY in the team fall away this year...she is the number one gun and she will be firing bullets to the pocket!
Same as the boys team
Without the likes of Sara Hyland team will struggle with leadership....Miss emma Tubb if still playing will have to rise to the occasion should she bring Tassie with a win
3 Games elimination will be a test for the girls....with a physical start at pressie sheild the girls will have to refule quick and hopefully have enough in teh tank to last the long day!
But like in everythign someone will always win and here are BCB's
Late night top 10
1. Flanagan
With wanting to be the best Flanagan out there in bowling she will give it her all to win....and with her heart muscle i have no doubts she can do it!
2. Day
Christine has a great shot...its hard and strong and will only leave about 3 five pins a agme unlike the average 6 for eachother girl out there
Should be up top somewhere!
Smooth sexy and enjoyably to watch (and thats just her bowling
4. Fisher
Looks great at the line, age is on her side and if she doesnt win this year she will the next!
She is a Cara Look a she is looking much better in the swing and Sid Allen (no relation) has done wonders
6. Rochester
Strong and powerful......will carry more times than anyother.....will she spare?? That will determine a win or not!
7. klop
Kerry is versitile...can score on arange of shots...but will need to give 110% to take the title
8. Mc Ginty
To claim bragging rights for the next year miss Mc Ginty will have to talk to dad and get some worth while pointers in winning the title....again time will help her improve and she will have a btter chance next year!
9. Dagger
She will get u when u least expect her a come back from this lil girl.... she can kill u even with a frame to go if she a chance
10. Wilson
The WA born and breed girl has to tough road ahead but she doesnt mind a challange and i know for a fact she will die trying to win!
Thats all the teams i know of and all the masters write ups..... Hope u enjoyed the post as much i did typing it!
Ill be in Las Vegas while you guys are bowling in the NATS so be sure to kepp totalbowling updated and ill be sure to look on and cheers NSW CENTRAL home..... and in the words of Jarrod lean
"we bowl cauase its fun"
bullshit u play to win...and win by any means u can...uif u have to break an arm or 2 so be me it worth the jail sentace is worth the CUP at the end of it all
Booty Call Belmo