your team?


Active Member
Hi everyone. i would like to no who everyone would have in there in there ultimate team. my personal choice would be cara honeychurch, tim mack , jason walsh, mick little, parker bohn.
My dream team would probably be:

Jason Belmonte
Cara Honeychurch
Remy Ong
Michael Little
Lassi Lintila

That wasn't in any particular running order but these bowlers are amongst some of the best in the world. Cara has even shown the men a clean set of heels before, so its hard for me to look past her for a spot in my dream team.
Hey Matti, are you trying to tell us Belmo and Mick are old? :D

Belmo is 19 or 20 and Mick is in his early 20's. Remy Ong, I think, is early 20's as well. I know Cara is getting into her 30's, and I don't know about Lassi Luntilla's age, to be honest. So its not an oldies team as you are suggesting. :)

This is merely my opinion, though, these bowlers have all proved themselves on the world stage, not just in their respective nations. Someone's dream team may differ to mine and that's not a problem.
Right-o, I get ya now. I'm a bit above that age bracket, I'm 19, but I know Matt Sing is incredibly talented, he won the Junior Open Masters two years ago and he is still around the 13-16 age bracket now, if I'm correct. There are other bowlers in that age bracket and younger that I bowl with at coaching who also show a lot of promise, but I'd say at the very sharp end in that age group, other than Matty Sing, I couldn't say who else would fit into his category (from his age group) just yet. Someone else would probably have a better idea than myself.
I used to bowl with him when he first started i think. Other then that he has the height to play Basketball lol . Im 18 , i probly have seen you b4 anyhows
here is a team that would flog them all

hmm...ideal team eh?
Tim Mack
Jason Belmonte
Tomas Leanderrson
Lasse Lintila
Andrew Frawley

hm...yeah that. :p
I pretty much agree with the teams as listed if your going amateur bowlers, except Tim Mack turned pro but how could you leave him out :p

Just a quick addition Tore Torgesson definately has to be in any team, one of the best amateurs in the world. The other European bowlers Lasse and Tomas are both also probably in the top 5 in the world.

As far as Aussies, Andrew Frawley been up there last year with the World Masters final, and our bright hopes of the future Belmo and Micky with 2 of the best shots ive seen continuing to impress in any tournament they bowl.

So my team of 5 would be: (of course Australia biased)

Tore Torgesson
Lasse Lintila
Andrew Frawley
Jason Belmonte
Mickey Little

Stick Mack Attack in there somewhere if you want and unlucky not to include Tomas Leanderson one of the most consistant and competitive bowlers around.
Ultimate Team?

Parker Bohn III
Walter Ray Williams Jr.
Robert Smith
Pete Weber
Jason Belmonte

Later Da Cowman!
hey sweetie!!!

how you been? haven't talked to you in ages.
what you been up to?
call me or msg me or something... if you still have my number!!

luv lots, me
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