Xmas Challenge event at Caboolture

caboolture bowl

Well-Known Member
We are planning a Xmas event on the 19th December, Will wait to give details when we get closer as we will have half the centre closed for about 10days for a resurface from the 8th, should be finished on the 17th and will be interesting to try some different type patterns on the new lanes and before the world cup in January. If you are interested in bowling on that day we will take names and confirm details closer.


Brian Bates
Thanks everyone for your replies, I will put the 2 patterns out next week. Cost will be the same as the 3rd of October Event.

Xmas event will have to be cancelled. After talking with our resurfacer he has been pretty blunt in saying it wouldn't be in the lanes best interests to have that many washes that soon after all that work, it is advisable to not wash at all for the first 5 days after the coating has gone down. Sorry for any inconvenience and I hope everyone has a happy and safe Xmas. Hope to see some of you at the World Cup event and the QLD Hammer Classic in January. There will be 4 events next year with the first one set for early March.


Brian Bates
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