Woodville Bowl - home of S.A. Cup Burns Down

well when i was in woody bowling center i have been curious what year was the bowling center open because of old fashionable view i know alot about history as i can tell lol, i would say that woody open roughly late 1960's after first bowling center in sydney (sydney first australian bowling center open around early 60's than following up next was brisbane in clayfield). it is very interesting about first bowling center it part of history of all australia or state.
The centre was opened in 1964, this was its 40th year, The staff will most likely be relocated to different centres in the state until woodys up and running again.

EDIT: Please see post below, puts my intended point across better then this one does...
You can't expect anything to be rebuilt starting 3 days after a fire.. You're partly right in what you say about the damage, but there's also other protocol that must be followed - such as insurance and the like. Everything has to be approved before work can be started on rebuilding.

Saturday morning there was clean up crew there, removing monitors, accuscore chassis and other computer equipment to be professionally cleaned.

And, its not just a matter of rip out the roof and the damage.. The whole centre needs to be rewired, as all the electrical wires have melted, the inside roofing (suspended ceiling) also needs to be replaced along with the main beams in the roof.

Granted its not a huge fire, it could have been a lot worse. There were parts of the centre that weren't touched, just metres from the fire which were just smoke/water damaged - such as the AMD area, Vili's league board, but there is a lot more work to be done than you think.

This isn't something that can just be rushed into, when it is done it is done, and we will all be able to bowl there once again.
In the mean time maybe you should show some credit to the people who stayed late and started early, those who are helping out for nothing and those who care about the bowl and the company enough to spend their annual leave hours helping out wherever they can.

They help, and they are doing a great job.
Comments like yours don't help the cause at all.
I cant agree with you more, its just a pity people open there mouths before thinking and all you get is DRIBBLE instead of support for everyone who is trying to work thru the cleanup period.

cheers.........Paul K.
It's really hard to make that assumption based on a side line view Rory.

Just to clarrify, there is A LOT more effort going into things then you might think.

With structual damage (as Woodville has sustained) you have to have the building certified 100% before opening.. Why would you rush it, and have a slap-dash job when it'd just have to be re-done (perhaps?).

I think it's a tragedy that it's happened, but it's also a slight blessing with a lot of new ideas being able to be put into the centre... Maybe new air-conditioning finally :p (I'm sure the staff would love that one!)
I wasn't having ago at any of the people involved or AMF, I was attempting to point out my frustration with our society, eg; over two months ago a large fire demolished a large portion of a shopping centre on Henley Beach road since then the only thing that has been done to rebuild the structure is the removal of the damage, I was having ago at the system that we live in, the insurance company should have funded the rebuilding by now, engineering plans should have been designed by now, some sort of construction should have begun by now but nothing has, this sort of “Paper Work” c%$p is what really ticks me off and I fear that the same sort of situation will occur with Woodville, I just want to see Woody back and running again.

I didn’t want to offend anyone, I probably should have spent more time on phasing my post but I do get very emotional about this sort of thing, I just find that a lot of companies don’t put the effort into making there customers happy or attempting to finish a project with the upmost efficiency and speed, eg; insurance companies, construction companies, etc (And don’t say that there busy with other clients because if that’s the case then they should expand and employ more people to cover the load) but never the less I still believe that Woodville could be up and running again in three months but realistically, mostly due to delays caused be the companies mentioned above, Woodville probably won’t be back for eight months and that’s what really annoys me.

So, I’m sorry if I offended anyone, I was merely making a statement about the inefficiency of our society and not directing my comments to anyone one involved with the centre.

“Like the Phoenix, Woodville shall rise from the ashes and be born a new” – 01kay :D
Maybe 2 months of paperwork crap is needed to ensure that electrical fires such as this one doesn't happen again. Would you rather have a bowl up and running in 2 months that could burn down again in 3 years, or one up and running thats taken longer, but where the risk of an electrical fire happening so greatly reduced that it probably wont happen again... EVER??

I know what I'd rather.

Everything needs to be council approved so that people don't rush a job and in the process make a structurally unstable and unsafe building. Insurance companies, suprisingly enough, deal with more then one customer or business. I'd bet that they have other issues as well as Woodville, with all those other businesses and customers wanting the same speedy process that you want. It will be done, and a well done to all the volunteers and workers out there doing there best to get the centre up and running again.

Later Da Cowman!
The whole point I was making is that things take longer then they need to, things could be done faster and better if the system worked but it doesn’t work and no one seems to notice/care…
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