I wasn't having ago at any of the people involved or AMF, I was attempting to point out my frustration with our society, eg; over two months ago a large fire demolished a large portion of a shopping centre on Henley Beach road since then the only thing that has been done to rebuild the structure is the removal of the damage, I was having ago at the system that we live in, the insurance company should have funded the rebuilding by now, engineering plans should have been designed by now, some sort of construction should have begun by now but nothing has, this sort of “Paper Work” c%$p is what really ticks me off and I fear that the same sort of situation will occur with Woodville, I just want to see Woody back and running again.
I didn’t want to offend anyone, I probably should have spent more time on phasing my post but I do get very emotional about this sort of thing, I just find that a lot of companies don’t put the effort into making there customers happy or attempting to finish a project with the upmost efficiency and speed, eg; insurance companies, construction companies, etc (And don’t say that there busy with other clients because if that’s the case then they should expand and employ more people to cover the load) but never the less I still believe that Woodville
could be up and running again in three months but realistically, mostly due to delays caused be the companies mentioned above, Woodville probably won’t be back for eight months and that’s what really annoys me.
So, I’m sorry if I offended anyone, I was merely making a statement about the inefficiency of our society and not directing my comments to anyone one involved with the centre.
“Like the Phoenix, Woodville shall rise from the ashes and be born a new” – 01kay