wide bay drilling

Mark L

Hi all just let everyone know Mark will be drilling from home for all bowlers.
For all wide bay tournment members there will be a 15% discount on all drilling. Give us a ring for a quote.
Hope to here from you all soon.
I charge $25 which includes thumb slug and lifters
$15 for just drilling without thumb slug or lifters.
I,m using a mill drill with digital reader.
Sounds about right will have to call insane air,
But ha sean how much for the cab ride from the gold coast to maryborough never know might need a good taxi ride one day.
thanks for your great repley.
:D Well if you need a lift from the Gold Coast home I would be only too happy. The only thing is at $25 per ball you better keep drilling for a while. Prices have gone up in recent years. ;)
I.m not trying to make money out of drilling I,m here to help the bowlers that dont want to pay $60 to $120 to gat a ball drilled what a joke.
We already make money from the thimb slugs and lifters so thats all I need.
Didnt know it was a crime to be cheap.
Mark I think its great what you're doing. I used to be a Wide Bay bowler and it used to be very difficult to pay for the fees to send my gear away and get it drilled up etc. I know theres alot of people that agree with me, and you're definetly what the area needs.

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