Why!Why?? Dont u hate it when you start strikin then stuff u

I was bowling my singles at nationals this year (I think it was singles) but anyways, I had five in a row, and then I bowled a nice old gutterball/six on the tenth frame. I ended up with a 233 I think it was, and as furious as I was, I still managed to bowl a 212 or something next game. lol..
Did this in practise last year:

Started with the first 8, then left a pocket 7-10, spared it and bagged out for a 278.

I was bowling my singles at nationals this year (I think it was singles) but anyways, I had five in a row, and then I bowled a nice old gutterball/six on the tenth frame. I ended up with a 233 I think it was, and as furious as I was, I still managed to bowl a 212 or something next game. lol..
Did this in practise last year:

Started with the first 8, then left a pocket 7-10, spared it and bagged out for a 278.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, ">quote:</font><HR> i know someone who had a 6 bagger then guess what ??
fine five pin :p


i did that at nats!!!!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, ">quote:</font><HR> i know someone who had a 6 bagger then guess what ??
fine five pin :p


i did that at nats!!!!
Had a good start on Tuesday Morning in League - started with a cracking double - "These are piss easy" I remarked to someone close by.
CLUNK, SEVEN Solid 10-pins in a row for 194 - so hard to bite your tongue in a league full of old pensioners.

Couple of months ago shot 20 in a row over two nights (with a 300 mixed up in that) then failed to strike the next 9 shots.

One night in league I managed to flush the first five in a row and turned to my opponent and said "you can go to the pub now if you like" "I'll chuck 750 on this" Needless to say he declined and I only struck once after that and shot 510 or some poo.
Needless to say I never call anything again, EVER
My 10 bagger, gutter spare 2 years ago was fun

Last night, first game, no practise (running late), went gutter spare, strike, gutter spare, strike, gutter spare, strike, 9 spare. Was the happiest 9 spare ive ever had the pleasure of making
Had a good start on Tuesday Morning in League - started with a cracking double - "These are piss easy" I remarked to someone close by.
CLUNK, SEVEN Solid 10-pins in a row for 194 - so hard to bite your tongue in a league full of old pensioners.

Couple of months ago shot 20 in a row over two nights (with a 300 mixed up in that) then failed to strike the next 9 shots.

One night in league I managed to flush the first five in a row and turned to my opponent and said "you can go to the pub now if you like" "I'll chuck 750 on this" Needless to say he declined and I only struck once after that and shot 510 or some poo.
Needless to say I never call anything again, EVER
My 10 bagger, gutter spare 2 years ago was fun

Last night, first game, no practise (running late), went gutter spare, strike, gutter spare, strike, gutter spare, strike, 9 spare. Was the happiest 9 spare ive ever had the pleasure of making
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, ">quote:</font><HR>i know someone who had a 6 bagger then guess what ??
fine five pin :p <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well NO names but Cough Cough Andy Cough Cough Nobbs Cough Cough Did it to and cause of that he misses out on the open masters!!

Better luck next time
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, ">quote:</font><HR>i know someone who had a 6 bagger then guess what ??
fine five pin :p <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well NO names but Cough Cough Andy Cough Cough Nobbs Cough Cough Did it to and cause of that he misses out on the open masters!!

Better luck next time
stuffin up

Last weekend in the salamander champs, started with 7 strikes then came accross the headpin leaving the 5pin spared that got a few more strikes and spares, finished up with 256, only was a 621 series! :evil:
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