Why don't we just use the new PBA Format?


Bowling Tragic
DAY #1
A Squad 9 Games Qualifying 9:00 AM-3:00 PM

B Squad 9 Games Qualifying 4:00 PM-10:00 PM

DAY #2
TOP 64 9 Games Qualifying 9:00 AM-3:00 PM

Best 3 of 5 Single Elimination
TOP 32 5-Game Matches 5:00 PM-9:30 PM

DAY #3
TOP 16 5-Game Matches
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

TOP 8 5-Game Matches
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Finals TOP Four Stepladder
3:00 PM
I like the format but I see 2 reasons why it wouldn't work here.

#1. The main reason for the change was to create spectator interest and draw bigger crowds to the PBA events. We don't have any fans in Australia, I can't see any benefit in doing this. Further from what I've seen and heard people aren't big fans of the loose and your out system.

#2. It is near impossible to expect 100 bowlers to show up for a 3 day tournament, 6 times a year. It doesn't seem much when you say it but in Australia we are weekend warriors, people have jobs during the week (most of us anyway), most bowlers looking at picking up some cash on the side and having some fun.

I know what your trying to say but it will never work here unless we had a professional tour involving people who bowled for a living only.
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