i dunno what all the fuss is about i know all the brando's an jez ect's are one of the top's in australia but u cant say they will win everything mate
spoon ur such a champ
i asked an i received what i asked for but the first line started everything
i know i wont win it everyone has the good days goodluck to everyone that is bowling ahsame u aint bowling belmo
One question why doesnt everyone support the other guy's but eevryone is only wishin the best for the top ppl not the ones who r tryen
The post is titled 'Who do you think will win the Newcastle Cup', its not called who is going to come in the top 5 and place. I gave my opinion, yes everyone has a chance but some peoples chances are better than others, my pick, Brando and Jez
Hey George your right, it says who do you think will win not top 5.
Whats the difference in picking 2 or 3 that can win, to 5 who can win :?:
lol dont wory about this subject now let's jus tget on with evrything an put all the argument aside i wish goodluck to u all who is bowling

Thanks mate i hope it is 1st and not the 9th place tho :)

Troy u mentioned the sponsorship and MONEY thing...this is not a wise chocie of words as you may have seen in others.
I am not going to go into to but just remember the guys sponsored have earned it and aint finishing up the top just because they recieved some bowling balls.

George thanks for the support..

I think Brando is the favourite by a mile.. as someone said he has his speech down pat now becasue he is winning that often, without Belmo there, a couple of others will try and make it hard for him hopefully including myself, Mickey, Slats, Cowland, Sofia.......
Troy. None is sooking. Its a fourum there is no such thing as a sooking it is only people's opinion.

No one has sooked as far as i can see.
i dont care what anyone says lol im ova this an so should everyone else
graham would be a good idea mayb to lock this forum if neccesary
WOAH! Slow down! You started it, you got answers, now your not happy with the answers and your the only one I can see having a sook. Just cos your 'ova' it, doesn't mean everyone should shut down for you.

My picks are Brando and Jez. Top bowlers that deserve everything they have accomplished and received in their careers, including their sponsorships. Good Luck to all. Will see everyone there.

Later Da Cowman!
My Tip, Jez his a geat bowler one l've come up against many times in my time and his knowledge is leathal (esp wen his versing me) sorta unfair ain't it :eek: But he has the spirit and desire to win which will carry him home.
Brando is also up there l had the privledge to partner him in Youth Champs in Jan and he lifted my game and so did he great inspiration and a true champion.

Unfortunately due to personal reasons my bowling in tourneys have been put on hold its sad but they'll be more so l'll be up there with you guys in the not long to distant future (that make sense?) :oops:

Catch ya all later
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Later Da Cowman!
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