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Go lefty. You tell em. The funny thing is alot of people have let the game go to there head and alot of them are really cocky and let it go to there head. Matto's not like that. He would talk to anyone regardless of whether or not they are in the 'IN" crowd. Thats what makes him such a well respected bowler in Victoria. There are alot of other people out there that need to get over there ego's then the game would be more friendly and enjoyable.
I am sorry but how can you say the Windscreens is as good or better than Jarrod or Belmo? Just I might beat Tim Mack in a matchplay game doesnt mean I am better than him does it? Big deal, he beat the best guy in Asia in a stepladder final on what is to be a well known ditch. Where are his results compared to that of Smellmo and Jez? How many tournaments wins has he had? How many cuts has he made? This post is not to have a go at Matt because I am sure that one day he can be a good bowler and that he can be a nice guy but merely to point out that yes you are being biased and that current results should stand for themselves.
Yeah what he said!!!!!!

Lefty i dont know who you are but you really need some sort of a reality check!
And have a look at the real world!
You asked me to get my head out of their arses!!!
how about you get your mouth of his willy and look at the SCORES!!


Give Matt a break!! Bowling in Australia in our days has become a really expensive sport. Just because you guys go to every tournament in every state and because of this, you make FIQ etc ect, doesn't mean you are a better bowler. Some people can't afford to do that. So leave Matt alone. He is a great person, a great friend and one of the best bowlers I have seen bowl in Victoria!!
Im open:
thanks for the support bud, but no need to start a blue!

Im a big boy i can look after myself!

no where did anyone say that it had something to do with $$$.... and i really resent you saying that cause we have "$$$" (which is a load) to travelle and bowl we make FIQ based on that!
i guess hours and hours of hard training and years of effort had nothing to do with us making AUSSIE teams!!!!
not happy at that remark!

The money i travelle with is actually AMF's and like jez we use their MONEY from our WINNINGS to travelle everywhere to bowl!

To Matty O:
see you early in the morning in A squad at Mel cup (which again AMF are galdding paying for me
.....kind people there hahaha)

Unfortunately, time for me to step in, and if you dont like what I have to say, I dont really care.

Belm, Jez and Jason Walsh are great bowlers. They cut almost everywhere they go, and when they dont, they get over it and move on to the next tournament. Mick Little is another example, wins the AMF super 6, has a couple of bad tournaments (AO and Youth FIQ) but moves on and keeps doing well at tournaments.

Matt O'Brien is another good bowler, but one tournament doesnt make him better than everyone in Australia. Im good mates with Matto, and Im sure he is quick to agree with me on this. I could also use myself as example, I had a lucky weekend at the Youth FIQ, and numerous times Ive told people I dont think I deserve to be in the Youth FIQ team because of one weekend. Hopefully, the format is changed next year to make it fairer to more consistant bowlers.

I suggest people stop being childish over a stupid topic like this. The ratings are in place, to show the rest of the bowlers where you are at. I have made comments before that it does have a lot to do with money at a young age, but you have to make do with what you have got.

As for the Matto vs Belmo love hate relationship, please, give it up. Ok, so you dont like each other, dont use this forum (and this is not just in reference to belmo or matto, but to all the other numerous people who have made comments about these two people) to voice your personal opinions.

If you have a problem with this, approach me at the next tournament, or write me an email. If you cant be bothered doing either that, I will simply delete your post, or just delete this topic, like Graham or myself have done previously.
A standing ovation.... They say u have to be clever to catch a spy??? To catch me they were GENEUSIS!!!!.... Although sooo many clues weere SCREAMING AT YOU!!!!!

i had fun and the game has just begun Agent Milkie, and believe me the score will change!

Twas fun while it lasted..... I must say i loved Im OPEN...he made soooo many people laugh, made this forum a blast..... and from the bottom of my heart he will be missed.....

from im open
good night!


If ppl were paying attention which i was cause this is the first time I logged into this topic ppl would have notice ur old signature on OPEN's nick instead of yours

You sure love to give yourself a wrap!!

I'ts all in good fun, maybe you have split personalities?

Nah what am I talking about, both of you are cocky!

Hey All,

Ok this forum is usually about a laugh but this topic has gone out of hand. I am not on here to put down Matty in anyway i think he s a great bowler and will be very good and i am sure he will make the FIQ very shortly and this wont be becasue he has does or doesnt have MONEY.

The funny thing that i see on this topic is that everyone is talking for Matty he is not talking himself up at all but everyone else is doing it for him. Fair enough Lefty u have to be biased u are going out with the guy but to say that he is better then all youth becasue of schools is just wrong.

As Mick said you can't just based it on one tournment. If u ask me Mick, Belmo and walshy are a long way in front of everyone and good on them, they are all top blokes and work hard at there games. Some one said that ego's of gone overboard with some guys, well for the ppl that actually know me, they know that i dont blow my own horn.

Jenn B..... My favourite person at the moment, i dont know who u are and after reading your post i dont really give two flying F*&Ks who u r, the comment about having money was a stupid comment. I think it is funny that u know about my financial situattion since i have never spoken to u. As belmo said obviously time and dedecation mean nothing, We bowl out of our own pockets if we miss cash we wear it. I can tell u now if i wasnt cashing in majority of my tournies i wouldnt be going.
So next time u write something ridouclous on this forum just think first. that was probs the worst thing i have read on the forum it was way of the ball park. If it was all about money in making the FIQ why are alot of the team members fund raising to get there. And if it was all about money why dont the selectors ask for a bank balance instead of a resume when trying out!!!!

Milkman,.. thanks for the support. As for u thinking u dont deserve been in the team that is not right. U won the event u bowled better then everyone that weeekend and that is what needed to be down to get u ticket to thailand. Congrates and it is going to be a awesome trip.

So there u go there is my two bobs worth. See u all in Melb.

As for u ppl that think u know everything and everyone all u are good for is a laugh at.
couldnt agreee with u more jez..... and i would have to say thats one of the most powerful posts ever!!

Jenn B: u just woke a SLEEPING DRAGON... boy are u in **** now!

Ill be waiting for u here in MEL...

and milkie MATE U WON U DESERVE to travel with the team... dont say u got lucky!!!

Yeah matty o

true that

how the hell do people konw whats going on with us......

And with that win..... i never discredit a win..... a win is a win...left hander, right handed, 2 handed hahahaha
i havent had many wins either on a ditch or not....too many 2nds for my liking...so dont think i was saying ur win wasnt worth anything cause GOLD in any sport at any level means a s h i t load!
U will make FIQ next year...... there is no doubting that! With Walsh little and goldberg and cameron out (not sure about milkie been out next year) Yopur path is easier to make the team!
But the fact is there is no NUMBER 1 in the country for JNRS or YOUTH!
We take in turns whose at the top...there for that would mean we are all the best ON THE DAY WE WIN or BEAT the other youths???
we are no cara's...she is the best!
untill one of us wins everything.....they then will be declared NUMBER 1...how does that sound to u EVERYONE....

its a matter whose going to get there first!
And for me, Jarrod will get there first....!

hope u understand the post and understand im on here for fun
unless a serious post is made
take me seriously if you want....but its a shame you cant have a laugh with me and the millions around the world reading it hahaha

to im OPEN,
about ur coment 2 lefty about sum check?? she is only just having her opinion just like u did! so back off!
you people are really harsh on each other why????
how bout i just say ur all as good as each ofer!
so stop f*****g thinkin so and so is better because they did diz diz and dat!
Hey. Mattie o is one of the better Australian bowlers but the standard is one step higher than the rest when u bring belmo and lean in to it
umm i dont know many bowlers as i was a new bowler to president sheild last year but i would have to say that sara hyland amy furley and emma tubb are all number one bowlers!!
luv mel xx
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oh sorry, fell asleep coz of this topic becoming so boring. geez, think of something else to talk about.

To Belmo and Jez,

I am sorry i offended you both. I never meant to hurt anyone it was just my opinion. I guess maybe next time i should keep it to myself!!!! :-(

S O R R Y.
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