What SHOULD be in every bowlers bag!

Incorrect, i can throw my silver streak particle at the 10 pin and it wont BUDGE a board, because a i throw an end over end shot at the to pin, it means that the condition does not play a factor in my shot. Stand in the same place with the same targer everytime.

Just one less thing to worry about!
just to add a comment, nobody should ever stick anything like talc or rosin on their shoes, as it is unfair, not to mention dangerous, for others that are bowling and are comfortable with the approaches. if you have a problem with the approaches, change your shoe setup etc, not something that is detrimental to others

I beleive he is right on all of these except there is a seperation in comments for the rosin bag between me and you Andrew. The rosin bag is a very essential thing and i agree it should not be used on your shoes, but only udner one condition. If the bowler does not have a Dexter SST, etc...And they cant change slides, what should he do if hes sticking? ITs a tuffy, but i think a lil rosin or easy slide wont hurt. YES, i dont liek it when people take baths with rosin and easy slide on the lane, it screw people up, but when you use it, dont use a gallon, just lightly tap it and wipe the excess off and clean you messes up so other bowlers will not comoplain. Thanks

I once read in a book written by Parker Bohn III that he uses cigarette ashes to use on his soles when he is sticking. after the shot they just blow away, and dont affect anyone elses slide on the same appraoches.

Later Da Cowman!
Yeah Cow I've used the cigarette ash technique myself on a few occasions, never seemed to bother others - only trouble is there's no smoking in centres now - so I can never find any ash :roll:
Guys this from the TBA Rule Book :

No one will mark on or will introduce on any part of the approach or lane any substance that will have a tendency to injure, disfigure or place the approach or lane in such condition as to detract from the possibility of other bowlers being able to take advantage of the usual conditions. The use of such substances as aristol, talcum powder, pumice, resin, etc, on shoes; the use of soft rubber soles and heels that rub off, and in any manner alter the normal conditions of the approach are strictly prohibited.

So what I read that rule to mean is if you place ANYTHING (talc, powder,resin etc) on your shoes, it has the possibility of defacing the approaches, therefore using anything on your shoes other than a wire brush is AGAINST THE RULES. Personally it used to piss me off, when I would be bowling fine, and then a shot I would almost fall on my ass and look down to see talc all over the approach. It's dangerous, and most of all it's ILLEGAL. DONT DO IT !
Nothing worse than powder on approaches - well aside from from chewing gum, or sticky cordial - usually dropped by open play dickhead bowlers (ball chuckers)
One guy in our Wednesday night league uses so much powder it looks like a white Christmas, I could be absent that night, go in there the next morning to clean the place - and immediately spot where he has been.
One thing I hate is bowlers wearing thier shoes outside, when the go for a cigarette, with no covering on thier shoes :x
Nothing more frustrating than having to plant your foot because the approaches are sticky, almost went A-over-T several times on Thursday night on sticky approaches - that pissed me off no end :x
The ash technique is an exception if used VERY sparingly - but its usually out with the brush these days.
TIGER said:
The ash technique is an exception if used VERY sparingly

I dont think theres any exceptions to that rule - if you put anything on your shoes which could change the surface of the approach - then its illegal - no matter how much or how little you use.
I think the easiest was to solve this problem of sticking or sliding is simply spend the money to get shoes that have interchangable soles. or if the approach is in really poor condidtion ask the maintenence crew out the back to re clean the approach.

I totally agree with Tonx, me myself have the ABS Tour Ultras, soooo many different soles and heels :D And get a wire brush, no way should anyone be without them :D
micky_macca said:
Incorrect, i can throw my silver streak particle at the 10 pin and it wont BUDGE a board, because a i throw an end over end shot at the to pin, it means that the condition does not play a factor in my shot. Stand in the same place with the same targer everytime.

Just one less thing to worry about!

the more you have to change your shot, the more chance you have in making a mistake, which could end up costing you a state squad spot / tournament win / big $$$. ===> a few more (not less) things to worry about!!!

spare ball, as clint said, you have the same release, wrist position and action as your first shot... therefore, no need to change your shot and wrist position.

and you might wanna read back a bit... Any reactive ball can turn on bone-dry lanes.... NO MATTER WHAT POSITION YOUR WRIST IS IN!!!! and if your wrist position is off one little bit, then you could very well say goodbye to that spare chance.

To settle this once and for all. Luke, your right and wrong. Yes, its good to use a spare ball for your spares, ok? BUT, on BONE-DRY lanes, even a PLASTIC BALL CAN TURN!!!! Apparently the lanes cant be that dry, but on any condition any ball can hook, you all know this. I use my strike ball to shoot my 10 pins and such for all my spares. I dotn care if tis wright or wrong, it suits me. Yes, i use my spare ball, plastic, on dryer lanes so i dont get that over-reaction or flat roll into the pin/s i need to make but it works. Just a lil input for ya peeps, take that into consideration. Its what works for you, not other people. Thanks. :D
I agree with the USA bowler there. Any ball, on dry lanes, will hook.
I use my Strike balls to hit tenpins, and even when I had a spare ball, I still used a completetly broken wrist to shoot at them. Dead straight. I find that i can stand on 32 board in all the centres I've bowled in so far and aim at about 19 and hit the tenpin using any ball I wish.
Luke, what happens if your a cranker? Using a plastic ball with your normal wrist position etc for the tenpin? I rekon that without some oil outside, you ain't hitting any tenpins, and even if you did, in a tournament like Sydney Cup I hate to imagine how many boards left you'd have to move by the end of the day for a chance at still hitting that tenpin. This, I believe anyway, directly contradicts this statement
the more you have to change your shot, the more chance you have in making a mistake, which could end up costing you a state squad spot / tournament win / big $$$. ===> a few more (not less) things to worry about!!!
The only person changing something is the guy hooking his spare ball. Ive trained long enough to be able to comfortably take off my wristguard and break my wrist for a tenpin, without it affecting my strike ball. So the guys hooking your plastic ball, keep moving with the drying lane conditions, while I can still stand on 32 with a Particle ball, and... hit it all day long.
I think I know which one I'd rather do...

Later Da Cowman!
ok... i'll sum up what i'm trying to say...

the less changes you have to make for each shot then the less chance you have of making a mistake...

and what i had originally posted was to correct micky in him saying that a reactive ball with a flat wrist will not hook.

i never said a plastic ball won't hook... i know they do!!! :D
Luke D said:
ok... i'll sum up what i'm trying to say...

the less changes you have to make for each shot then the less chance you have of making a mistake...

and what i had originally posted was to correct micky in him saying that a reactive ball with a flat wrist will not hook.

i never said a plastic ball won't hook... i know they do!!! :D

How can you correct me i was already correct?

I TOTALLY agree wif da cowman, how much more correct can you be. Luke your also right, im not arguing that either, its just what fits your bowling style, a cranker hits ten pins by throwing harder and ten pins are made easier with a less reactive ball such as plastic. Btu if your like some of us tweeners or strokers, it really doesnt matter, but i do prefer breaking my wrist and using my strike ball, too lazy to get spare ball and keep taking it off the rack during a tourney :p:p:p
Re: Heh

USABowlerPennsylvania said:
I TOTALLY agree wif da cowman, how much more correct can you be. Luke your also right, im not arguing that either, its just what fits your bowling style, a cranker hits ten pins by throwing harder and ten pins are made easier with a less reactive ball such as plastic. Btu if your like some of us tweeners or strokers, it really doesnt matter, but i do prefer breaking my wrist and using my strike ball, too lazy to get spare ball and keep taking it off the rack during a tourney :p:p:p

they were the words i were looking for... while posting the other things... "its just what fits your bowling style"

thanks dan :D:D:D
Plastic ball isnt essintial (unless you bowl in WA, Tassie or NQ hehe) My first plastic spareball i got was given to me by clinton, and i must say a plastic ball is a pefect strike ball when used up 10 board on a bone dry condition.

I read that tip by Parker too, cowman. It works well, better than easyslide, problem is you dont wanna look like a bum scabbin cigarette ash outta an ashtray.

One other thing i have in my bag is NUROFEN GEL. I use it before i bowl on my knee and my wrist to keep the pain on my ligaments down. Its good stuff thats why i use it

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