What SHOULD be in every bowlers bag!

Ok besides Storm balls :p

Besides balls and shoes what else?

Wrist gaurd(optional)
ez slide
plastic skin
puff ball
shoe brush

What else?[/i]
pliers/tweezers for removal of tape, and always a good pair of scissors, just trust me
pliers/tweezers for removal of tape, and always a good pair of scissors, just trust me
tonx said:
pliers/tweezers for removal of tape, and always a good pair of scissors, just trust me

I always carry a flick knife in my bowling bag for those little emergencies :wink:
Also comes in handy if someone wants to start outside, too :twisted:

"In the bag" necessities include:
- Puff Ball
- Mechatech
- Bottle of lane cleaner half filled with water
- Towel
- Whitmans Chocolate box full of little goodies (Tape, patches etc)

Next :arrow:
Is that knife incase you lose Matty??
Hmm lets see, apart from Storm balls and Dexter SST...

-Talc Powder
-Hand Conditioner (puff bag)
-Tape (black or white)

Murderdoll said:
Is that knife incase you lose Matty??
Now would I do a thing like that, Adrian :lol:
Actually it comes in handy when you go away for Tournaments and have to stay in accomodation, where they dont leave you any cutlery - good for cutting up whole chickens with LOL :D
:? hhmmmm..... ok, the shit i carry in my bowling bag. F***, where do i start.

Apart from bowling balls and shoes, i have....

- Spare souls - Isocol and a rag - Fake skin - Puff ball + 2 spares - Towels
- Wrist Guard - Socks - Electrical Tape - Tumb slug - Lifters - Siccors
- Sports tape - Deep Heat - Powder - Band aids - Note Book - Pens
- Knee brace - Bandage - Deoderant..... hm... now thats a good one.

Ok, well i think that'll do it.
Rosin bag
Skin patches

(In mine)
+ Strap for elbow
+ Sports tape
+ Knee brace/strap

Good topic...
I alway seemed to be asked this, but i really never had a clear answer. Its what really suits the bowler that matters. Yes, there are musts that you have to have but i would have to say to have these handy...:
1.) Rosin Bag for drying up wetness on hands and bottom of shoes
2.) Easy slide for those stubborn wets on your sliding foot and for sticky grips
3.) tweezers/pliers, like they said before, to remove excess or torn tape
4.) Wrist guard is not necessary but buy one jsut in case your wrist gets sor
5.) Glue is also not necessary but thats good for faulty plugs and slugs
6.) shoes, balls, etc....
7.) I also suggesta stress ball, yes, a stress ball...sounds goofy but for the people that either get easily upset or for people taht get sore wrists while they bowl, bring one of these to stay in shape, good workouts between shots and games :)

%Thats ma list forn ow, thats really all i could come up with so far...Ttyl all, have a good one :)
the most essential thing in anyone's bag is a plastic ball, it the first thing i pack.
just to add a comment, nobody should ever stick anything like talc or rosin on their shoes, as it is unfair, not to mention dangerous, for others that are bowling and are comfortable with the approaches. if you have a problem with the approaches, change your shoe setup etc, not something that is detrimental to others
A spare ball, regular urethane or something harder, there is no more valuble part of my arsenal than the mighty Red Rhino. I believe its previous owner may have been the one and only "Rocket" Rod Stewart, so no wonder it homes in on the 10 pin so well!!(just messin mate, ha ha :D :p :shock: )
micky_macca said:
You dont need a plastic ball, you just not to learn to flatten your wrist out and bowl straight!

a plastic ball is handy on the bone-dry conditions (or any condition for that matter), because a reactive ball can still turn even when you flatten your wrist, meaning you'll have to make more of an adjustment for the spares instead of the same spare shot over and over again
I too once thought a plastic ball was not a requirement for shooting at spares, I can flatten the shot out no problems at all.

But under guidance ( or a maybe a lil pressure ) from my coach, I drilled my first plastic ball for shooting at single and corner leaves.

Im amazed at how more consistant I am at picking these up now, with changing nothing but the ball!!!

But in saying that, You have to be comfortable in the ball your using......

Andrew B wrote:
the most essential thing in anyone's bag is a plastic ball, it the first thing i pack.
just to add a comment, nobody should ever stick anything like talc or rosin on their shoes, as it is unfair, not to mention dangerous, for others that are bowling and are comfortable with the approaches. if you have a problem with the approaches, change your shoe setup etc, not something that is detrimental to others

I beleive he is right on all of these except there is a seperation in comments for the rosin bag between me and you Andrew. The rosin bag is a very essential thing and i agree it should not be used on your shoes, but only udner one condition. If the bowler does not have a Dexter SST, etc...And they cant change slides, what should he do if hes sticking? ITs a tuffy, but i think a lil rosin or easy slide wont hurt. YES, i dont liek it when people take baths with rosin and easy slide on the lane, it screw people up, but when you use it, dont use a gallon, just lightly tap it and wipe the excess off and clean you messes up so other bowlers will not comoplain. Thanks :D
Or just use a wire brush and save people who dont have SST's and are comfortable with the lanes.
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