What has happened to the sport series?

Street Racer

Active Member
Just been wondering, why there was hardly any interest in the event?

really dissapointed it didnt go ahead, so are a couple of other bowlers...

any feedback would be good, just maybe we can get the next one going
one word brett


with no major sponsor we cant sustain the prizefund with no prizefund no bowlers

Scott Fryer
Just as a question when was the major sponsor lost?

It's a shame to see the series not pulling the numbers, however I think it is reflective of bowling in general these days - struggling.
When he found out how much it was going to cost to get the knives removed from his back .........:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Without trying to fuel anything here I would just like to say I am sad to hear that bowling has lost a major sponsor. We didn't always agree but I certainly know that he helped the sport in a lot of ways and did have the game at heart, and apart from all that is indeed a good bloke.

It does take a lot to put money into this sport, knowing that essentially you probably won't get much return, at least in this country.
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