What did everyone think of the PBA Shark Pattern?


New Member
As you all know, we ran this weekends VSS event on the PBA Shark Pattern. Having access to possibly one of the countries leading lane Tech's in Andrew Dingle, the pattern really did run true to how it is designed to, with those getting the ball even marginally outside caused washouts and 2-8-10's, as well as Hayseys awesome 6-9 off the full deck! (I was lucky enough to see it from 5 pair away ;))

What did you guys think of it? Was it challenging enough? Was it different enough to the last event? Did you enjoy bowling on the pattern?

More importantly, did you learn anything, and will you be back for the next sports event?
Hi Tonx,

Congrats on running another event.

I practiced the pattern with Lindz and both of us had our own way to the pocket. I was so looking forward to playing. Had the ball surfaces adjusted and everything. And everyone who knows me, I dont pull out of tournaments. But my flu/fever prevailed.

On that note, I look forward to the next event. Will rememeber to drink plenty of vitamins c's and eat lots of fruits and vegies.

I don't think many would have missed the 6-9 off the first shot... I know i seen it and was gobsmacked. I've seen people go through the 3-10 split on more than one occasion but not on a first shot.

I thought the lanes were great... That was the first time i've bowled on a sports pattern and didn't know what to expect. Seeing how I'm not a cranker and don't hook it a great deal i played pretty straight most of the day... however i don't really remember much after the 6th game. My mental game by then was non existent. (3hrs sleep in 36 will do that) But bowling against other bowlers that did hook the ball, seeing the effects of shooting wide of the mark was obvious with the ball skidding through and not coming up to the pocket leaving 1,2-10's and the lefties equivalent.

Very challenging and kept you thinking all the time...definitely a great concept
and even more enjoyable when you have some success....it's good to get away from these easy house shot's and be mentally challenged...and also to find out just how versitile a bowler one can be...
cheers Baz
I will be back. I left a 5,7,10 on a Shark Pattern. Beat that :D
It was a mental game alright. Need to focus more and like what my mate Ralph said.. sand that bloody thing.
Well done to Adam, Barry and Alan. You guys proved once again consistent and experience in bowling sports condition pays off. I also want to say well done to all the young bowlers especially Tyson who tried his best but always had a smile on his face when he got a split. True sportsmanship :)
Thanks also to Tonx, Sarah and to everyone that made it a enjoyable tournament. See you all on the next one.
I also noticed that Tonx almost left the 5,7-10...

Why I autta!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

There has been a total of 5: 5-7-10's left in 4 weeks on Shark in the PBA. 2 by the same person ;)

Thanks for the feedback so far guys, keep em comming!
It definately was a challenge.

I found that you had to be pretty accurate in hitting your target.
There really wasn't much room for error at the start.

Then as the lanes started opening up, you could miss your target a little (Not ALOT), & get away with it.

Speed was something as well that you had to be precise on.

It was definately a tough condition, but I enjoyed bowling on it.

Jenny ;)
Obviously i liked it! Plenty of oil meant I could use some more aggressive equipment and slow it down, rather than see the ball buzzing off the outside. I actually liked the idea of no reoil, it kept the toughness aspect intact...the lanes did open up, but you had to be very careful on the speed as Jenny said. I played a reasonably tight inside shot until they opened up, then i could swing it a little with some speed. Slowing it down made the ball take off then.

Main thing I learned was to still trust your instincts rather than see a pattern on a piece of paper. Watch what the ball does and react to it, rather than deciding what a pattern should dictate. I was lucky though, I think I matched up my equipment pretty well.

As for the 6-9...I thought i was in the gutter!, thats how bad a shot it was when I'm aiming at the 16th board haha.
I really enjoyed the day and bowling the shark pattern was fun. It certainly was a challenge and made it all the more interesting. I will defiantly be back.
Thanks Tonx for all your work, I'm looking forward to the next one.
It was a tough condition to bowled in at the start (thank god no score sheets to see my scores again :D). Agreed that it opened up towards the end. Strange that the best ball I could use on the condition was my driest ball (Desert Heat).
I found you had to hit your mark otherwise it doesn't strike. The closest I got to a bad split was 7-10 but one of it fell after hitting a pocket shot.

Look forward to the next event and next PBA pattern.

It was a good challange i enjoyed it i was bowling well until the 7th and 8th game where i had no line at all.
Still great fun and will hopefully gooing to the next one...
In my humble opinion, the Sport Series Shark Pattern was by far easier to score than the pattern put down for the SPC.
Andrew I found the challenge good.It was a reminder of days gone by....But exposed alot of things in my game now....
But hey it was the same for all...
In my humble opinion, the Sport Series Shark Pattern was by far easier to score than the pattern put down for the SPC.
HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! I've played on a shark pattern on wood before. Glad you guys seemed to like it.

The Shark I played on was much better than SPC. OK, so You started playing through 22 and moved left, but unlike SPC, logical moves got you back into play. As the word "pattern" suggests some kind of order, rhythm or logic, I don't think that it is an appropriate descriptor for what we saw at SPC. It was pretty random.

In all fairness to the guys who built the pattern though, I suspect that those HPL panels at Moorabbin have seen better days.
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