Mentone Sport/PBA Experience League


Hi Everyone,

As most of you know, there will be a Sport Series Tournament at Epping Lanes on July 1 that will feature the PBA Chameleon oiling pattern. Epping is offering to put down the oil pattern on some days within the next few weeks for people to practice on, if you are able to travel that far to practice.

For those that can't make it to Epping before the Sport Series tournament, Mentone's Sport (or PBA Experience) League will be putting the Chameleon PBA oil pattern down for the next 4 weeks. For those that can't travel to Epping, you are welcome to come down to Mentone bowl on Monday June 18 or June 25 at 7pm and practice on the Chameleon oil pattern. Although it may not be EXACTLY the same due to lane condition, bowling centre temperature, oil used, etc, it should be relatively similar and also challenging.

If you plan on coming to Mentone to practice on the Chameleon pattern, please PM me, reply to this message or email me directly on and inform me of which Monday you plan on coming down so we can oil more lanes than we usually do.

Thanks so much and hope to see you practicing at Mentone,

Dr. Chris (Sport and PBA Experience League Co-ordinator at Mentone Bowl)
Thanks to those of you that came down to practice at Mentone before the sport series tournament. This shot is extremely challenging as well as enjoyable.

For those of you that are interested, we are starting our new season of the Sport/ PBA experience League at Mentone on Monday July 16 at 7pm. If you are interested in joining this league please send me a PM, or add your name to this post. It has been a fun season thus far with only 2 people averaging above 200.

The new season is a 20 week season, cost is $25 per night, and sport bowling clinics will be run prior to league on selected nights (for a minimal cost per bowler), for those that are interested in learning how to combat these mentally as well as physically challenging oil patterns.

Any questions feel free to PM or email me.

Dr. Chris (Sport/ PBA Experience League Co-ordinator at Mentone Bowl)
Thanks to Chris for his warm welcome last night. It was extremely challenging and in an ideal world I would join this league, but family committments won't permit it at this time.
I would certainly recommend this league to bowlers who are honest with themselves and want a real challenge, not a THS, with bumpers in the pattern. Leave your egos at the front door! Bowl on a condition where there is a small zone to be successful, but a good shot gets rewarded.
Epping should be fun; watch for the expression when somebody with the Hot Hand gets up and really whacks the ball. Like they say in the Mastercard adverts - Priceless!
Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that the Mentone Sport/ PBA experience league will be starting its new season on July 16th at 7pm. If you are interested (or you have discussed it with me already), please please send me a PM, an email, add your name to this post or talk to me during league, so that I know you are definitely "in". We only have a limited number of lanes at Mentone on the Monday night and right now we have 10 doubles teams (if people show up that say they are coming). So, PLEASE inform me of whether you are coming so we can reserve the lanes!

Also, Sumo, thanks for your words of encouragement and again for coming down to practice on the oil pattern. It was good to see you there (and of course struggling a bit). It really tests your mental ability and that is why I enjoy it so much!

Its good to see that Sport/PBA experience bowling is catching on in Victoria (if not Australia)... do you want to challenge yourself? If so, come down this Monday night (July 9) to Mentone and have a practice on the difficult oil pattern... we'll put you in as a pacer and you can decide whether Sport bowling is for you!

Dr. Chris
Just another reminder that the Mentone Sport/ PBA experience league will be starting its new season this Monday (July 16th) at 7pm. If you are interested, please send me a PM, an email (at the email address in this topic), add your name to this post or talk to me during league. At present, we have 8 doubles teams, but expect to have at least 10. It should be another interesting and fun season. Of the 7 teams that completed last season, only 2 bowlers averaged 200 (202 and 205). So it was very challenging to say the least.

Also, I will be offering sport bowling clinics that emphasise psychological strategies in attacking these difficult oil patterns prior to selected league nights (for a minimal cost per bowler). So if you are interested in understanding more about combating these oil patterns, challenging yourself, and performing better on sport bowling (and other) oil patterns, sign up today!

Dr. Chris
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