WDV Auction Fundraiser

JoJo said:
Not sure how many people actually know this, but Ronald is now in the team due to someone having to withdraw. So there were actually 2 members of the men's team at the fundraiser.

Oh one more thing. All of us wish David all the best with his new job venture in Switzerland. Maybe next time you could organise something with a bit better timing.;)

grumpie said:
2001 Dinner auction supported by the entire team = 100 attendees and $7000 raised
2006 Dinner auction supported by 65% of the team = 29 attendees and $2500 raised
You cannot compare 2001 and 2006, it is a different time, bowlers and items to auction. You could have had all team members at the auction and may not have raised any more money, who knows??
I wonder if the event was held in say Sale, how many city bowlers would have attended?
I just hope this has now come to a conclusion so as not to harm WDV any further.
Get on with what the team is about - bowling!
Hi Liz,
You have raised some really good points - yes it is always disappointing when a fundraising effort does not go as well as hoped, but hats off to those who did attend as you raised more money per head this year than in 2001.
It just seems to me that one point has been missed - fundraising campaigns are just that – campaigns: a variety of fundraising activities so those involved can help when and where they are able. I do know some of the men who did not attend Saturday nights’ event did contribute to the night by donating items towards it and have contributed to other fundraising activities (i.e. selling chocolates and donuts). Sounds to me that this is why they have been hurt by these comments; instead of being thanked for their contributions, they have been publicly slammed.
Perhaps with the exorbitant cost of fuel now compared to 2001 and the geographical spread of the team, future events would be better held on a night of a training session to alleviate the extra travel costs for the country bowlers?
The point raised about events such as these being important not only from a fundraising perspective but also a team bonding one is spot on. So you are right in saying that the focus should be put back on the big picture - I really hope this hasn’t damaged the spirit of the men’s team too much and that they can go on and achieve success in Tassie.
There are two important aspects to a fundrsising auction. One is the dononations made by the members,the second is the money brought to the auction by the members and their guests.

I am not bagging the people present for not shelling out more money (I know I could have bid higher) but if we had more people there could have been more spirited bidding. (Who wants to go home empty handed).

Thanks has to be given to all members for making to effort to collect / make the items (That was a great looking toy box, but I just don't have the room for it).

But extra thanks has to go to the people with long arms, shallow pockets and aggressive bidding. These are the people who converted the members efforts into real cash.
eraser20 said:
I wonder if the event was held in say Sale, how many city bowlers would have attended?
Get on with what the team is about - bowling!

Point 1
You hold these events to raise money in the most conveniant place possible to all concerned, a person would be brainless to hold it in Sale or even Morwell at that so why even wonder about it.
Point 2
Bowling is not what the team is all about, its about the team being bonded together and performing together.

There is no I in team sports

Obviously there seems to be a personality clash between a couple of people and myself or my wife and maybe I should step down as assistant coach.

I was not suggesting that this event be held in Sale, but merely trying to put a point across that it is not that easy for some people who do not live in the "city" to attend. Yes I realise that you live in the country, and YOU chose to attend the event. That is your decision, surely others can chose to do so or not. Did they contribute in any way to the event? maybe not purchasing anything, but did they donate?
Of course there is NO "I" in team, do you??
If you and others have a personality clash - it would be better to air your differences in private not on this site! You are all adults and should be able to deal with this in an adult manner.
As I said earlier comments shouldn't be made about other people or a group on a public forum, this is what happens. If a statement or comment is made on a public forum like this then anyone who the comments were directed at or even just any people who have an interest in it have the right to reply.

There is also no family feud at all, yes Joe is my uncle but if we disagree on a subject then we have the right to disagree, it doesn't make it personal in anyway or change our relationship. As far as i'm concerned things between us are no different and I bet we disagree on a lot of things.

Finally I might be wrong but if it is apparently me that has the personality clash I have not made any statement or comment against anyone, i have only replied after earlier posts saying i didn't think they should be brought up in public. As I am part of the Mens team then the statements made earlier were and are directed at me and I don't enjoy reading personal comments about me in public or members of my TEAM. I don't know why others did not attend the night but I have not told anyone the full reason why i didn't attend as it is personal (not bowling related) which i won't discuss in public or just talk about to anyone. I have made other contributions selling fundraising Chocolates and Doughnuts, plus also donating items for the auction and it seems those efforts aren't appreciated. And its reasons like this again that issues like this shouldn't be made public. I personally would not have a problem with anyone coming to me with an issue, or going to the Team Manager and that should always be the procedure.


What a joke you guys, come on, where is the team spirit, Go Vics.
Yeh right.....

This event was organised to raise funds for the whole team to go away with money in there pockets, and to bond as a team so therefor the whole team should have been there, supporting themselves.

Although i didn't make the team this year i still supported you guys and girls at the auction, and No i didn't go either, but i did buy some items over the phone. What i bid on, i was prepared to go alot higher, as the bidding person knew, i wanted these items and i knew that the money was going to help the team.

I was also selected to be in the make up team for tassie, so i know how hard it is to raise funds as I'm paying for all my travel and entries just as Victoria is, but i still spent over $300 at the Auction.
OK - in case anyone is mistaken, there is plenty of team spirit in the Victorian WDV team! Can people please stop implying that there is no team spirit. We have all made the commitment to be part of the team, but we all have busy lives with work and family to fit in as well.

Yes, it is important for us to attend all team activities, unfortunately, there will always be some things which are actually more important that prevent us turning up to team activities as much as we may want to attend.

I believe we are one big happy family, and we are going to Tassie as such. We are going to enjoy ourselves and work towards having another successful WDV.

GO VICS!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
OK - in case anyone is mistaken, there is plenty of team spirit in the Victorian WDV team! Can people please stop implying that there is no team spirit. We have all made the commitment to be part of the team, but we all have busy lives with work and family to fit in as well.
Yes, it is important for us to attend all team activities, unfortunately, there will always be some things which are actually more important that prevent us turning up to team activities as much as we may want to attend.
I believe we are one big happy family, and we are going to Tassie as such. We are going to enjoy ourselves and work towards having another successful WDV.
GO VICS!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

And I second that :)
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