A great weekend of bowling and good company as per usual. It was great to see Hayden and Ashley making the effort to come over from Tassie to compete, they certainly made it worth their while by both making the matchplay final. Hopefully we'll pull a few more of the Taswegians to come and compete in 2006.
Trots you almost got that threepeat, a fantastic effort and you bowled your bum off as per usual. Chris had victory in his sights, there was no doubt about that, and he bowled magnificently all weekend. You'll have your chance to get back at him this weekend in Canberra.... Well done to Kissy for a fantastic third place, you are a machine...
The stubborn corner pins were the only reason there were no 300s bowled, and the change from wood to synthetic has definitely made a huge difference in the averages as you can see if you look at the qualifying scores from the last couple of years as well. (on tenpin.org.au)
Most definitely the 279 draw between Chris T and Ashley was a highlight of the weekend for those watching, a great game with both bowlers going head for head on the strikes. Jason Way was the unfortunate bowler in this match who bowled a great game himself only to have two 279's shot against him.
My personal highlight was bowling my highest game ever in the last game of qualifying, a nice 266 which beat my previous highest by just one pin. The guys I was bowling with at the time, Matty, Burto and Steve were very encouraging and a great support throughout the game.
Even though I was well down the list overall, I would encourage more females to give the tournament a go next year, it is heaps of fun and one of the friendliest crowds you will ever bowl with. And with and entry fee of just $140 you are definitely getting value for money.
A huge thanks again to Mr Neville Vagg, without his support this tournament would surely have gone by the wayside...
See you all again next year..