Just making a suggestion, what if to be able to sign up, you set it so people can't sign up with free email address's, eg. hotmail, gmail, yahoo etc. Another forum i'm on does this (50,000 members) and we never have any of this spam. I mean people get email address's with the internet package anyway, so everyone has one. Eventually it would cut this crap out...
Anyway, just a thought.
i just got one as well, how does this get through to a private email ?
Probably because you have ticked the box to send you an email if you get a pm...Just un tick that box if you don't want that to happen...
Maybe we need to invest in a 'captcha' sort of system where you have to type the letters and numbers that you see on the screen before you can post or send a message.
this stops the computer spambots in their tracks.