Craig I appreciate what you are saying and I guess the best way for you and anyone else to really make it count is to get on the State Committee. From there you should be able to implement all the things that you feel is not being done by the current structure. However like all things, "the grass on the other side is not always greener".
With regards to your comments about how much Ed Fleming Lanes made, let me tell you that I would make more profits with my normal business, less staff, no problems with oiling, no problems with bowlers complaining from being too dry to being too wet, to telling us the centres how they would run and Manage the centre and tournaments. Maybe that is why some centres are putting a lot of effort into SOCIAL bowling,WHY ???
Ok I respect your knowledge about lanes , conditions and most things related to Tenpin Bowling, what I don't see is you and all the other bowlers giving up 20 - 40 hours per week to be a volunteer and having every man and his dog pssssssss on you. yes we may not like some of the people on the State committee's but until someone else puts their hand up and is prepared to step in we will have to put up with all our wonderful Volunteers.
And my thinking has not changed over the years, and for those that really know me, understand that I and a lot of bowling personal are trying to make our game a truly recognised sport. And yes I have said things in the past that have not gone down too well with the establishment, and regardless if I was right or wrong, I have always tried to speak with the people concerned face to face, and yes I have walked away sometimes feeling "is it all worth the effort", well I can honestly say it is.
But getting back to the structure, we need new personal on all Committees and we need people like yourself who have got the experience and we need person's who have business experience so that it can all be put together and run a like a well oiled machine (something like a Kegel!!) Have a look at Peter Coburn, there is a man that puts in about 60 hours a week to set bowling on the right path way,then there is June,Alex (yes he is paid,but does a lot more hours then he is paid for) John Coxton, the various state personal, all of a sudden you have thousand's of man hours being volunteered with no thanks from the very bowlers who these people work so hard for.
In my centre alone I have so many volunteers who give up their time to help with Juniors, Disabled, helping with touring squads and Junior nationals, fund raising. The list goes on and on and we the bowlers and the centres need these hard working volunteers,but we also need some good drivers to guide them in the right direction.
And to finish off, I love it when you get on and post your views, does not matter if I agree with you or not , I think it is great that you have the courage to voice your opinion, no different to Wayne Chester or whoever, we all have our own opinions and what we all need to do is harness all this energy into the right direction. I am sure that any bowler who wishes to get involved with the State Committee's, should contact Justin Lopes, becuase love him or hate him, he will listen to you and hopefully by the next state AGM we will have lots of new faces to help bring the sport of Tenpin bowling into a New era.