Congratulations to everyone who made the teams (from all the states) it's gonna be awsome!

i apologise for the lateness of my "CONGRATULATIONS" but its the thought that counts right?
Can any one tell me who got the Captian of all the Victorian Teams

Thanks :lol:
Hey Shelley, Any reason why your not bowling this year? It was great bowling against you in NSW. Still coming down, thats great to see..

These are the 3 Captains that I know of..

Women's Open - Sue Raphael
Women's Graded - Robyn Bull

Men's Open - Paul Francis

If anyone can add to this, it would be appreciated.

Jenny Buckle
Well hi to all these are the Captains of the

Boys Open: Tim Walsh
Boys Graded: Chris Cooper
Girls Open: Bridget Artufel
Girls Graded: Louise Peet

Well thats who i know of i dont know
any of the other ones...
So good luck to all the East Coast teams
and i cant wait to see you all soon...

:wink: Flick :wink:
kewl thanks heaps man:
So here is all the Captian for the
Victorian teams:

Womens Open - Sue Raphael
Womens Graded - Robyn Bull

Mens Open - Paul Francis
Mens Graded- Jason Borg

Girls Open: Bridget Artufel
Girls Graded: Louise Peet

Boys Open: Tim Walsh
Boys Graded: Chris Cooper

So well done to all these poeple =D>
and good luck to everyone at East Coast

:wink: Flick :wink:
Hi Jenny

I have sent you a email

Can someone tell me the senior captian as well :D

Thanks for the other ones


Its Jess Marriott here,
Leanne has asked me to advice u that she will be at Sunshine this year, but not a part of the team, she'll be helping out with the scores, (And watching me, hehehe)

So we'll both be seeing u there...
Are u bringing bubs with ya?

C ya then,
hey jessica

yes we are all coming down --arriving on the 23 sept going home on the 7 oct. Hope will be coming with us so you will be able to see her. :lol:
hope everything is going alright down there talk with you soon :) 8)

Well everyone only 2 weeks to go.

I can wait to see everyone, I am sure it is going to be a wonferful and fun filled 4 days.

Good luck to everyone bowling for Vic and good luck to NSW and QLD.

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