Upcoming Courses in Queensland


Those persons in Qld wishing to complete Coaching accreditation will need to complete a General Principles of Sport Course (1 day only) prior to attending the Sport Specific Level 1 Tenpin Bowling Course (2 days) training on the lanes.

The General Principles Course is generally undertaken at Tafe Colleges or Universities in excess of $120 either through lecture style or correspondence or online.
Gail Torrens (TBAQ State Coaching Director) is a registered Australian Sports Commission presenter of this course and can offer this course in Brisbane for a cost of $99. Please be aware that your manual costs are included in this course fee.

General Principles of Sport Courses will be held at
Sports House - Cnr Caxton and Castlemaine Sts Milton dates:

* Sunday 29th February 9am - 5pm
* Monday 15th March 9am - 5pm
* Sunday 16th May 9am - 5pm
* Sunday 1st August 9am - 5pm
* Sunday 3rd October 9am - 5pm

Bookings need to be made 3 weeks prior to the course as manuals will be forwarded to you prior to the course and certificates are ordered from the ASC.

Further information please contact:
Gail Torrens
Phone 07 38765400
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