Level One Coaches Course

A Level one coaches course will be held in Launceston on the weekend of July 24/25.

There are 2 pre-requisites required before undergoing the course. i.e. Level one General Principles of Coaching and a bowling Proficiency Certificate Course.

The coaching principles courses are held by The Tas Sports Federation in different areas during the year. It is Approx a 7-8 hour course.
The Bowling Proficiency course will be held in Launceston on Sunday May 16th.

This in an ideal opportunity for people to improve their coaching skills and be accredited by TBA as a qualified coach.

Please reply to this post or contact Brett Riley on 0418 300311 OR brettriley@telstra.com or Garry Crick on 63432518.

We will be able to help with genaral enquiries and further info on the General Principles Course.
I just wanted to put this topic up again as i have had very little response to the original post.

All Tassie centres received flyers regarding the level one course a few weeks ago, if they are not available in your centre please let me know.

So please let me know ASAP if you are interested in participating in this course.

brettriley@telstra.com or 0418 300311 or 64232216
They've been received at Moonah.
I'm forever tidying them back up....lol :D
They are on the small table outside the office door, for those who are after paperwork regarding the Course.
I might display a couple in more prominant positions to try and jog some interest when I'm back out there next.
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