Under 21's Toowoomba Squad Listing

Lets start talking some sense here regarding the under 21 tournament at Toowoomba.

Firstly the under 21 problem. Zane had this clarified with the sports commission and has changed the age of entry as advised by the sports commission to allow the 21 year olds to participate. I think he even apologised for same. What more can he do? If you look at some of the stuff ups by TBAL (syn 52 etc etc etc) in the last year or two he at least had the decency to change what was wrong.

With regard to getting the dates not to clash with something. I cannot see why the SQJTBC AGM would stop any junior from bowling in this event. My son and others will be going to Toowoomba on Friday night for the skins with their parents. Some parents will travel back to Brisbane for the AGM and return after lunch Saturday.

Younger Bowlers should realise that the way this tournament is structured you can be 16-18 years old, bowl in a tournament with bowlers up to 21 and not bowl against 22 - 23 year bowlers that bowl successfully in super six events. The prize money for this event is as good as most youth tournaments around Australia.

Why is it that when someone goes out of there way to get cash sponsors for an event the nobody’s of bowling come on this site to undermine what has the potential to create an easier avenue for juniors to advance their tournament bowling before hitting the super six standard of youth bowler.

As secretary of the SQJTBC I recommend u21 bowlers look at the positives aspects of this tournament and not the negatives coming from the minority.

Let’s see if it’s possible for the bowling community to post 3 positive replies regarding this innovative tournament before the negatives start.

Zane my advise is keep the replies positive and polite.

Chris Smith.

I don't understand in my right mind as to why you are verbally attacking people; on what you have already stated a "PUBLIC FORUM"!

I understand that you and GISMO must have some differences but clearly he hasn’t made any defamatorily comments or slanderous comments, however you in all probability don't know the difference between the two. He is simply stating an opinion and is this country it's a democracy that allows free speech, so I suggest that you take all the legal action as promising, because you will be the one that comes out looking like an erratic twit!

No offence made towards Kehan here, as I strongly agree with his point, it never matters as to what bowling ally it is but there will always be bitching. I believe the tournament is great, which supports all young bowlers. But there is doubt created when people make false statements to over publicise such an event. Why is this necessary? I appreciate the change made to the age gap, however why advertise and list bowlers names when they all haven’t confirmed their availability, or am I wrong? Please tell me!

I would really like to see Mr. Negative (GISMO) out of this forum, so can you please answer him, and all of us as to the following questions. Where are the unlisted bowlers from the stated list of 30? And have all the bowlers you’ve listed confirmed in person that they are bowling, or simply shown their interest some time ago?

It may seem stupid to you but some people like to know as to whom they are bowling against. I believe now that the age gap has changed, you have received many more bowlers from centre’s that were unable to participate. Is this true?

Look forward to your very colourful reply…….Golliwog

Thanks for pointing out the positives for this tournament.. Its great to hear. Just to let you all know that we wanted to hold this tournament for our upcoming juniors who would sooner or later be going into youth, and also for the youth bowlers that are still eligable to enter. This way they all have a tournament that they can bowl in without straight away competing against the best in our older youth and adults bowlers.

As for the date, I can personally say that we checked every weekend before and after that weekend, but found there was something already being held. I didnt want the tournament held any later in the year as it clashed with too many other things that are on. So dont blame Zane, he was only doing what I had asked of him as my manager. As you said, there is a lot of work that goes into holding one of these, such as finding the prize money and sponsers.

All i can add is that we remain positive and stay on track for the good of all bowlers.

Yours in bowling
Cindy Donnelly
Look guys,
Rules are rules!! and this tournament is set up the way its set up, so if you don't like it PISS OFF!!! :twisted:
Personally, i think this tournament is going to be a hit!! :lol: Its set up for bowlers like myself, first year out of juniors, to get a feel of what its like to bowl in a big tournament. Its a good stepping stone.

Good on ya Zane!! I'll see you up there!!

I think its time that everyone just got OVER IT!!!
Another one of kristy's :idea: idea's!!!
duane said:
i am unable to bowl it now,

there is a tbaq junior agm on that same day.

zane next time plan the tournament days a bit better

im sorry but ihave to say this
i thought that was down right rude
Zane cannot work around everything that goes on in the bowling world more then likely when ever he ends up having this tournament it will end up clashing with something so before you open ur mouth and be down right rude maybe you should remeber that little fact.
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