Under 21's Toowoomba Squad Listing



A Squad

B Squad

Simon Strasburg + Skins
Luke Green
Hayley Donnelly + Skins
Ian Phelan + Skins
Joel Marshall + Skins
Glen Loader + Skins
Kimberley Haining + Skins
Kelly Montgomery
Cassie Staudlinger
Michelle Astill
Stephen Cowland + Skins
Matt Smith + Skins
Kylie Polson
Matt Sofia + Skins
Chris Slattery + Skins
Matt Spall + Skins
Amanda Frost
Ben Copeland + Skins
Nathan Duce + Skins
Amanda Montieth + Skins
Cory Knowles
Nicholas Baker
Tim Reichel
Hayley Mazzoni
Nathan Paterson
Jared Brennan
Adam Hayward Lea
Kristy Sullivan
Cindy Phelan + Skins
Tim Dawson
Brendan Heathwood

C Squad

Jayde Flanigan
Bianca Flanigan
Shane Weller
Daniel Soderman
Michael Zendvelt

Keep them Coming
(Thankyou for the response already for our tournament in November. It is sure to be an excellent event from the skins on friday night through to the finals on Sunday afternoon. We have already recieved 30 plus entries.)???????????????????????????
i can only count 11 bowlers did some pull out? :?
Bowling Nut,

I can answer that one for you. Simon and I have been talking around to alot of bowlers who intend to participate in the tournament but are in the midst of checking flights, accomodation etc. The names that are listed are the ones who have spoken to either Zane, Simon or myself and given us a squad preference. This then signals that they are bowling in that squad and so we put the names down. What would be the sense of putting unconfirmed names down??? I dont see any. What I do also ask is why constantly have negative comments or remarks? If you dont intend to enter the tournament or arent interested in it, then drop it and let the people who want to bowl make their own decisions.

Also if any one would like any more information about the tournament feel free to call Garden City Lanes on (07) 46329755

Hayley Donnelly
I think you'll find if you check in the other forum topic on this that zane said he had already received 30 entries. If this was the case then there should be thirty names in the squad listings. What bowling nut has said is correct.

The thing i find really funny is how Zane says he have got 30. If someone sends an entry to you it would be confirmed. lol. Then hayley says that they're not confirmed.

Either you have received thirty entries or you haven't. Which is it? I guessing the latter.


i will definately bowl in such a good tournie,

put me in as a definate haven't decided which squad cause i am soo busy with other stuff

hey there guys

you can put mine and jaydes names down for B squad we will be there without a doubt

See ya later guys
Under 21's Coming of Age

Hi All,

Latest Squad List is up to date after the completion of Sharp and more CONFIRMED entries being recieved.

By the way GISMO Scott Lutvey, it is not a crime to promote a tournament on this forum so if you have a problem why don't you come down and voice your opinion in person. OOPS sorry you can't you are barred for life. So sorry.

Keep The Entries Coming

THIS TOURNY WILL BE THE BEST. Scores will be great and I can't wait to see Aussies finest Youngsters Blow this place apart.

See Ya
Zane Que

I'm not saying it is a crime to promote a tournament on this forum. I am saying that if you are going to promote something do it honestly. You stated a while ago you had 30 entries. I only count 19 as of today. As for being barred for life I am quite happy as I have never seen a more incompetently run bowling alley in my life.

I would think that as a manager you would know that bowlers don't like being deceived or lied to but obviously after a long enough period to learn you still persist in being unable to learn.

You still haven't explained why you said you had 30 entries when in fact you only had 11 at my last post and 19 now. Please explain if you can. My guess is you will continue to avoid the question that is asked of you.

Scott Lutvey
Dear Mr.Q

I was just wondering as to why this comp was not offered to people who turned 21 this year?

Forgive me for being human, however most sports and as the Australian Sports Institutes states very clearly, any person that is 20 years of age and turning 21 should be included in a comp such as this. Why Is This Not So? I know that many more bowlers would be happy to bowl, however in the conditions of the comp your terms and conditions are not very clear. Can you help me out hear?

I noticed that you have been posting many remarks at other fellow bowlers, you stated that there are now 30 bowlers for this comp, and that scores will be high and it will be the best. As you know from this saturday's bowl at Greenslopes this was not the case from the Toowoomba bowlers, will this improve?

Going back, you have only listed 19 bowlers, where are the other 11?

Hope to hear back from you soon.
Gismo, did you get barred from the bowl for life cos u r an a** clown because if you didnt u should of!!!!!! :D :D :D :p :p :p
By the way wot did u get barred for??

Just speaking for myself and other people, don't you think you should change it too under 20's. It would make more sense??
Don't you think, in a way it's really false advertising because it's not under 21's, because if it was, many people who turned 21 this year could bowl. This maybe a problem if something is done soon.

You still havn't answered the follwoing questions as to where the other 11 bowlers are.
But thanks for the reply


Many thanks for your action in changing the rules. I hope the lanes go well after all the hard work and hope to see you there!

I know now that many more entries are on there way.

Good Luck to everybody.
Still no answer regarding the issue of 30 entries received. Boy does that not surpise me. Well Zane you willing to admit you made a misleading statement earlier on or not?

Dear Slowy


No one cares what you have to say so shut up or perhaps we'll start talking character defemation with regards to your comments on how I run this centre which are clearly posted on this PUBLIC forum.
i am unable to bowl it now,

there is a tbaq junior agm on that same day.

zane next time plan the tournament days a bit better
Look guys, I don't know how to say this without getting up SOMEONE's nose, but its gotta be said - and Duane's post was kinda the last straw for me.

I work with Zane at Control at Garden City Lanes, and I know first hand how much time and effort he has put into this tournament. He has already pulled out a stop or two to change the age limit, so just be thankful for that.

Basically my point is, if you don't like it, DON'T BOWL. Don't ruin it for other people by bitching and carrying on, its not gunna change anything and its just gunna bring a lot of ill-feeling into the works. It's like a TV show.... if you don't like it, just DON'T WATCH IT and let the people that enjoy it to watch it in peace.

Scotty, I know you and I are good mates, and I guess you have your reasons for posting all that stuff (which both of us know what they are) so no offence but I guess I'm not really referring to your posts, but all the others that are knocking the tournament, the conditions, the format etc etc etc - my message to you is... just build a bridge and get over it!

Duane, Zane can't please everyone with the dates of the tournament. If it clashes with something, so be it. Why whine about it... just accept the fact and move on. I know there'll be many more tournaments like this one here at Garden City, so perhaps next time huh?

Anyway, thats my 2 and a half cents worth. I hope to be working during that tournament so I look forward to seeing you all there.

- Kehan
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