Quality.. not quantity
I was reading with great interest the postings in regards to the coverage of the Rachuig. I am disappointed that Totalbowling is not covering this event as they do a marvellous job and full credit must go to them. As I am fairly new to bowling, I have reserved judgement as to the ability of the TBA although they have my support in most areas.
One posting that I would like to comment on is
Mark, don't you feel that you have made 'double sided' comments. On one hand you say that you mean no offense to sub 180 ave bowlers, but on the other side you say that you don't need updates on the De Veere. Where did all the Rachuig bowlers start? Where does any bowler start?
As a member of the De Veere team for SA, I am very proud to be representing my state as this level, taking into consideration that I only started tournaments in Dec 2001. Bowling needs promoting at all levels not just elite if we are to become a recognised and viable sport in this country.
There are many bowlers out there, like myself who have seen only 'elite' bowling promoted and have not realised that there is options open to lower averages.
I agree with you that as bowlers and members we deserve the best but would like to point out that any bowler regardless of what level they attain are the best,, whether that be Rachuig, De Veere, Restricted Cup, whatever!
I think that as a bowling community we need to get behind all participants, regardless of level and get this great sport to the recognition it derserves...