The Wrestling Thread

Look, I know this a big topic of discussion right now, but to be perfectly honest, its just a little bit depressing. Can we get back to talking about what this topic was designed for?

I agree, Benoit is no longer part of the Wrestling, so lets change subject.

Did anyone catch ECW this week, i think Nitro will lose the title quicker then he got the belt. Nitro isnt extreme enough to hold the title. I'm sure Punk and and show him the Real meaning of ECW.

Who does everyone think will be the next contender to face Edge for his title, i have a feeling Nature Boy Rick Flair will claim it one for time and then retire, to the nursing home.
Nitro (I know I'm gonna get shot down for this) has the makings to be the best WWECW champ since its rebirth. Give it 6 months to a year and he will genuinely be a main event performer.

His match with Punk, yes not as great as what Benoit/Punk would've been, had a few really great spots in it - how can you not like his kick after springboarding off the middle rope? I would be quite happy to see Nitro with a decent run as champ - at least hold it for one more PPV and then have Punk take it off him at Summerslam.
I agree, im sorta sick of seeing all the big strong guys carrying the world titles, i'd rather watch sum1 with sum decent athletasism who can make my draw drop after watchin some moves of Nitro. Not suckin up 2 him, cause i rekon his attitude is ****, but i rekon a feud with Punk and him would be a good starting step for the new ECW.
Who does everyone think will be the next contender to face Edge for his title

The way he's been going recently, I reckon Matt Hardy has got to be in with a pretty good shot. He's had some classic (and brutal) matches in the last few months, and a feud would Edge could bring out the best in both of them.
i hasvent liked nitro and i doubt weather i ever will but after his match with cena on ecw i am starting to respect the guy. also i think cena has been to much of a "good guy" to long he needs to lsoe the title and go back to the old raping cena, he was also a good guy but he was entertaining because there was always someting new but now with cena its all the same, no matter who he verses
raping cena, now that brings a whole new spin doesnt it haha.

nitro as champ, no thanks. good to see someone new but i would rather see burke as champ and for ecw to build him up as the new hhh. maybe get the new breed as the new DX.

go matt hardy, how good would it be for someone new to hold a title. generally its the same couple of guys all the time and i think that hardy has proved himself over the last couple of months. this guy could be a main eventer. it would be good and refreshing for the sport in my humble oppinion. also it wouldnt be a stretch as there was a rivalry from a few years ago that could be reignited.

when it comes to the benoit deal unfortunately you are not going to be able to seperate the character from the real man as they are one in the same. i said in an earlier post "rip" but now it should be "rih" - rot in hell benoit. no child deserves to die just because their father/mother is having a bad day.

sorry to delve back into the benoit thing but i wanted to have my say.
got this gem off ninemsn

"New reports show that former pro wrestler Sherri Martel, who was found dead on June 15, was linked to former wrestler Kevin Sullivan — the ex-husband of Nancy Benoit

Police, who are still investigating Martel's death, say there is no foul play suspected — but she did not die of natural causes."

they say that there is no link but just makes you wonder.
no foul play but didnt die of natural causes.
easy to let your imagination take over and put yet another negative spin on this whole story.
good to see someone new but i would rather see burke as champ and for ecw to build him up as the new hhh. maybe get the new breed as the new DX.

I'd much rather see him built up as the FIRST Elijah Burke - he has enough talent to make his own mark without needing to be a copy of someone else.

A 3-way chase for the title between Punk Burke and Nitro would be ideal. Kinda like the Cena HHH Edge thing from last year with it ending in a triple threat match at Armageddon or the Royal Rumble - this could be dragged out for a good 6 months

when it comes to the benoit deal unfortunately you are not going to be able to seperate the character from the real man as they are one in the same.

You can seperate the character and the man. Its not as hard as it seems either. I can honestly say I still enjoy watching Benoit matches.

Matt Hardy is the perfect new top contender for Edge. He's proved it against all different styles. Finlay the brawler, Kennedy the COMPLETE package, Regal the technical genius. All have been great matches. I'd love to see he Edge Hardy feud reignited but over the title instead of a walking STD.
Their cage match at Unforgiven 2005, in my opinion (with the exception of the whole Angle/Michaels series) was the match of the year.
luke, you are correct. you can seperate the man and the character but the character will always be tainted by the man.
hope that makes sense.

i did enjoy watching him wrestle as i discussed in an earlier post stating that there was no better technical wrestler in the world today, but all i can see when i watch the character is the monster and evil behind the mask. it makes me sick now.

all you need to do is look at the serial murderers in the past and the majority of time people will say the usual " i cant beleive it, he was such a nice guy etc etc etc " what makes benoit different now?

if this was to happen at the end of your street would you still have the utmost respect for the person who did it or would you have total disgust in your heart and be happy that he didnt get you or your family and friends.

just because a man has entertained you, although very impressively, doesnt make him a great man even when he has done something of this magnitude.
i am sorry but as a mate of a man whos daughter was murdered by his wife i have very strong opinions on this. everyone said to me that the mother was such a nice person but i dont think a nice person would perpetrate an evil deed like this.

sorry about my rant and this wasnt a personal attack luke
my final take on the benoit scenario. honestly people, don't be so quick to condemn the man for the tragedy. there has been nothing concrete set down yet as to what happen, everything at this stage is only speculation! just remember benoit's wife was originally married to kevin sullivan(the task master) who's to say he hasn't got anything to do with it, or that someone else came in and killed the lot of them and made it look like benoit did it? judge when things are proven without a doubt.

as for nitro.i can't stand the personality that is nitro but damn the guy has got some skills in a ring. he can put on a damn good match as much as i don't like his persona.a decent fued with punk, nitro and burke would be great and woudl no doubt help to life ecw to a better show rather than a training program for wrestlers. also giving them another title to fight for wouldn't bloody hurt as it can add to some better story lines and provide more avenues for some great matches.

matt hardy definately deserves a run at edge. a fued wth them would certainly peak my interest in watching smackdown more. hardy is the most under used wrestler in the business in my view. there are a few more wrestler horribly under used but hardy is the highest of the lot in my eyes
griggsy, if it wasnt benoit and it was the average joe smith in the street, would you defend them the same as benoit?

this is not a personal attack, i have asked a few other people and they cant honestly say that they would defend the average joe in the street but they would be willing to defend benoit because his character was a nice guy.
luke, you are correct. you can seperate the man and the character but the character will always be tainted by the man.
hope that makes sense.
i did enjoy watching him wrestle as i discussed in an earlier post stating that there was no better technical wrestler in the world today, but all i can see when i watch the character is the monster and evil behind the mask. it makes me sick now.
all you need to do is look at the serial murderers in the past and the majority of time people will say the usual " i cant beleive it, he was such a nice guy etc etc etc " what makes benoit different now?
if this was to happen at the end of your street would you still have the utmost respect for the person who did it or would you have total disgust in your heart and be happy that he didnt get you or your family and friends.
just because a man has entertained you, although very impressively, doesnt make him a great man even when he has done something of this magnitude.
i am sorry but as a mate of a man whos daughter was murdered by his wife i have very strong opinions on this. everyone said to me that the mother was such a nice person but i dont think a nice person would perpetrate an evil deed like this.
sorry about my rant and this wasnt a personal attack luke

I can definitely see where your coming from there. If it was something that deeply affected my life or happened close by to me, then yes I wouldn't be able to watch the matches for at least a very long time, if ever.

I guess for most who haven't had the experience, that I am sorry to hear that you have, its still surreal and not quite reality. Its more being on the outside looking in which is what a lot of the fans are. The only version of Benoit we see is whats in the ring. What we saw in the ring was the greatest technical genius of the last 10yrs at least. Wrestling is about storytelling. I can still enjoy the story that is told during a Benoit match. Its also my perspective on life that no matter how bad some things seem you always gotta try and take a positive out of it. The positive for me is the entertainment I had from a Benoit match before this tragedy, and today when I watch a match of his, that enjoyment is all I focus on now.

There's logic in there somewhere.
Matt Hardy is the perfect new top contender for Edge. He's proved it against all different styles. Finlay the brawler, Kennedy the COMPLETE package, Regal the technical genius. All have been great matches.

I think that's WHY he's having the matches, to show to everyone (not that most of us didn't know already) that he deserves a shot at it. To add to those list of matches, even though he didn't win it, the 2-on-1 against Deuce and Domino, he was injured and STILL almost won it.
I can still see where you are coming from luke but for me i was a massive fan of benoit. i love the technical style of wrestling over the smash mouth style and who better in this day and age than benoit. i had full respect for the man as well as the character for the amount of time and effort and training it would have taken to get to his level of excelence.
i truly hope that the murder-suicide is wrong and they find another reason or way that this happened. i would be more than happy to eat my words and apologise for the things i have said.
unfortunately for now i cant stand him and even though at least 3 of his matches were favourites that i would sit down and watch over and over again i cant look past the deeds he has done.
again i hope i and the rest of world are wrong.
Just a quick thing on found on, apparently the death of Benoit's wife and son was reportedly put on wikipedia 14 hours before the police were alerted of what was happening. Sound's like a coincidence or that maybe there is someone else involved.
yeah i read that too nebster! and it was posted from an unknown person or something in stamford, connetticut. anyone else smell a rat?? did WWE know about this somehow b4 police?? and also someone in sydney posted something on wikipedia around the same time, yet again, b4 there bodies were found! none of this adds up anymore!!

and the sherri's death link to kevin sullivan thing i've also read!
the world has gone weird! lol
griggsy, if it wasnt benoit and it was the average joe smith in the street, would you defend them the same as benoit?
this is not a personal attack, i have asked a few other people and they cant honestly say that they would defend the average joe in the street but they would be willing to defend benoit because his character was a nice guy.

if there was any doubt at all about the average joe committing such an act yes. i'm not making special cases just because benoit was famous and a favourite wrestler of mine, all i am saying to people is don't judge(good or bad or otherwise) until everything is 100% concrete. i know if it was some one i knew and people were saying that person should rot in hell for killing some one when they didnt know without 100% certainty, i would be fuming mad.

this being said, i understand your point of view where you are coming from. where i have not experienced the tragedy you have ( and i am truely sorry to hear it), i am just giving the view from the other side of the coin
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